#261 – The Business Class Boast
#256 – Superfluous Ingredient Descriptors
#254 – Outrage
#252 – Tom Waterhouse
#249 – Pauline Hanson
#248 – Bashing Hippie Skulls
#247 – Gig Photography
#246 – Tax Refunds
#245 – The Makers of ‘The Hangover’
#243 – Perspective-Based Photography at Famous Landmarks
#241 – Theatre Restaurants
#240 – Cruise Ships
#239 – Talking About Joining the Army
#235 – WAGs
#230 – Cross-Promotions
#229 – Your Favourite Bar
#228 – Doing it Wrong
#227 – Banks
#226 – Cougars
#222 – Walking Between Train Carriages
#220 – Richard Mercer
#217 – Driving Like a Fucking Idiot
#214 – Complaining About Facebook
#213 – Other People’s Backyards
#212 – Buying Australian Made
#210 – Manly Diet Cola
#209 – Tiffany & Co.
#208 – Platinum
#207 – Cheap Petrol
#206 – New Year’s Resolution
#205 – Dickileaks
#204 – Curtis Stone
#203 – Being Smart
#201 – Palazzo Versace Australia
#200 – Shane Warne
#199 – Decrying Corrupt FIFA Executives
#198 – Losing Weight for Summer
#197 – Toolies
#196 – Farewell Tours
#195 – Impersonating someone who impersonated someone who impersonated Mark Read
#194 – Bandwagons
#193 – Bootcamp
#192 – Theoretical Cunnilingus (V-lick)
#191 – Angus Beef
#188 – Our Ava Sydney Hewitt
#187 – Fascinators
#172 – Unsolicited Music Requests
#171 – Being a Pro Photographer
#163 – Executive Consultant Account Coordination Management
#162 – Footpaths Outside Nightclubs
#159 – Australia’s First Female Prime Minister
#156 – All Things Fast and/or Furious
#151 – Clashing With Reporters
#140 – Ill-Informed Analysis of the Qu’ran
#115 – Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton
#89 – Their Children on Facebook
#85 – Residential Property Investment
#74 – Border Security: Australia’s Front Line
#60 – Going to Work in the Mines
#59 – Joining Moronic Facebook Groups
#47 – “Fuck Off, We’re Full” Stickers
#44 – Weddings: The Buck’s/The Hen’s
#43 – Weddings: The Preparations
#39 – “Political Correctness Gone Mad”
#33 – The Australian Victory at Gallipoli
#23 – Locally Produced, Foreign Label Beer
#18 – Petrol Consumption as Recreation
#15 – Personalised Numberplates
#14 – Sexualising Their Children
#13 – Misspelling Their Kids’ Names
#10 – Last Year’s Designer Drug
#7 – Books; After the Film Release
#6 – Prefacing Racist Statements With “I’m not racist but…’
#4 – No Deposit, No Interest, No Repayments for 18 Months!
#2 – Buddhist Iconography as Home Furnishings
Speedboats with those monstrous great side bars for wakeboards, clogging up the Maroondah Highway. Bogan antennas!
Subspecies of Bogan also known as Aggy, Ag student, B&S Bogue, Rednecked Hunting Voters, Any “woman” decked out in a Rugby jumper with “He licked his chin when I let him in” artfully daubed over it!
Sorry, but it does happen!!
Look around, everywhere you turn you’ll find them, they’re everywhere that you go
You try everything you can to escape
the bain of life that just grows (life that just grows)
When you’ve had a gutful and you need to be
In a place where they do not roam
I know a place where you can get away
it’s called the seafloor
And here’s what it’s for, so
C’mon Bogue
Let your stubby slip through your fingers
C’mon Bogue
As your body falls overboard now
You know you deserve it.
I fuckin’ ate bogans!
Things Bogans Like Likes #69 : Craig Thomson
Finally…A Socialist than CAN organise a Fuck in a Brothel.
Quite Simply our greatest Labor Politician since Keating.
He will be on Dancing with the Star with Shapelle in a few years,
Funny 🙂
So…you’re saying pretty much all of the things Aussies do/watch/listen to is Bogan? Is no-one safe from this label, then?
If, to your mind, this list comprises “pretty much all of the things Aussies do/watch/listen to” then… well… Ever hear the one about taking a seat at a poker table? -If, after just two hands, you can’t tell who the sucker at the table is -then the sucker is YOU.
Canberra bogans-
Sitting on lawn chairs watching “sick” cars with ear breaking exhaust systems do burnouts
3am burnouts ( in front of house of the woman they love )
Big Orthopedic white bra straps under dainty singlets in summer
Ass cheek denim shorts on teens ( showing alarming amounts of macca made teen thigh . NO ONE looks good in these, except maybe Trannies )
Smoking a ciggie while standing by a pram
Pinching brand name sports-gear from Myer ( Adidas mostly ) from Myer then threatening to inject security officers with syringes of their own blood ” with AIDS, you cunt!”
Filling kids with red cordial and sugar iced donuts, then getting aggro on their tiny flailing asses- ” sit down! calm down! stop it! ” and wacking them in public
Loud drunken lovers tiffs outside of Moosheads, females with mascara running down face screaming, ‘ but i love youse!”
Trannie plat stilettos ( that sadly make plump girls in too tight dresses, look like, well they have pigs feet. Miss Piggy,rather.
Packs of roving youths in identical garb, all which sport some form of number logo
Drunken adolescents screaming abuse at anyone with dark skin, while clad in aussie flag, after Aussie Day celebrations ( in which all enjoyed Presets, then we were bombarded by Jimmy )
Multi-level marketing ( of which after joining they do nothing but whinge, and do anything but their own part instead trying to take over the main man’s job (( of which he holds many years of writing erudite articles, various degrees and past editing of articles, blogs, tutorials and management training.))
Unfolding one towel of every colour, of same stacked towels, all of which are same size and holding it up and throwing it down like dirty laundry
Grinding hot chips into David Jones Carpet
Im imported ex-goth but I have met some lovely bogans
1. 20 something housemate- loves ed hardy, spray tans, lots of makeup. Frangipani stickers on car, playboy seat covers, vitamin water ( despite me telling her , dont waste your money darling, Ive studied Nutritional medical science for 24 years- I’ll MAKE you some!
Sweet as anything, I told her, you are SUCH the bogan. Sje admitted it, and I said, well if they were all like you, good on ya! ( sadly no.) So invented the phrase, embrace your inner bogan! just for her.
2. waiting at bus stop, at which I was carting a sword in a box ( freemasonry meeting ). Rather frightening looking young man and his lady love step in. Him – mullet, rats tail, tshirt with screaming skulls, lightning, etc in black about 75kilos dripping wet and Skeletor-like, tattoos that looked homemade. Lady, overly tight clothes for frame, orange, too much slap. Charming child dressed to the nines, lovingly who obviously was the apple of their eye.
I felt bad, as he struck up a conversation about sword, and what kind did I have, and how amazing it was ( standard FM model ) and amused me until the bus came by teaching me the history of fine swords and discussing Toledo made ones. What a gent. Low rent to be sure, but both real lady and gent, thru and thru. ( Its not money that makes aristocracy, but manners.)
3. various people at work, ( work at Myer ) confronted with a ADHD middle aged goth neurotic, thru the years ( until Dex- better living thru chemistry! Uni here I come- Ortho-molecular Nutrition!) – cossetted me and never once, said anything bad to my face ( although god knows, it would be easy. I was a mess.)
Stories at canteen- Kon tiki tours, cruise ships, the whole lot.
When bogans are decent, they are the salt of the earth.
I love this country!!! ( Im aussie now.)
Alarmingly short skirts on young women going up escalators. Aghh! My eyes!
Drunk bogan males crashing our cyber goth clubs and molesting inane trendy cybergoth girls who think faux lesbianism is fun ( and who then pick fights with the poor confused hormonally laden males, who then beat the crap out of the skinny makeup daubed goth boys. Can’s say how many successful club night we have had to close, because hordes of them find out, and come looking for sex, making a place where alternative fashion can relax ( gays, guys in skirts/makeup, scantily clad goth chicks (( no one cares if your half naked in a goth club, yawns )), people can dance ( try dancing with numerous glazed eye flipped shirt-collar, ripped jeans guys trying to inch in and grind on you, yuck.)
Im no big fan of whatever goth culture is nowadays ( too old, and its all commodified(sp?) anyhow, plus many are cliquey morons who like shit music) but really, like gays – there should be at least one place one can escape the braying mob.
The only decent gay club has been invaded by trashtastic bogan straights who enjoy seeing frightening looking women, press their overflowing buttocks against the pole dancing poles, faux lesbian-ing their girlfriends. It scares me-
And Im not even gay!
The public library taken over by seemingly endless rows of 4th grade reading level “literature” – numerous copies of fucking million shades of grey-
( and at Myer, we sold these in STACKS, piles!! for MOTHERS DAY. I had a brief look, hidden in storeroom and although I read ‘Story of O” at age 14 ( and liked it, wtf?) this was CRAP-
chick “lit”, vampire spin offs, and 6 MILLION fucking celebrity cooking books. Jeez, who watches that shit?( as Will Self ponders.)
I don’t even know if my TV WORKS.
Ive never seen so much crap collection of reading material ( well not since I was last in USA ) in one place ( unless its Dymock’s upstairs.)
And people wonder why Abbott was elected!
( dear Lord, send me many many copies of John Ralston Saul, soon! This is surely the end of a decadent culture , not unlike Rome.)
But pass the Pepsi max. Or I’ll kill ya.
( and I like “middle class bogan.” )
When you think about how our society is changing, the Bogan has become mainstream. Why? The closer we look at ourselves, the more we realise just how Bogan our culture is. Keep looking I say!
Perhaps the Authors of this website need to watch the following “documentary” to be at peace with the world…
Welcome to the new Australia.
Where is Nickelback?
Things Bogans Like Likes :
#25 : Australia’s Hottest Asylum Seeker.
Things Bogans like: Business Management degrees.
Calling people who use long words faggy and pompous. Thinking shakespeare wasnt too bright. Things bogans dont like; evolution as it suggests some of us may well not be on the stage of the evolutionary age.they are thankful for the age of abbreviations, in any time of human history someone who couldnt spell was considered retarded let us not use pc persuasions dissuade us from calling a spade a spade someone who cant master simple skills like spelling and arithmetic is plain stupid, them being a skilled gamer takes.nothing away from the fact it just disillusions us more.
If I could enravel your sentenes enough to understand what you are trying to say then my comment would be more constructive. !
Sesquipedalian- look it up.
… or calling the ‘long words’ poofta tawk.
Just found a new one. Bogans love screaming abuse at cyclists, and anything to do with cycling, cycleways etc.
Road Rage is already on the list
It’s different from regular road rage, they hate cyclists.
hi guys..what about Gay Bogans..y’know the type, they went to public schools and ALWAYS talk about glamorous Europeon capitals and bogan clothing brands. 😉
With over 250 TBL’s on the list, maybe it’s time to calculate how bogan we are. I would consider myself not to be a bogan, but definitely like some of the things on the list, which would actually make me somewhat bogan. Let’s face it, all Australians are bogan to some degree. If I ended up liking 10% of the list, I would score a bogan factor 10. However, given that part of what makes a bogan are the reasons why and how it likes its things, we could possibly give quarter or half points for some TBL’s i.e. I like #232 Bundaberg Rum, however I never drink it with Coca-Cola, so I’ll take a 0.5 of a bf point….I’ll start calculating now!
18/253…that’s a bogan factor of 7 or 7% bogan! Some of my bogan traits are for the patriotic buzz I get from buying Australian made and goods and driving a Holden Commodore (lost half a bf point for not modifying it or having Chev badges), drinking the odd Bundy, liking the fact I have a formal lounge room, liking the Underbelly series, having a Buddah on the bookshelf, having pushed my kids around in a big pram, only eating mild curries (can’t do hot since a Chicken Madras from a curry house on Brick Lane, London caused the China Syndrome in my digestive tract, resulting in my arsehole catching fire) and trying to persuade Mrs Nelson to perform #124 for my birthday last year.
Hi Nelson, maybe it’s a bit like being a “Claytons” Bogan:
– “the (somewhat) Bogan you are when you’re not really a (full-blown) Bogan?”
(includes preventing one’s arsehole from catching on fire).
Or a perhaps a case of “not what you do, but how you do it”
(includes Holdens/Bundy/Buddah/bigprams/formal lounges/Underbelly/#1 – #2534546 and preventing one’s arsehole from catching on fire).
I think the Commodore thing is dead and gone. Bogans drive Toyota 4WD’s. Their wives and daughters drive Corolla’s. Why else would these vehicles be so popular, its not like they are good.
I think that Bogan’s don’t care if they are bogans or not.
Bali and Laos
I would like to nominate the “Wedding Candy Buffet” also known as the “Lolly Bar” a frightfully tacky smorgasbord of sweet treats for wedding guests. They usually are accompanied by signs saying things like – “Life is sweet, Take a treat”
One word in your comment encompases the comcept. “Tacky”
I agree
TBL #1050409333
Living in denial of overpopulation.
Actually no that’s a libtard thing isn’t it. So therefore libtards are bogans.
The latest offering from the Victorian chapter of Bogans Australia: national/mobs-racist-tirade-against-bus-passenger-caught-on-camera/comments-fndo4eg9-1226520297129
Frankston, who’d have thunk it.
Hi, love this site. So funny, yet sadly, so true. Not sure if this is a new suggestion for TBL but I know they bug the shite out of me … those godawful ‘My Family’ stickers you see plastered all over Shaz and Daz’s SUV.
Frankston simply can’t turn Frankston into a parody of Frankston fast enough.
Putting ‘Chevy’ badges on their “Aussie built Holdens.”
I can’t see Aldi shoppers on this list? Surely other people have experienced the horror of guests bringing Aldi food and drink to a party. You want to hide the good stuff or ban them for that matter.
Wow , there must be a lot of Bogan’s in Germany and Europe..
When Aldi’s $20 champagne wins a major award in Europe ( competing against rivals that cost hundreds, you have to consider that you are a snob rather than Aldi shoppers being bogan’s.
Where’s Lite ‘n Easy?
What about morbid plaster casts of new born’s hand and feet proudly displayed in lounge room alongside a framed bouquet of dead flowers from the wedding day!
Gigantic portraits of themselves and kids hung in living room….usually glamour shots
or even better – the “demure-wistful-maternal-sexiest-mum-to-be-in-the-world” pose for their “pregnancy portrait” usually at about the 8 month mark outfitted in brand new “french lingeree and satin bathrobe from Bra’s n things” (open at the front of course) and hands placed ever so adoringly around her incubating baby bogan bump – which is then promptly uploaded to facebook as her new profile picture of course …
– Playboy stickers (usually on small ‘hairdresser’ type cars driven by …stockier chicks.
– Juicy Couture tracksuits.
– Beginning a majority of sentences with some variant of ‘fuck’ – e.g.: “Fuck. Just got done by that fucking speed camera”, *out driving, on the way home from a barbie at Dazza’s* “Fuck. Cops. I think I’ve had a few too many *nostril snort giggle*”.
– Cashed up bogans decking out in a big fuck off mansion (in the suburbs), fitted with a big fuck off FWD parked next to either a yellow Monaro or blue XR8, complete with a big fuck off 20ft boat in the driveway and a couple of trail bikes on a trailer – Kitted up ready for a “trip up the shack” on the Murray or the ‘Golb’n’ for the weekend.
– Regroth in desperate need of colouring.
– iPhones (I should list this one twice!) and claiming that they’re “the best phone ever” whilst not actually being able to explain why (Android ftw!)
– Calling an iPhone an ‘iPhone’. It’s a fucking phone!
– Living on Facebook and/or Twitter.
– Wearing lipliner without lipstick usually coupled with a Snooki bouffant. This is typical of a 90’s clubgoer.
Text language (including the redefining of spelling – possibly out of illiteracy) – “Gawd”, “Ghey”, “just sayin'”, “I lol’d”, “smtyms i dnt knw wt da go iz”.
– Deliberate bad grammar, as one thinks it’s “cool”.
– RM Willams bull head stickers on the rear window.
– Aussie “love it or get the fuck out” stickers (in close vicinity the the RM Williams bullshead, ‘Fuck off we’re full’ sticker, the Souther Cross sticker and those incessantly annoying family stickers.
– Bragging about Bali and how awesome Kuta and its nightlife is. (Cashed up bogans have to holiday somewhere!!)
Also nostril *sniffs*. A loud, long sniff when passing by, or wanting to pass by? Perhaps the nostrils are a device to replace the spoken word esp if ones brain’s not much chop? Hubs thinks it’s from all the coke.
Yeah I hate those carnts, they sniff when you walk past each other, I’d like to punch them in the head, but I just sniff back. Morons.
comic gold! ( that just ratcheted me up a point or two already)
#Drama (and more drama … the more ‘dramas’ the better … starting them, fuelling them and endin’ ’em …
#Death Threats (over the most inane things)
#Believing their own Bullshit
#Parking on other people’s nature strips/dumping rubbish in other people’s nature strips/letting their dogs turds land on other people’s nature strips
#Having no regard for Nature
Bagging out bogans is the most boganny thing of all you poor ignorant bogan fools!
Home shoppin’ network and Ebay
Photography. Taking shit pictures and whacking their “watermark” on it like anyone is going to steal their images.
Saying “If a white person said that they be called racist!” at every opportunity. And then bleating on about reverse racism and how white people are more oppressed than anyone else despite evidence to the contrary.
this isn’t true, they aren’t as bad as you think, they are actually really nice people, my uncle’s one, and he is awesome, has a respectable job, and makes an effort to be polite when he’s out or on holiday’s
“makes an effort to be polite when he’s out or on holiday’s”
Then by definition he is not a bogan. The major trait of bogans is a total lack of consideration for others.
what about sea shepherd? Bogans everywhere in Perth are displaying these stickers on there cars. Its the perfect way to support the enviroment without lifting a finger and indulge in thinly veiled racism towards the japanese
Being a live studio audience member
This is site is so irrelevant now, bogan Is so overused now by the media or writers’ trying to be controverial for a fleeting moment where maybe a thousand readers and subscribers follow saying good job outing bogans, or bogans like this too, everyone is starting a web site on bogan topics, yesterdays news people, find another thing to rag on and move on, its a all an attempt to cover and convince others that they aren’t insecure of there own positions in life, and really the bogan has won no one is talking about the person writing the stuff, just my two cents
You forgot the most aussie bogan thing ever!! Wearing moccasin’s to the shop, pub, local bottle shop and them some. Lol ( oh and putting lol on the end of every txt, email and blog)
Ugg Boots out in Public.I can’t imagine anything more embarassing
TBL, maybe chuck in a whinge thread/thingy… a place to complain about random acts of Boganism that may not warrant a #?
Feet on the dashboard of a car!
Bogans are always the first to ditch their own vernacular and take up Americanisms, too: using ‘so’ instead of ‘as’ and ‘regular’ in place of ‘normal’ or ‘standard’..adding redundant prepositions to verbs (‘reduce down’..take ‘away’ from etc), and the ghastly ‘exact same’ one,in particular,which is creeping into their lingua vulgaris at an increasing rate..
what about using apostrophe’s (sic) in plural’s (sic)?
TBL #234567 Whingepoo forums along with its moderators and dictatorships.
Current model loud Ferrari cars,and living in a Mac mansion in Kew,with a half wit slapper.
Maybe she has a job as an assistant Dominatrix ?
Daiso – and I speak as someone who buys the shit out of Daiso…
I’m getting worried that I might be a Bogan. I think I’ll get a Prius and vote for the greens, and get some glasses with clear lenses ( I need to fit the image, its not my fault my eyes work ). That should fix me.
Maybe I could turn gay, even though it would upset my bogan wife.
You need to add bogans love to give the illusion that they are friends with or involved with the local bikie gang.
They will talk about their encounters loosely to give the allure of being “a tough cunt”
Every true bogan male does this at some point and just loves to be able to drop this into a conversation.
Sable fake eyelashes
Hotel spa suites
Steam mops
Gym based yoga
Wearing gym clothes anywhere other than the gym
Lorna Jane
People that wear footy outfits when not playing football such as work out clothes at the gym.
Sitting around at work smoking darts, and then complaining that their job is too hard.
I naturally have to ask…. what is the opposite of bogan? Can we have a list of things this non-bogan group likes?
Does anyone else think Whirlpool Forums are rigged and suck?
#254 – Man Caves
“R.I.P Davo” custom made stickers on the back window
BOGAN SERVICE 1. ‘What can I get you, guys?’ (Usually to a table full of women). Followed by 2: ‘Not a problem.’ (Of course it’s not a problem, we’re ordering food from your menu – this is a cafe – you have a cook, don’t you? And a cash register? And cutlery, and a table?
BOGANS ON TWITTER 1. Did U know U can always spot a Bogan on Twitter because she wants U to know just how many valuable letters she’s saving by addressing U as U. (The true bogan will eventually find this too much of a strain and just give up trying to communicate with U and go back to Facebook where she belongs).
BOGAN WOMEN’S WEAR Hot pink baseball cap. Ponytail looped through back of hot pink baseball cap. Black leggings. Lime green singlet. White anklet socks. Orange trainers. Plastic water bottle sticking out of backpack.
BOGAN MENS’ WEAR Jacket – logo. Baseball cap – logo. Shoes – logo. The man who derives his identity by enthusiastically becoming a walking billboard for multinationals who employ sweatshop workers. Personality plus!
BOGAN CHILDREN The foetus is on the iPhone at four weeks and the video will be on Facebook at four years – at the latest. The Facebook corporation data farms hold no fears for the parents, who don’t know what all the fuss is about – it is their fervent belief that Big Brother is actually just a TV series that’s gone off a bit, though they liked it at the beginning.
The My Family stickers on the back of 4WDs.
bns utes are bogan like me i love bns utes six foot high antennas, 5 poster bull bars, big side bars, the rm williams long horn sticker, stickers, flags and most of all their cars
holden, landcruiser, kingswood and rodeo
You forgot AFL. AFL is the preferred sport of bogans everywhere, it trumps most of the things on this list.
The NRL is by far more bogan than AFL. They’ve got cheerleaders for fucks sack. And its sponsored by companies like Harvey Norman.
Hahahaha agreed!
Trying to buy USA Powerball tickets online
Idiocracy, coming to a town near you.
– Photographing everything they’re about to eat and promptly displaying the new pic on all social media accounts
– Having an account on every social media platform
– Begging for followers online, believing they’re some kind of social media celebrity (this is big on G+, often re-posting memes created by others, with a “follow me for more!” tag)
– Having a complete inability to differentiate your/you’re and their/there/they’re
– KIK & Tinder accounts
– Has an iPhone, now *knows everything about technology* (No, you’re still a techno-peasant)
– Paying $35.00 for a specially designed water bottle to put your fruit into, to ‘infuse’. Is there something wrong with dropping a bit of fruit straight into a normal water bottle? Pretty sure it still infuses…
– Texas hold’em poker (thanks Joey Hachem, you’ve paved the way for a bogan trend)
– Reality TV
– Spiced pumpkin [soy optional] lattes, drank from a mason jar
– Mason jars
I’d rather like all of these things then been a labor and greens supporter and be a leftist commi scum bag hipster retard and all the other retard homo shit leftist do as they try and destroy countries etc.
Talking about joining the army ? Well I was army for 12 years and no loser greens supporter socialist commies could handle day one as there weak Latta sipping faggots.