The new bogan is a beacon of tolerance. This comes from the brief association with a person from a different country/race/religion at the local Thai or Chinese take away, the ostracised work colleague, or the evening spent on the Woodies with a mate’s girlfriend’s friend’s Asian friend. Thus, in the event of a discussion relating to racism, aboriginals or Asian drivers, the bogan is all knowing.
Each statement typically begins with an honest admission such as:
‘I’m not racist….. but those Abos really have it too good, the bastards’
‘I’m not racist…but those fucking curries should quit whining. Seriously a couple of them get bashed and you’d think it was the end of the world.’
Or the more authoritative, and ever popular:
‘One of my best mates is Asian, so I’m allowed to say they STINK. They really do, even in Bali and Bangkok. And they can’t drive. It’s like genetics or something.’
This form of disclaimer can be extended beyond occasional interactions with foreigners, and many bogans will actively carry, wear or enact visible or tangible evidence of their god-given right to besmirch those who differ from them. Common examples include Buddhist iconography – in the form of home furnishings, or the more portable keychain – t-shirts with foreign languages, or tattoos with bad translations of common phrases in other languages.
By proudly displaying in this fashion, the bogan carries a semi-permanent signifier that, when they ruthlessly and unnecessarily characterise an entire billion-strong ethnic group on the basis of a tired stereotype, they do it from a position of understanding and empathy.
I don’t think this is true. Everyone I know is openly racist still. Next to footy I think the bloody wogs and abos are the most common topic of discussion. But I do live in Frankston where we have about three black or Asian people.
Well if you choose to hold these views then you are a thick, racist idiot
He didn’t say he held those view himself…
The hysteria over the ‘Jackson Jive’ sketch on Hey Hey It’s Saturday was a good example of this. All over the country, racist morons were in uproar about how it was ‘not racist’ and was ‘just a joke’ that six white men decided to do an honest to God minstrel show on national television. Tossing forth such gems of self awareness as ‘HELLO, the Jacksons are black, what colour should they have painted their faces? PURPLE?’ and the ever present ‘Tropic Thunder’ defence, it was a hilarious couple of days on the internet.
That these comments were usually accompanied by fury over ‘YANKS telling Australians what to do’ only drove home the banal stupidity.
The idea that to be racist is a bad thing has been sufficiently normalised that to call these people racist is an insult to them. That’s why they were upset. The fact that they actually ARE racist doesn’t bother them in the slightest.
Ben, the six white men were not white, so your arguments is seriously flawed here. Please use factual information to make an argument.
They’re at it again!
Keep it up, you backward, bogan retards.
ONE was Indian, the rest were white. They performed in front of a man from New Orleans, and whoes farther fought against this kind of rubbish. So Harry had every right to be pissed, and so did his country men! People were pissed, thats a FACT! People in the US have a little less respect for us, thats a FACT! and its all bogans fault, thats also a FACT. heh
As an American, I can say this with all honesty and sincerity:
We have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
Please go back to whatever it is you people do (I think it’s censoring the internet and having backwards spiraling water).
Fat pizza takes the piss out of everyone including bogans, and no one cares. I think people just hate red faces because it is an obvious dig at American Indians.
try african-american
Missing the joke in an online forum is so bogan :)
west ozzie – wow, that was disgraceful. You truely are a special bogan.
chk chk boom
Sorry, but it wasn’t racist just trash tv. Every one tells us we’re racist but they magically aren’t. Now, even our biscuits are racist! Give it a rest.
Sorry, Ben. Everytime some precious sook like yourself labels an incident such as this as racist, cheapens the word racism. Those looking around desperately for something that offends them will always find it. You’re tiresome and petty.
Ben, consider me a fan of yours from now on.
I struggle to comprehend the very bogan logic that if you make a joke about race it isn’t ‘racist’, you’re just “havin’ a joke”, furthermore it can only be considered racist if somebody of that race is present, and if somebody is offended by it they “can’t take a joke”.
Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Just a quick note about this: the reason many of these jokes aren’t considered racist is that, by your own definition, they aren’t, because the person telling the joke doesn’t actually have the belief that race can cause difference in character or whatever.
If I make a joke about black people, but all of my friends actually don’t support the view that race can be a factor in character, what we are laughing at is the reference to the “black person” stereotype. Ergo, not racist. Cheers.
Are you seriously suggesting that black people are not superior runners and/or that this is not because of their race?
Well I have to say that as a person of ‘race’ I usual find the open racial slander of the bogan is at least transparent and pretty easy to deal with given its usual outrageous stupidity. It’s not really racism (see Kate’s definition) it’s just ignorance and a desire to find something special about ourselves (unfortunately at the expense of others) and happens in all countries.
It’s the people who are supposed to be above all that and are educated etc who I’ve really found really sinister and damaging. Those pricks really are racist.
I’m not racist but bein casually racist is half of what this country is about
everybody has just gotta stop busting whiteys chops with their cultural imperialism and let them do their thing ok
I think this site is v amusing, but I love the moral outrage on judging everyone on their racist comments, and how “bogan” it is, but judging people on there financial level or suburban address is fine and its totally acceptable to degrade and abuse them, and to believe that money accounts for differences in human character or ability and that being of a particular income level makes you superior to others. What hypocrites.
good work
Love it Beth – very true.
Classism is so hot right now. Racism is a bit colonial era.
Rubbish. I have no money and take great pleasure in making fun of bogans.
Haha, yes I agree with you James. You know, even poor students live in the eastern suburbs. Doesn’t mean they can’t engage in poking fun at bogans.
I’m trying to recall an incident of someone being buried up to the neck and having their head used as a polo ball for “there financial level or suburban address” (sic).
(notwithstanding that that is by no means the point of this bog – which is continuously restated.)
I don’t do facebook. but last time I looked the membership or fans or whatever of TBL were vaaaastly outnumbered by those of the numerous hate sites. It breaks my heart that so many are australian and of the “f*ck off we’re full” and “we grew here…” stripe.
even the most cursory perusal of such sites reveals the simple mentality, low intellect and hard hearted stubbornness of the proponents of these ignorant and insular opinions.
in additon to conspicuous comsumption, voyeurism etc. the Bogues we pillory are defined by such attitudes.
by comparison the gentle humour and insight of TBL is high literature.
“Evil prospers when good men remain silent.”
or sumfin’
I know who you are- Jacob McMahon-
Yeah most are ignorant and dont realise they really did buried women and children up to their necks and kicked until their heads came off, those genes are still running around in Aus
wow, this blog is just like Stuff White People Like, except with none of the subtlety or eye for detail. This stuff is really derivative and sounds like it is being yelled from up on a big high horse.
“Keep it up, you backward, bogan retards.”
Marry me, Ben. ;)
Ed, bogans are the *wrong* kind of white people…
You got it, Jodie.
Your children won’t be great at sports but they will have a total lack of patience for xenophobic, AussieTM bullshit.
Call me.
Heck, yes. ;)
Ben and Jodie oh pleassssse! talk about freak show
Don’t be hatin’, Brad.
i once heard a racist pig tell a joke it went something like this; an abo,a lebo and an indian walk into a bar and the barman says……..fuck off! Fuckin disgusting i know,dont know what rock these assholes crawl out from under
I find it amusing that the most morally outraged these days are the ones that were leading the charge in picking on the “wogs” when I was growing up.
Apparently that doesnt count….
Everyone picked on the wogs back in school Helen, and the slopeheads and they would all pick on the skips and at the end of the day it all came out in the wash. Todays overly politically correct ways are what make it seem so abhorrent.
Those are some top drawer rationalisations, Lee.
It has nothing to do with ‘political correctness’, which is just a nice little buzzword you guys can throw around every time someone calls you on your crap. It’s about not being an obnoxious dick to people.
Thats how it was Ben, or did you grow up under a rock? It was simply child-hood banter and everyone was friends at the end of the day.
The PC remark was meant to imply that you can’t even look at someone sideways or open your mouth without being labelled in some way.
Or perhaps I was too indignantly simple with the way I posted it? =)
You might all have ended up friends, at least when there was a new batch of immigrant victims that you and the old batch could abuse. That doesn’t mean that you weren’t being an arsehole or that you didn’t make life hard on people. Did you also beat your wife back then? And if you did, was that ok, because she survived perfectly fine?
I’m a highschool student so you’re all going to pick on me for being ‘naive’ or ‘immature’ but I think this is just ridiculous. I agree that there is definately school yard race banter and personally I think it brings us all together. No, it is not hurtful. Nothing is taken too far. By making jokes we eradicate any kind of seriousness of being a different colour. We’re just girls having fun. I am quite dark but have always lived here. I get called Wog and Jew (slight contradiction I know) all the time but it is never EVER meant as an insult. All of us (no matter skin colour) call people who get fake tans ‘negro’ and there is no ‘slur’ aspect to it. However, if the situation occurs where there is a definate insult regarding colour then everyone gets out their pitchfork and lynches the asshole. Get down from your highhorses, don’t see insults where there is none.
using ‘negro’ is such a way is offensive – whether you find it offensive personally or not, it is using the term in a negative way, and has clear negative connotations.
and while you and your particular friends might view it as harmless playground banter, that isn’t the case for everyone. i’m certain there are people at your own school who find it offensive. they might not say that to you – you’d just tell them to lighten up and get off their high horses – but i’m certain they feel that way. hopefully with maturity you’ll think about how others interpret your language rather than just if you mean it as ‘a bit of fun’ or not.
Why is that use offensive, p’bee? Negro is a word referring to someone with dark skin. If a student gets a fake tan, “negro” is in reference to this, and has no bearing on the personality of the student or black people. To claim that negro people don’t have black skin, which is what you seem to be suggesting we assume, is far more racist, as they clearly do. I don’t read any negative connotations into the use of the word, so don’t assume your interpretation is the correct one.
Furthermore, offence can only be taken, not given. That is, I can’t be responsible for how every person within earshot may interpret my words, because otherwise there are very few words I would still be able to say. Language changes, and shifts in meaning, and so it is the original intention of the speaker that is of most importance. Some students in the school-yard probably get offended when people say “don’t be a silly-head”, but it doesn’t mean the other students have a responsibility not to say it.
Because I don’t have a long, metal spike up my arse like many of these commenters, I agree with Belle that a bit of well-intentioned, racial banter is acceptable and can help with bonding, just like good friends often pick on one another about their economic status, job, or hair colour. It’s just a bit of fun. Good stuff, Belle.
Simple, unadorned racism is one thing I find refreshingly honest about boguns. Heaps better than their fashion sense, or treatment of others.
i take offence to being called stupid,im no alfred einstein but gee lay off would ya
Stupid, selfish, greedy tradies…
Care to elaborate Pete?
The world would cease to exist if it weren’t for the tradesmen.
Perhaps Pete is upset because he found out the lowly tradesman earns more than his 9 – 5 middle management office job? Or perhaps it’s because he has realised the last tradesman he had figured him out for a wanker and slapped him with the hidden ‘wanker tax’?
Or did you fail your trade course mate? Fess up, we’re all friends here.
pete is obviously as what we refer in the bis as a ‘postcoder’ being that a certain type of client who believes that because they live in a certain area that they are of higher intelligence/breeding/moral fibre/whatever and any hired work(ie tradies) that enter their realm must paid heed too their brilliance-big mistake,in their ignorance they will try and arm wrestle every matter of point on the project as of course they know better but in the end everyone is left with a bad taste and if the peanut could get along with the humans it would save him thousands.
Thats it Brad, wanker tax!
how about… ‘i’m not homophobic, but….. gay people really shouldn’t be allowed to get married…. or have kids…. ”
(and then they’ll follow it up with….but really, i’m not homophobic! i know a couple of people who are gay)
I love the ‘homophobic’ tag.
A phobia is an irrational, unsubstantiated fear of something yes?
While I have my own view on this topic, and it is not to my taste along with all the other issues that come with the gay territory, I am quite happy for gays to go about there business. They don’t bother me and I don’t wish them any particular harm.
But I dont have an irrational fear of them either!
Homophobia, simply another buzzword concocted by the PC brigade.
^^^ Classic Homophobe.
How so Ben? Enlighten me, please.
Emma makes a remark about homophobia, mentioning the specific examples of preventing gay marriage and gay parenting.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, you launch into self defence mode before you’ve even been singled out, talking about how even though you don’t much like the ‘issues that go along with gay territory’ (WTF?), you don’t wish gay people any ‘particular harm’ (how generous), and are not homophobic.
No-one was even accusing you of homophobia. But now you’ve gone and drawn attention to yourself. That this occurred in a thread about how racists always feel the need to assert how ‘not racist’ they are is remarkable.
I talked about it above. As with racism, there’s been sufficient normalisation of the idea that being homophobic is bad that people get bent out of shape by the accusation. They know enough to know they’re being insulted, so they come out swinging with the denials and the accusations of political correctness. They just don’t know enough to know that the label is apt.
Umm, Ben, you have missed the point completely mate. I was infact musing over the word homophobia, how it came to be and the fact that by definition it really isn’t correct.
Had you of thought about it a little longer you may have realised this.
I actually said it’s not to my liking, and as a happily married heterosexual why would it be? Admittedly I could have worded it better than their ‘issues’, I’ll cop that but I certainly wasn’t getting on the defence about it.
I like your rebuttal though, smacks of effort but well written all the same.
“I am a happily married heterosexual”. That is so bogan to have to remind everyone that you are not gay. Because the worst fate for a male bogan is to be or to be called gay. And that is homophobia.
So the most common thing a bogan will say about gays is “some of my best friends are gay”, and the next most common bogan thing is “i’m not gay or nuffin” (even if you are). And that is the closet.
I’m not homophobic but…. I wish those guys in the park across the road every night would get a fucking room. I can’t walk my dog without coming across those bastards giving it to each other in the park.
I think there is missed breed of bogan One that after being chastised for being racist, change tact, think they have become become enlightened and spew ‘racist’ whenever they can. Unfortunately their innate dislike for different people bubbles underneath, and escapes whenever they see there is an opportunity to get away with it- i.e discriminate against people with red hair, poor people etc.
Jett, that innate dislike for different people is evident in everyone. Particularly the hipsters.
Jep, at least in Australia, where almost everyone is bogan and (low-level)hating.
head of nail hit has been r-jet its human nature to undermine those that you see as a threat,thus the creation of this blog or is it just a fruitless onion peeling exercise…..i wonder?
Have you observed that you are a pontificating, sanctimonious and a tad “hypocritical” bore. To refer to someone as a “retard” is enacting upon the very same behaviour you yourself decry. That behaviour is even more unappealing than that exhibited some of the other posters. I have been working with an Aboriginal artist whose work is about revealing the racism that exists in Australian society. And he is most suspicious of people like you!
“To refer to someone as a “retard” is enacting upon the very same behaviour you yourself decry.”
Not at all. Comparing stupid people to the mentally retarded is apt, as mental retardation has a baring on a person’s intelligence. When I say that those who are blatantly xenophobic are retarded, you know exactly what I mean.
“I have been working with an Aboriginal artist whose work is about revealing the racism that exists in Australian society. And he is most suspicious of people like you!”
Referring to your Aboriginal friend so as to legitimise your opinion? Lol. If what you have to say has value there should be no need to mention that ‘some of your friends are black.’
As a mentally retarded individual, I find it offensive that you put racist people (stupid bogans, as you call them) in the same group as me.
I am nice to other people, even though I am a retard. Racist people are not. You call them stupid bogans and retards. I am offended and want immediate action. Immediate! Retards everywhere would be incredibly offended to know that you are putting racists bogans in our collective, if they were aware of this. For shame. This retard is unhappy now.
making a joke about another race or such is racist, but a lot of the time it isnt racist enough for an uproar, its funny racist, as in the race mentioned will get the joke and think its funny,
Lee, I don’t need to know whether you are hetero, gay or whatever little category you’d like to sit yourself in. I also don’t need to know you’re married.
Obviously you think I want to know your opinion about gay people. I don’t. As you probably don’t want to know my opinion about hetero married people. Such as your suburban-ism.
Thank you Emma. You have just shown the same intolerance and biggotry that you assume every heterosexual holds.
Bogan by your own definition. Bravo.
come on now, don’t get all offended, just because you live in the suburbs and love to tell people you’re a happily married hetero.
Nice try.
No need to get all nasty now. I am quite comfortable in who I am and where I live, it’s you that seems to have a problem dealing with it.
As I said, a bogan by your own definition.
What’s wrong with the suburbs?
Nothing wrong with the suburbs mate, it seems as though our friend Emma here is the type that has gained the self importance that comes with leaving the suburban family home and moving into an inner city suburb while struggling to come to grips with her being and fit into some obscure, opportunistic minority group. This always brings out the biggot in people.
Hopefully she grows out of it.
got me.
Oh Emma, could have ended it with “got me” but got herself all in a defensive spin about opportunistic minority groups.
One not being able to recognise when one is having the piss taken out of them, Bogan.
One vehemently retaliating for not being able to rationalise an adult response, Priceless.
“vehemently retaliating for not being able to rationalise an adult response, Priceless”
I think it’s interesting that it’s now more controversial to call a comment or action racist than it is to actually *make* the racist comment or do the racist thing. There’s something very wrong with that.
Us white folk sure can be sensitive about being called racists, I guess.
…. “opportunistic minority groups” ?
how are minority groups opportunistic?
I think there should be a page about Bogans talking about Opportunistic Minority Groups.
Damn those asylum seekers who want to get away from civil wars.
And what about those ‘Gay’ people who want to get married?
And don’t get me started about homeless people….
You see, Emma?
You make remarks like that, and I feel we’re on the same page. Then you say something stupid about people from the suburbs, and I don’t know what to think.
Lee, an obvious racist and homophobe is criticised by Emma, who in defense of those minorities inadvertently makes a disparaging generalisation about “people from the suburbs”.
Ben, apparently unaware that Emma was simply meaning to support his previous position, takes offense at the generalisation and chastises Emma.
This is better than ‘The View’ :D
Jimmy shows up, mistakenly presuming Ben has missed Emma’s meaning, and misinterpreting Emma’s generalisations about suburbia as having been inadvertent.
actually, don’t mind the suburbs. just don’t like the rev-heads that come from the burbs. but there’s rev-heads everywhere
Jimmy. “an obvious racist and homophobe” . Please enlighten me as to how you draw that conclusion. Are ‘mainstream’ people from the suburbs not entitled to voice an opinion? Or do you find it offensive that such a person will tell it as he sees it? For supposedly open minded people you lot come off as being tthe most up-tight of the lot. Grow up a little.
The ‘non-bogans’ on this site are touchy indeed, not all but most of them.
They don’t mind flogging it but damned if they can take it. At least I ( by your description “suburban” ) can keep an open mind on a particular subject.
Displaying the same behaviour you are so ready to shoot others down over.
Keep trying mate.
Ben, I think that in making generalisations about people from the suburbs Emma was merely referring to bogans, and that any reproach toward people from the suburbs generally was indeed inadvertent. If you’re going to condemn Emma for making generalisations about people from the suburbs you may as well condemn the whole website for making generalisations about bogans, who are a socio-economic minority in their own right. But I think that’s taking things too far.
Lee, I don’t think there’s any point arguing about it. Suffice to say I wish you no particular harm too :D
You are right Jimmy. It is amazing how a comment or a remark can spark a debate or an argument or whatever you wish to call it.
One of the hazards of posting on a blog, it is hard to put emphasis and emotion into the written word and more often than not it gets taken the wrong way and often personally.
Fun none the less.
I think that particular comment was, ‘Opportunistic minority groups’…..
Touch a nerve did it?
Nah they don’t even use this disclaimer a lot of the time… Particularly if it’s the weekend on the Shorncliffe line…
I’ve heard a lot of racist jokes and comments but I haven’t seen much racism. When you see it, there isn’t anything funny about it. Most people in this country, regardless of what they say, will hold a door open for a person of another race or shake their hand. When you see how someone who is truly racist behaves, it is always shocking.
In some ways, bogans are racist in theory but not in practice. (Leaving silly teenagers of all races out of the generalisation.)
ok,, heres one for you guys..,its all true….i grew up in alice springs (NT),, i hung out with half casts (white/aborigines),, smoked weed (first time age 12),, didnt shower for days on end at school camps, played footy and then i moved to toowoomba (QLD) for high school,, i played rugby,, cricket,, tried to get roots at school dances,, got p*ssed,, blue’d..then i completed uni in brisbane where i got p*ssed every night,, drink drove,, went to music festivals (with my shirt off)..etc and it continues…
i consider myself to be more yobbo than nearly all my friends…the catch is im of asian heritage,,, will i be accepted by the bogans??? am i a bogan??
i believe i qualify with flying colours…comments??
You are definitely a bogan. We believe that boganity is a state of mind, not an ethnicity. However, it is likely that some bogans will be unable to overcome their poorly concealed racism in order to recognise that you are indeed one of them. TBL
haha..thought so..
you are a genius,, i have experienced this,, in high school sitting around at lunch with the boys and having one of them incorrectly call the small group of boarders walking past,, “chinks” (though they were indonesians) and as i sat with them wondering if i heard correctly..
nowadays the “terrorist” call would be made…
penis is tasty
By “entire billion-stong ethnic group” one can assume you are refering to Chinese or Indians. They are nationalities not ethnic groups.
Assume yourself to your heart’s content… -TBL
In regards to Buddhist iconography- I always find it most amusing that white, suburban folks love having statues of Buddha or Buddha heads in their garden. Does it make them feel esoteric and well-travelled? Does it give off an air of cultured civility that the unadorned garden might lack?
I was raised with both Christian and Buddhist ideologies (father’s a lapsed Catholic, mum’s a Buddhist) and basically given the right to choose my own religion as I saw fit (I’m agnostic). To me, having a statue of Buddha or Buddha’s head (?) in your garden, when you are not in fact, Buddhist, is akin to having a statue of Jesus in your garden, whilst not actually being Christian. I personally don’t find it disrespectful (though it could certainly be misconstrued as such), just odd. Really, would YOU want a concrete Jesus in your backyard?
Oh, another thing that grinds my gears- non-Chinese or Japanese people with Chinese or Kanji character tattoos. So tacky. You hear all the horror stories of people getting a tattoo they think is inspiring and it means ‘egg bench’ or ‘dish cloth’ or something equally bizarre, and yet people still insist on tattoos in a language they don’t understand, read or write.
More than half of the things that are listed on here, EVERYONE does anyway.
Your website is flawed.
You either have no concept of money/economics or you have money falling out of your pockets. This is clear in the way that you condescend to people living in “the burbs”. Well, maybe if we all had money falling out of our arses, we could live in the CBD.
You outline an eroded definition of a “malapropism” and then provide examples that are not malapropisms!
You are on here complaining about racism when you are propogating anger and disgust towards another (so-called) “CLASS” of people; it is exactly the same thing! Marx, anyone?
You clearly don’t know the difference between nationalities and ethnicity.
I could go on.
Rather than TRYING to be elitist… get a life.
There’s enough double-standards on this website to make me puke.
We always find amusing the wild assumptions that antsy readers project onto who we might be as people, and what we do or do not know. TBL
“More than half of the things that are listed on here, EVERYONE does anyway.”
“Your website is flawed.”
No: most Australians *are* bogans, and this site paints a really funny and precise picture of most of us, though focussed on specific bogan types, rather than the generic Australian bogan. It’s quite interesting too, since Australian bogans are a bit unique in that they are not correlated properly with class (there is no class in Australia) or wealth, as opposed to American “white trash” or UK equivalent. You could compare rich bogans to a type of wealthy Californians but they are respected in the US for their wealth and thus form a different class.
So true… Agreed 100%
Some people are gay, get over it
Racism is a quite an amusing issue, yes it is there and all I can say is “live with it” because the Rascism in Australia is in reality not ingrainded centuries old racism, it is just a basic lack of education and or lack of awareness that there are other people who share our space and breath our air which we object to but in reality cant do anything about, so we bitch and moan.
Verbally bitching and moaning is ok as we all do it, when it begins to become physical then that is another issue which should be dealt swiftly and rigidly by the police.
Being racist is nothing to be proud of but I have to say I am an equal opportunity racist as I hate everyone equally.
Thanks for recycling an unintelligent and trite phrase to close off with, adored by idiots for years. The rest of your message is mental knuckle-dragging, because you clearly have no understanding of the fine line between a drunken bogan racially abusing someone verbally, and then jumping in with their fists flying. Is something ok because lots of bogans do it? Really? Goodness me. TBL
You do not truly understand racism then do you?
It is one thing for Bogans to hate people of another race because they are either just stupid racist bigots, uneducated probably and if jumping enmass into a fight, cowardly. This is an individual thinking that gains momentum because bogans have the pack chasing the the fox mnetality and cant be seen to be an individual.
It is another thing to hate someone because they are of a different enthnic origin than the majority in that area and be backed up by the state apparatus which makes sure the minority suffer. Believe me it happens in so many places in countries close to Australia that it is scary. Imagine the Australian army going into a market and burning, looting and razing shops to the ground and then raping women and then sticking broom handles in their vaginas which then come out their mouths, this due to the government of the time loving the enthnic minority so much they use the army to scare them.
As to the issue of racism I have a very good handle on it, I have lived outside of Australia for almost 19 years in various countries where I am of a very very small minority due to the colour of my skin and my religion. I am married to a non white lady and have children of mixed blood so I understand a little bit better than most unenlighten idividuals.
Everybody is racist to a certain degree and if you dont agree then that is up to you, accept it or dont, but it is then showing a total Ostrich mentality to this issue.
I dont condone racism and I am sorry if you did think what I thought of a joke as being funny, I do appologise.
First, culture has nothing to do with race, second, all those disgusting things you mentioned happened in Australia also, their were alot more disgusting things I cant bring myself to mention, skin colour has nothing to do with your chosen way of living, your chosen way of living goes beyond skin colour, take William Thomas, an escaped convict who live with Aboriginal people in western Victoria, he was made a full clan member and lived with them for over 20 years, Aborigianls didnt discriminate against people who looked different, its about your morals, not skin colour, skin colour has been used by whites to make them selfs feel superiour (sad they need a scape goat to feel worthy) and they are now feeling that thin veil being pulled away, time for the dominate cultures to access thier beliefs without the scape goats to cover the shame, seems the aussie bogan are against evolution wanting time to stand still< although I cant see this country changing when we dont teach history or politricks, keeps the sheep in check
another example of how our “so called” leaders have failed us, see what happens when you dont teach history, Australia was built on racism and racial superiority and imperialism, IT is built on centuries of deeply ingrained racism, were are you from? the genocidle history of Australia is a well know fact
simply put racism in any context is still racism!
Haha this blog is great, bookmarking right now. Bogans annoy me so much.
I have noticed people (bogans) often claim something gives them a kind of license to be racist. A classic example in relation to Indigenous people, ‘im from Darwin” or possibly North Queensland and therefore ‘i have a right to say what i want about abos because i know what they’re really like’. They say this as though anyone who went to Darwin/NQ would instantly change their moderate views on Indigenous issues to agree with theirs.
I love when non-white bogans think they are exempt from racism somehow. A lady on my train, who was VERY intent on informing anyone within earshot that she was from Darwin and of far greater moral fibre than “white sluts”, (apparently sleeping around if you’re Australian Aboriginal is OK, as is screaming at strangers on public transport.) Hooray for tolerance.
Up there with TBL’s most perspicaciously penned articles! Gold. Nay — RHODIUM.
“I’m not racist….but ALL gooks look the SAME to me.” Jackie, a nasty-piece-of-work bogan I went to high school with, and beacon of tolerance if ever there was one.
“Stop hasslin’ the Choinese kid, Taylah ‘n’ Nay Nay (Renee)….or I’ll make yous look like one!!” My ex-neighbour preaching his boundless tolerance to his mini bogues while they hassled an Asian kid in the street.
See, the first one is an example of a “racist” comment that I don’t really understand. It is an observable fact that people of Asian descent do have, as a whole, a different and more uniform facial structure to westerners. If a westerner, not adapted to this different appearance, finds it confusing, and is unable to discern the facial alterations in these people, how is this racist? If I said “ALL cats look the SAME to me” (which is largely true), there’s no problem. I’m confused, as this comment doesn’t seem to suggest any bias towards these people (or cats) whatsoever.
That said, though, I suppose “gooks” is quite offensive, so if that’s what you were getting at, sorry for the rant :).
Please stop with all the bogan bashing, how is bogan bashing different to any other stereotypes bashin hmmm?
Because they deserve it. TBL
Hahaha, OWNED, Mr. Adams!
It’s true. Bogans of the persuasion blogged about here are all but asking to be bashed, with their xtreme boganic behaviour.
I’m not a bogan and definetely not a racist, but I think that bogans, and more broadly Australians get called racists a little too easily. Sure there are the unintelligent bogans running around with ‘fuck off we’re full stickers’, but if you compare that to other countries, it not that bad. I’m in Japan right now, and the racism here is way more ingrained in their thinking. I’ve been randomly stopped by police because they are given handbooks on how to target foreigners. People will turn their heads 270 degrees to stare at you.
Australians are more OPEN about being racist bastards, but I think its a bit unfair to Australians to have to cop the slogan of being ignorant racists.
You can’t say that because one country is worse than other its ok for the other to be racist. I was in Japan, 6 ft 4#, platinum blond hair, covered in tattoos and a septum piercing, with my boyfriend for over 6 weeks in the last 2 years and never had a problem with police, immigration or locals. Yes, some stared at me but that happens in melbourne as soon as you leave the inner city. The majority of australians can be ignorant racists, thats the point of teh article, not the japanese or any other nation.
i think the difference is australians are incredibly blunt. there is more of an acceptance of and expectation to say what you think – even if it is ignorant, xenophobic, and racist – than in many other countries (or at least the other countries i’ve been to). casual racism is definitely prevalent here, and the phrase ‘i’m not a racist but..’ is simply a way to excuse and condone such casual racism.
on the subject of japan, though, i had no problems. being pale, blonde, and female i found everyone was very nice to me, and even had schoolgirls ask to have their photos taken with me on two separate occasions.
I think you are right about the bluntness. The main difference is that there is the expectation that you speak your mind more in Australian than say that of Japan. I agree with the statement “I’m not a racist, but…’ is an excuse to be racist.
However, in the case of Japan for example (sorry to keep using it) foreigners looking for an apartment will be rejected by on average 10 apartments/houses because they are foreign. Debito Arudou is a Japanese citizen who is not of Japanese descent. You should read a few of his articles.
I’m not defending Australian racists, I think that is a problem that needs addressing, but I’m just trying to say, in comparison, there are other countries that have a much greater problem with racism than Australia, yet Australia cops the most criticism.
While I partly agree, Nick, I also disagree. In Australia, it makes far more sense for us to criticise Australian racism than it does for us to criticise Japanese racism. For a start, we are an open nation, and one built on immigration, so racism is particularly damaging here. Japan is not an open society, and is built mainly on restricting immigration, so the kind of racism you are talking about in Japan has a far lesser effect on Japanese societal harmony. Secondly, we can criticise and highlight Japanese racism all we like, but we can not affect it in any meaningful sense. We can affect Australian racism though, and it is only by being vigilant and critical that we can do so.
So while I take your point generally, I don’t think that the racism of other countries and the criticism thereof has any real bearing on the debate over racism here in Australia. Most often, it is used as a distraction from real issues here at home.
Thanks James.
I understand your point completely – it doesn’t really have that much effect in Australia. I just felt that it needs to be known that there are many other countries that have a much more severe problem than that of Australia in relation to racism. People are too quick to take a self-righteous stance and lash out at others. I understand your point about being critical about the issue that we can move forward, however, the way this article is written, I don’t think we can be critical. If bogans were a race of people, this article would itself be racist. And therefore, as the thinking used is the same, we cannot be critical by writing this way. I do not think here is the place to be vigilant and critical about the issue.
Well said, mate.
“The majority of australians can be ignorant racists” Isn’t this a generalisation?
I also don’t agree that “staring” is an act of racism or discrimination. People are intrugued by things that they have not encountered before, be it ethnicity or chosen fashion (piercings etc.). Being curious is not a crime.
you are racist, you know nothing of abriginies and thier poor treatment by settlers and government.
You are an idiot. I know what happened to the aborigines. Was I a settler? No.
If you say I am racist because of the fact I’m from that same country that did those things 80 years ago, then you may as well be the same kind of people that still hate Asians because of the war 70 years ago.
If you instantly call me a racist because I am Australian than you are a racist yourself.
do aboriginals own anything in australia have a say in government NO
yes you a racist by blood not by choice you dont know it my friend
Im racist but…..I dont care :)
I am a lapsed Bogan, could you please big_baggies advise me
as I ponder the following :
1 I hate loath and detest: horse races, car races, yacht races, dog races, motor bike races, foot races, ball ( bearing) races, egg & spoon races,
marathon races, curry and race, the arms race, etc………
Does this mean I may be an incurable and hopeless RACIST ??
Le Schlong
this seems like the right place…
in the wake of the recent ‘racism’ in both codes of football…
It gives me cause to celebrate free speech, so the morons can clearly identify themselves to the rest of us normal people.
and just maybe the media word cloud/debate might send a couple of their tiny minds deep enough to understand what the fuss is about.
yes, these are somewhat trite and well worn sentiments, but I aint no scholar nor orator and I never did have much time for book learnins, but the bleeding hearts and artists will inherit the earth. I have observed that the opposition leads only to hate and destruction. and also, I’m as high as a kite.
so screw you!
Liked the Floyd reference!
Was ‘Wogs out of Work’ racist?
Would it have been different if a bunch of English/Irish descent Australians performed the same jokes?
[…] India, the Commonwealth Games also provides the bogan with an ample canvas for phrases prefaced with “I’m not a racist, but…” And now, as it is Friday, please feed the following items into your cerebral […]
Is bogan bashing a bogan trait? Probably, but warranted.
Aussies aren’t ignorant racists, they know exactly what they’re doing.
I feel sorry for the animals that all humans have treated like a dexter episode. :(
Recent Facebook post from a bogan friend of mine who moved from the Sunshine Coast (very whitebread area) to Melbourne.
“I have only been in Melbourne for a week and it has already made me a racist.”
Yeah it can be hard.Living up here myself all my life we dont really see a great deal of cross culture.I grew up never understanding jewish jokes, there aren’t any up here.All we hear is about is all the “spot the aussie” ghettos down south combined with the sensationalist media stories it seems really fucked and scary down there.If captain cook arrived at your door and stated he’d come back in time to get you to help stopping your daughter from starting a relationship with a black man she marries in the future’what would you do?
tell him he’s a prick.
Never buy acid again from the person you just bought your last blotter from.
This Blog is a load of shit. Most Aussies accept anyone, as long as they are willing to adapt to our way of life. Seriously if you don’t like western culture why the fuck move here?
World’s too politically correct and full of too many over sensative twats.
Political correctness gone mad! TBL
Yeah that makes sense, idiot. “Most Aussies accept anyone, as long as they are willing to adapt to our way of life”: Really? Are you that stupid that you cannot see the irony of your bigotted statement? Fuck off, you bogan dickhead. You’re wasting our air.
Every race is racist towards other races. Say that fast hee heee. They just are, get over it.
All my asian friends call each other bloody asian drivers and all of them are always in accidents.
I for one am not racist but just hate everyone in general. hheeehheehhe
Im bogan and proud
Pretty! This has been a really wonderful
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I’m impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I stumbled across this during my search for something regarding this.
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I’m racist, I hate white Australians with an absolute passion unless they are from Melbourne. But I have a mate who is white Australian so it must be ok. LOL cheers.
There is no black and white in this issue, only shades of brown and pink.
How is it that this thread is still generating comments all these years later. You are all like family to me.