It’s been long coming. You’ve known about, perhaps without really knowing about it. But it’s been there, like a splinter in your mind. The knowledge that, someday, perhaps soon, the TBL team would be releasing another book. Well kids, that time is SOON!
The cast and crew at Things Bogans Like would like to introduce you to the world of:
After spending decades in their dungeons painstakingly piecing together the almighty tome that was Things Bogans Like, a question struck the six of us. Why? After extensively cataloguing WHAT the bogan enjoys, the question of causality arose, and it was something we couldn’t answer easily. Thus, we spent hundreds of minutes hunched in front of the Underwood Five typewriters we bought with our max royalties from book one, and punched out the hastily conceived, shoddily constructed, downright HILARIOUS sequel, the cover of which you may or may not see before you.
“But where and when can I buy this almighty literary landmark?” I hear you asking. Well, that would be on October 25th, 2011. In all good book stores. And several bad ones. We are considering a payment program based on creating a micropayment system that will charge readers on a per-word basis. This post will be $1.23, please.
In Other News…
Over the past few months, the TBL team has quite literally been scattered to the four winds, with members (whose locations we’re passingly aware of) presently in Austria, Ghana, and somewhere entertaining university students in a Parisian backpacker hostel. As for me, Chas, I’m heading off on a TBL research trip to Darwin for three weeks, the price one must pay to achieve verisimilitude.
Resultantly, there may be little to no activity on the blog for a little while, although efforts will be made to tweet the experience on Twitter with the Tweeting the kids are so fond of these days, so feel free to .
More importantly, BOGANOMICS, EVERYONE!
What’s a Catchier Phrase than ‘Recent Comments’?