The motor vehicle has come to be very important to the bogan female. In the same way that getting a tattoo of a dolphin allows her to remain more feminine and nurturing than the bogan male, she also rarely purchases a V8 vehicle, lest the bogan male become threatened and confused. A four cylinder car is typically purchased, generally from an Asian manufacturer. The female bogan does not like Asians, so she sets about Australianising her car with American Playboy merchandise (sexy), a clumsily abbreviated personalised numberplate (witty), and a Roxy sticker by US-based Quiksilver (athletic).
The vehicle is almost ready for bogan female use, but the female still yearned for an automotive decoration that would communicate to bogan males that she was an appropriate mother for his children. Somewhere along the line, a marketing executive decided that it should be the Frangipani, a Latin American flower that was interestingly remade to denote “ignorant racist Australian” in stylised sticker form. Pleased that their cultural sensibilities were finally being catered to, the female bogans purchased these stickers in staggering amounts.
Soon the craze expanded beyond car stickers, with Frangipanis appearing on anything that the marketing executives thought it could con the bogan female to buy. Skimpy t-shirts, car seat covers, fridge magnets, and random other disposable tripe. With simplified drawings of tropical flowers surrounding her at all times, the bogan female feels that she is fulfilling her true life’s purpose: to be a princess (despite lacking any regal attributes other than greed and territorialism).
On a recent trip through bogan territory, a TBL author did some investigatory journalism into the Frangipani cult. Three bogan females were asked what their floral automotive stickers stood for. The responses were brief. “Australia”, “Peace and love”, and “Haha, dunno mate”. Aside from a visible shudder at being called “mate” by a nasal female stranger, the author stood his ground admirably amidst the torrent of cluelessness. The “peace and love” response was arguably the most interesting, considering that any car with Frangipani stickers is approximately 245% more likely to change lanes without indicating, emit smouldering cigarette butts whilst in motion, and contain a foul mouthed bigoted bogan female who is twisting one arm into the back seat to thump Jaiydynn and/or Sharnelle. Peace and love.
What’s a Catchier Phrase than ‘Recent Comments’?