The bogan knows things. It doesn’t know how it knows; it just knows. Often, things that the general population is not aware of. Even more often, the bogan knows things when the information is presented to it in a facebook group, a trusted news source, or in Andrew Bolt’s column. The bogan just knows. The bogan’s desire to lap up conveniently edited pieces of information and then parrot them back as the comprehensive truth is a conceptual combover capable of cladding even the baldest of theories in half a dozen tenuous strands of delusion. The bogan’s ability to rapidly determine the true nature of things spares it from the need to learn the context, alternatives, or ramifications of any area of knowledge it turns its attention to. This renders the bogan more efficient than the rest of society, freeing up time for it to go out and be extreme at awesome stuff while everyone else plods along like suckers.
Not content to just hastily weigh in on standard topics, the bogan seeks out preposterous claims that nobody else has ever heard of. Who could have known for example, that the unassuming rodent-canine hybrid known as the Chihuahua can cure asthma, or that sneezing seven times in a row releases the same endorphins as when having an orgasm. The bogan knows these things.
Its insatiable need to know things also extends to more complex issues such as assassinations, the chemical composition of drinking water or the veracity of global warming. While the world’s thinking community remains vexed, the bogan’s verdict is in. Climate change for instance, is nothing but a ‘Trojan Horse’ for power-hungry scientists to force their big taxing, redistributive socialist green left agenda on ‘hard working Australians’. The bogan also seems convinced that much of the country’s drinking water is contaminated ‘with that filthy fluoride stuff’, an assertion it will loudly bellow while cooking in its non-stick pan, hosing its Buddhist-iconography garden ornaments or cleaning its swimming pool (all being made from inorganic fluoride). The knowledgeable bogan will then espouse the safety benefits of drinking vitamin water while punching out an SMS at 110 kilometres per hour.
The bogan also knows that ‘climate change’ (the bogan always places air quotes around this phrase) is a conspiracy by latte-sipping greenie ivory tower affogato-belt eggheads trying to get more research funding/establish a One World Government. To paraphrase Heathen Scripture: Climate change is a theory now, ‘like gravity. And Adelaide.’
Further still, if a bogan sees evidence of a celebrity with a conspiracy theory, its truth value becomes gospel multiplied by max. The primary exception to this is the bogan’s scepticism towards Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology, which attract great boganic mirth. After all, Tom Cruise’s aliens look different to the drawing that uncle Mick did of the time that he saw martians after being offered a funny cigarette at the pub. In fact, Scientology is a sinister scheme devised by the government to channel taxpayer dollars into getting aliens to overthrow Palestine and steal all of the oil and feed Elvis to George Bush who is actually the guy from the Da Vinci Code. The bogan just knows.
I love a good conspiracy theory, so I have nothing productive to add here.
I’m with Ash. Uh oh…
Hang on, I’ve never seen you two in the same room!
*glasses Mick before he takes his thoughts further*
was waiting for an article along these lines. I immediately thought climate change when I read the title, and i’m glad you’ve brought it up. Love how the common bogan seems to think he/she knows more than scientific minds who dedicate their lives to this research
Climate change isn’t a conspiracy but the hippies do run the government. They’re in bed with the Greens. They hurt the meat industry because of a few mistreated cows. And now Greenpeace is attacking scientific research:
you really think they’ll be prosecuted?
and my non-bogan friends are full of conspiracy theories about evil corporations and governmetns
I don’t know what is conspiratorial about evil corporations and governments. It’s all quite overt. That’s the big joke. All these loopy fukse railing about aliens and aspartame and going vegan while they live sad little colour and movement lives as the drones, proles and peasants in various macro-economic bonanzi orchestrated by governments on behalf of evil corporations.
The Canberra Times???
Old Media
Let’s not confuse issues here. Boganism and conservatism are not one and the same. This climate change green left agenda is driven by the same Labor (notice how they spell it wrong for maxtreme bogan appeal) that bogans vote for religiously because their great grandfather did.
To label Andrew Bolt a bogan institution is also silly. Bolt stands for everything Bogan’s don’t. His tirrades on disintegrating family structures, the welfare state and lack of courtesy horrify bogans who embrace these things as a lifestyle
Hehe, of course the incorrectly spelt rants on Ltd News about how Joooolyaaaa and KDudd are undermining the country obviously come from Labor and Green supporters. Hey, there’s another conspiracy.
Furthermore, to suggest that Bolt is NOT a boganic institution couldn’t be further from the truth. Bogans also complain about those sort of things as well, especially when it comes to teh gheyz and their efforts to destroy traditional marriage, but, as you state, they also don’t care about the disintegration of their own family.
Bogans don’t “embrace” these things at all – they just don’t realise that their lifestyles are what they are. They all agree with Mr Bolt, because he raves – and they admire raving.
bogans love andrew bolt because he shouts loudly and tells them what to think. plus, he tells them everything is someone else’s fault, which is the central mindset of the bogan.
Bogans dont read Bolt, they dont watch Bolt. In fact most bogans dont even know who Andrew Bolt is. And the ones that do, dont like him. As much as some people might wish, the bogan doesn’t allign themselves with conservatives, they vote Labour their whole life but arnt really socialist either. The Bogan is a Bogan. You can be sure that the few bogans that have discovered Bolts internet collum, will dissert him as soon as he stops giving sh!t to Joolia and imigrants and starts giving it to dole bludgers, middle class welfare and single mothers again.
As I’ve said, it’s an insult too far to bogans to label them Andrew Bolt fans
Davo, you’ve completely misunderstood the nature of Boganism. Of course they read Bolt. Of course they don’t vote Labor. Bogans aren’t necessarily working class. Bogans are often cashed-up these days. Bogans have six bedroom mansions, full of wide-screen TVs, with a three car garage. Bogans are Howard’s battlers. They’ve voted Liberal since the Tampa. As such, they are great fans of Bolt.
Boganism isn’t about being working class, a single mother or a dole bludger. Sure, some of these people are bogans, but Boganism is more a state of mind. It’s about taste, ideas, values, style, and behaviour, regardless of wealth or education. The least boganic person I ever knew was my grandfather who was obliged to leave school when he was twelve years old. The most boganic person I work with has a PhD, votes Liberal and is a committed Christian. He’s also a great fan of Andrew Bolt. No. Boganism is not so easily pigeon-holed as you seem to think it is.
You dont have to explain what a bogan is. I just dont think that bogans support everything Bolt says.
You’ve got it, nailed it on the head—it’s all a state of mind, boganism.
As for your PhD colleague, gently explain to them that Bolter is actually a committed Atheist (although he doesn’t make it too widely known, lest he get the religious rightwingnutters offside) and watch the expression on their face…
with the propensity towards boganism prevalent in Australia today, if bogans all voted Labor, we would hardly have a Liberal MP in the parliament. I mean how did wyatt roy get voted in? at least bogans have a (perverse) sense of humour, I guess.
“Andrew Bolt a bogan institution is also silly. ”
Of course he’s a bogan hero. Have a read of the comments – full of conspiracy theories, resentment, ignorance and poor spelling – all the hallmarks of boganism.
Speaking of which, “tirade” is not spelt “tirrade” and if you knew any history, you would know that the reason Australia has a “Labor” party while New Zealand and the United Kingdom have “Labour” parties is because of the influence of American writers on the early Australian Labour movement. Also, you don’t seem to understand when to use an apostrophe of possession.
I think you might want to take a good hard look at yourself. You seem to epitomise boganism in its vilest form – the bogan who sneers at other bogans without realising he’s a bogan himself.
yes well.
for starters, you have misunderstood what the term Bogan means in this current context what you are commenting in in.
and b. notwithstanding regarding Bolt as anything other than a pretentious lolCow and rabble rouser disposes me ill, somewhat, to your contentions generally (The man’s only credentials are as a “sports” journalist are they not?),
3. My Grandfather and I both voted labor because we were the drones, proles and peasants in various macro-economic bonanzi orchestrated by governments on behalf of evil corporations and thought that someone who at least made a philosophical nod to the concept that workers might be entitled to some sort of miserable existence in return for their efforts might spare us from being consumed by the utterly conscience-less Profit Motive. So more of a “values” than “traditions” thing.
iv) you spelld “tirades” rong
It’s funny, the more knowledge we have the stupider we get. 😦
So maybe not funny then.
You a fan of Cat’s Cradle, Panda?
Looks like it’s a trip to the library for me.
Kurt Vonnegut is always a great read. It’s funny that none of his books have been turned into a good film, unlike another great SF writer Philip K Dick, who has had several good adaptations – Blade Runner, Total Recall, The Adjustment Bureau etc – could there be a conspiracy theory?
I’ve recently discovered Elmore Leonard who started out writing dime westerns (those little Western books at your old aunties place) & has written ‘Get Shorty’ ‘Be Cool’ ‘3.10 to Yuma’ etc.
The Thing Panda Likes is his books are set in different eras from the old west to contemporary times.
Bogans did WTC
haha ‘Climate change is a theory now, ‘like gravity. And Adelaide.’’ classic stuff. got into an argument with a drunk bogan once who just knew that gravity is pure gibberish and has no scientific proof. after 2 hours of trying to explain newtons laws of gravity and how gravity brings space junk together to create galaxies and solar systems, i just gave up. he didnt have an explanation about anything, just choose to not believe science
by the way the funniest conspiracy theory i’v heard has to be that aliens control some politicians , esp those in the opposing parties
That’s true, how else do you explain Pauline Hanson and Dublya.
Pauline was the strangled, indignant cry of the disenfranchised and those who had been left behind.
George was a telegenic PR hack for an alliance unelectable idealogues and self-interested industry leaders. He had the background, through a history of unsuccessful enterprises and personal avocation to sit in the same room with them and nod at the right time when they were talking about their bread and butter.
When he gained office, he appointed an inner circle of them to every important portfolio, including several who had tried and failed to obtain public office through the electoral college. They ran (and lost) because of their fundamental un-electability, and the gulf between them and the voter base they co-opted through their more acceptable figurehead.
A slim majority (about 53%) of Americans are now predisposed to vote Republican, even though it is contrary to their interest for a significant fraction of them. Economically they would be beneficiaries of a Democratic administration. which is more inclined to support of labor, and social services, rather than corporate interests and trickle down economics through upper class tax cuts, lower company taxes and the erosion of regulation on large businesses.
But that’s socialism. And socialism is teh evilz.
….”alliance of”….
And yes. The ubiquitous view is that socialism is to be avoided, even if it means that the ultimate and inevitable consequence of “give people back their tax-money, they know what to do with it” arguments is that the people may be slightly more able to afford the repairs to their car after the unfilled potholes in the road depreciate the vehicles suspension sooner than otherwise would be the case.
swedes are socialists.
and look what happened to them.
sadly Uncle Rupert has made socialism synonymous with the command economy.
the truth is coming out now – socialism is the real fear motivating the anti emissions trading set.
Bit of a worry with Ruphert and Obama and the USA Economy to remind us of the benifits of capitalism. (sic)
damn right James.
if anything kills this carbon thing it’ll be a handful of silk cuff types who think it’s all a nice idea and everything, but who are just ethically opposed to wealth distribution. the whole thing smacks of government interference in the Big wheels.
and we can’t have that now.
All republicans are evil
you should have glassed him as a practical demonstration of gravity. just hold the glass above his head and let the theory do all the work.
“…a conceptual combover capable of cladding even the baldest of theories in half a dozen tenuous strands of delusion.”
Poetry in motion.
And shak, theirs being the Real World, the bogan has no time for scientific proof… or scientific poofs, for that matter.
Sadly, James Hunter is not a theory.
Pete Dweeb
I am sure you were vacinated at to young an age and were weaned onto flurodidated water.
You could not just be an acident of nature.
Suggest you sue your mum.
James! I’m shocked! HOW could you!
You KNOW Petey’s mother is an angel!
She must be….she didn’t drown him at birth!
Just goes to show, anyone does a good deed and it will come back to haunt them
The bogue is always looking for information to prove its theories. They ask me for info on climate change ’cause I read’n’stuff. The blank look on their faces is priceless when I tell them that as my scientific training is rather slim, I really don’t know what the truth is. To be honest, most of my training comes from watching the Curiosity Show with Rob and Deane.
They need a strong stance. No doubt is allowed. To have someone who they class as a nerd say they don’t know, well, that confuses the bogue. It puts doubt in their own mind. For half a second anyway. Then they’ll be distracted by their mate who has stuck pencils in his nostrils and is making walrus noises.
The Bilderberg Group/NWO/Illuminati/Freemasons want to reduce the world’s population to 2 million.
Is this TBL or things alex jones likes?? have to admit i am partial to alex jones’ podcasts, assorted websites and films, a good conspiracy theory balances out the the boring filtered crap that is trolled out of main stream media, and keeps you thinking and not taking everything at face value.
after listening to him for a year of so, Jones has some way out there theories and ideas, but some of the stuff he has said does have some merit.
alex jones and merit in the same sentence?
Alex Jones.
Listened to that bloated windbag quite a bit when I worked for a bunch of libertarians.
The poor fellow’s off the f#cking planet. Hangin’ with Charlie Sheen and high on love for Magellan…
(Ignore the melodramatic background music. It’s just plain embarrassing.)
Reminds me of Birch Barlow. Maybe with a dash of Nicholas Cage, a light Limbaugh garnishing, and, strangely enough, a pinch of Rush’s arch-nemesis, the late Bill Hicks.
I have no objection to the context of the post. However, to say that the background music is embarrassing misses the point of the person who put it on youtube. The music is part of a Godspeed You Black Emperor track in which they insert dialogue from a US right wing end-of the world person and this was done in an ironic way. The person that put this on youtube has probably tried to do the same. Don’t diss the music if you don’t understand its context!
Point taken. Assumed the music was a bit of grandiosity dubbed in by one of Alex Jones’ many rabid disciples in an attempt to add weight to his loony rant. Unfamiliar with the band. Wikipedia has enlightened me. Lock in Irony, Eddie. Can usually spot that stuff a mile away. Seems like Alex Jones fans might not be the type who listen to ambient post-rock from Montreal. Interesting the band were arrested at an Oklahoma gas station in 2003 under suspicion of being terrorists. Don’t ‘preciate those arty types ’round ‘ere, no sir-ee Bawb.
I had an argument about the merits of a carbon tax the other day. The person i was arguing with was citing ‘some guy from the tv’ that morning who thinks it’s all a big bunch of arse. She couldnt recall exactly who the person on the tv was, but was in total agreeance with him. As she is not someone who is usually political, i sought to find out who the commentator was. Being a weekend I asked if she’d been watching video hits and left the tv on afterwards. She had. Bolt Report. Game over.
celebrity opinions.
having bolt on when he is is a crime agin’ nature.
literally, as it turns out
Moar, Is having a bolt on anything like having a strap on but more secure ?
it’s a big strap on with a thread.
you can screw yourself.
is “an inconvenient truth” classed as a conspiracy theory film???
but only by people who think “Inside Job” isn’t.
On a serious note, there is a world government element to global warming.
Also, 10% of the proposed carbon tax will be paid to the U.N.
Taxing a gas that humans exhale and that is required in the photosynthesis process to create oxygen is crazy.
Oxygen is requirewd for life as well but too much of that will kill you , so be careful with generalisations.
Oh, James Hunter, obviously you’ve just surface! At 2pm… Almost time for a siesta, pops.
first article gives munchkin credence. second article is just a ‘foreign aid is bad’ argument tarted up with an anti-environment coat of paint. both are pretty much crap.
you just don’t get it.
“Taxing a gas that humans exhale and that is required in the photosynthesis process to create oxygen is crazy.”
Pure Alan Jones.
this is the sort of crap I get in emails from my Uncle John. It seems to be that whenever the Bogan can’t comprehend whatever is actually going on it just sides with whoever is shouting the loudest.
You forgot the greatest bogan conspiracy theory of all time: the moon landing HOAX. Where lesser men dedicate their lives to the study of astrophysics, all it took was one half hour Channel Ten special hosted by Mitch Pileggi they managed to catch the tail end of ten years ago for the bogan to see the light. The bogan now knows the landing was nothing but an elaborate plot cooked up in a Hollywood studio by NASA, in association with a man only known as Stanley Kubricks.
haha yeh heard that before, wasnt sure if they were joking or being serious, now i know its believed by a lot of bogans
so has anybody heard of light body activation and that 2012 is all about humans ascending into the 5th dimension?! freaaaky!!
Many of the posters here are starting to sound very bogan indeed in the way they immediately target anyone who agrees with Andrew Bolt or who feels that the climate change debate is a complete furphy. Andrew is not afraid to debate anyone and is not afraid of a rational debate. Unfortunately, most people on the pro side of the carbon tax issue have no more understanding of the science than what they have been told over and over again by a very biased media and school system. The “science” is not absolute on this issue and enough scientists who know what they are talking about are debunking this whole global warming caused by humans or even global warming happening outside the normal realm.
Australia is one of the most highly taxed countries in the world. What good will this tax do? Why are we implementing it? Did anyone read recently that is a Greens politician that has the highest use of a Comcar? If you are going to shove a green policy down the neck of the general population, you had better have a squeaky clean record of green living as far as I am concerned.
Now to my second point. Anyone who has a go at Scientology is smart and if that includes bogans, well good on them!
Please don’t rely on the Herald Sun for your evidence. When you talk about “very biased media” you’re actually then using it for your own purposes.
How do you know what I read Polly? Are you basing that on the fact that I mentioned Andrew Bolt? How very judgmental of you! I am far more widely read than that. However, Andrew is one of the very few people that will stick his head up and fly against the flock when it comes to the issue of climate change. Let’s be real here Polly, you know fuck all about the issue, like most people, and when we are all paying through the nose for just about everything, you will find something or someone else to blame for it.
I would also like you to explain how exactly I have used the Herald-Sun to my advantage? Seems to me that in just about every poll I see these days, 80%of the population are against this impost on us, so perhaps the papers are just reporting how we actually feel. That’s not just the Herald-Sun Polly, it’s EVERY publication! Are we all stupid and the other 20% are the educated ones? “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time”.
My current calculation is that 95% of people are morons, I may be a bit under there.
way way under
you quoted the herald sun.
with the most ludicrous anti-carbon argument there is!
“greedy scientist gravy train” The Incredulity of that one beggars belief. It’s a conspiracy by greedy scientists.
Well thank gods the benevolent billionaires of global industry have our best interests at heart.
I shall quote Mr S.E. Brown, M.A. (cantab), B.A., B.Sc. (Lond) – Headmaster of Liverpool Collegiate School and formerly Senior Science Master at Uppingham – from his “Experimental Science II. Chemistry” Cambridge University Press London 1912
Chapter XIII “Carbon and it’s two Oxides. Effect of Plant and Animal Life on the Atmosphere”
pp 86 “Hence we see that there is a constant interchange of carbon between plants and animals… If this cycle did not take place… the result of the processes of burning, breathing and decay would be that carbon dioxide would accumulate until the air was unfit for human life.”
That’s late 19th Century Junior High School Science.
I’d wager a late 19th century Junior High School Student could extrapolate it from there.
Of course they didn’t have lobbyists back then. Anyone who wasn’t interested in Natural History and The Scientific Method was simply called a Peasant. And since Peasants, by and large, had fu#k all, no one bothered pandering to their inane and ignorant proclivities.
Go back to the telly. You might miss a really good Ad.
Damn right you’re missing some fine ads. These two fine examples of bogan target practice must be fighting it out for most maxXxtreme to the ∞.
In other news: “Mother™ is a harmless trace gas, Bob Browns bitch!” – Carbonated Beverage Industry Lobbyists.
selling sugar and water to people is the second biggest driver of innovation in human history after war.
Just shows that even simple people can be most difficult
Dunno. But the Liberal Party plan on implementing some climate change shit too. Which will simply make things more expensive as well as all government intervention in the market does. So who gives a f#ck.
Seems to me the people most concerned are the 4WD’ing investment property owning bogan pigs. So a part of me is enjoying hearing you squeal. But mostly I wish you’d just stfu and take it in the arse just like how you Liberal Party voters like giving it to others in other ways.
I thought libtards could turn feral like in the Howard years but you guys are much worse. And they usually turned feral over things like refugees not their wallets.
seams you are largely outside the normal realm ?
But I’m not. I’m one of the majority that can actually think! I don’t believe immediately what my government tells me and especially what the Greens tell me. In case you haven’t noticed, Labor is very much on the nose these days. If you are happy to be sold spin, by all means accept their claims and be raped in the wallet for no good reason. Roll on to the next election and we wont have to worry about Labor or the Greens for years and years to come because they are going to be obliterated!
Well so long as you dont believe immediately anything that Foney Rabbit tells you
How would anyone trust a man that will not allow any of his “trusted” inner circle appear on weekend TV ?
Also please dont suggest that there is any lack of spin comming from the conservatives. Look at todays outrageous claim by Bbbbarry OFfffarrel claiming that the carbon tax will add 3.5% to public transport costs and cause a flood of people going back to their own cars !!! that is Double Bahahahahahah
Next issue if you are naieve enough to believe that a having a magor party obliterated in a poll is a good thing then you have lost the plot. A strong opposition proposing sensible argument and sensible alternative is the core of any functioning democracy.
If Labour were wiped out federally you would end up with jug ears carrying on with the same nonesence that ofarrell is in NSW.and that Foney Tony sprouts and espouses.
The same thing would apply if the conservatives were wiped out. mores the pity !
When it comes to matters of climate science and the interwoven economic questions pertaining to it, Foney Rabbit doesn’t rely upon those who’ve dedicated their careers, in many cases for decades, to them.
No, he relies on the views of the public. Like most of the great unwashed lumpenproletariat have a sound knowledge of these matters. He is not leading public opinion, just following the pack of those to whom his wobbly stance appeases to, just becoming their figurehead.
Foney Rabbit in this whole Carbon Tax saga is engaging in small-minded demagoguery and potentially dangerous dogwhistling; better to act on the (highly likely, by my best estimation) possibility of climate change being real, at least we could have a chance of gaining an even-more habitable environment, if nothing else if it just turns out to be nothing more than an aberration of natural causes, but with more and more people on the globe becoming more affluent, therefore becoming more voracious consumers (and all the industrial pollution that results), I’m more likely to agree that lethal climate change is a very real possibility if we procrastinate any further. He has not even put forward any bold vision, right, wrong or otherwise, with his “direct action” catch-cry only true insomuch as he’d have direct action dictated solely on the terms of his industrialist supporter base and to whatever whims they fancy, in that it’d just be a direct response of dithering and business-as-usual while they can wheedle the backing from the bogan serfs they are paymasters to.
Say what you like about whatever shortfalls Gillard’s proposals have, or “waiting until other countries do something like Labor wants to do”, but I see absolutely nothing (Malcolm Turnbull notably excepted) useful put forward as a viable alternative by the Coal-ition and in the absence of anything better, I believe the Federal Government’s plan is worth a shot, even if it’s possibly quixotic…better to try than to fry wondering.
Indeed. The “Pascal’s Wager” of our times.
Or Schrodingers Cat
hear hear
And there is another classic ploy that Labor and Green supporters always resort to. They use slogans and name calling such as “Foney Rabbit”. Childish, but hey, that’s what we all accuse the bogans of being, isn’t it? In your response, even you made the comment that carbon change is “highly likely”, not “definite”, not “absolutely”. So you are happy to have a tax that is going to affect everything based on “highly likely”?
The Coalition do not tend to put forward policies that are going to screw the countries economy. They never have. They have always had to repair the damage they find once they follow a Labor government that has been voted out.
Or you could say that the Labor party is always left a mess to be fixed by the previous government that was voted out and then the Liberal party survives on the good reform done by the previous government. It’s a never ending argument. Pointless really.
Climate change. I don’t know either way. I’m not a scientist. But I’ve always been one to err on the side of caution. So if it costs me an extra $500 a year and the planet is a bit cleaner, well, I’m in. I can make changes and savings. Anyhow, I can drop that much at the races and walk away not caring. Is the Labor way the best way? I don’t know. All I know is it seems better than the alternative.
Mr Hockey was in town the other day telling all that solar power is useless in FNQ because of the wet season. No, really. If he’s that ignorant then I can’t trust the Liberal mob to do anything worthwhile.
Foney Rabbit. Granted, a bit juvenile…
Didn’t some Fairfax journo come up with Abbott-Proof Fence?
And please, Liberal supporters are the undisputed kings of childish name-calling. Ju-Liar? Lame. Bob Browns Bitch? (Note the lack of apostrophe.) Ditch the Bitch? Sensing a theme here. Up all night thinking of that one, Mrs Rinehart? How about Krudd? I believe that’s a Bolta original. All in a day’s work for the freethinking purveyors of News Ltd’s patented Commonsense Journalism.
At least the leftards had memorable slogans like Coward is a Hunt.
The more I think about it the more I realise that both sides of politics are basically the same, they just try to differentiate themselves by being bigger carnts. Libtards and contards alike.
Makes me wish I had been smarter in picking a major. I farkin’ hate politics.
Like I bin sayin’ all along, Go Pies.
Faaark ‘tics. Saul ’bout ekanomix an’ sportz.
And incidentally, it’s spelt “gubmint”.
I hate da gubmint. Gimme spearmint, gimme peppermint, but too much gubmint gimme a sour taste in me mout’.
Daff, is you’re house “highly likely” to burn down? No, in fact, it’s probably “highly unlikely” to burn down.
But you probably still have insurance coverage for your house burning down, right?
Carbon tax – a bit like insurance, but for something that esteemed scientists think is highly likely, not just an unlikely possibility.
You’ll look back on these words with what should be appropriate embarrassment daffodils. Abbott has turned us into an international laughing stock.
Agreed BOT….well said.
bag o you say gillards tax is worth a shot
wtf youre willing to risk our whole economy and social cohesion because the world may be heating up and if it is it may be because of humans,and since our country is made up of humans(not many though when you compare to other countries) we may as well roll the dice-yeah good idea ,why not,nothing much else happening!
you are a moron!! like most of the libtards on this blog you have no idea about the real world!!
Is this a set-up?
Heheh, fear not, I do live in the real world, but not the rool world that this other person speaks of, of which perception is sooo beloved of the bogan as the bastion of all that is true and, well, rool. In the real world, small islands in the Pacific are indeed already experiencing vanishing shorelines and salinity of previous precious sources of fresh water due to the encroachment of the ocean. Try telling the good folks of Tuvalu, Palau, Kiribati and most tellingly now, the Carteret Islands of PNG that rising sea levels aren’t real.
but as our esteemed contributor bogue avenga pointed out, countries with small populations – like us, like tuvalu – are not worth much compared to the big countries. they’ll just have to wait their turn like good little boys and girls until something happens in the usa, like miami sinking beneath the waves.
Remember the golden rule of the mainstream meeja: one American life is equivalent to roughly 254 Tuvaluans.
risk our whole economy and social cohesion
I just wish either side would produce sensible argument James!
If a three year old acted as badly as our politicians do in parliament, they would be in ‘time out’ 90% of the time.
I’m sick of the petty catcalls & bickering….just get on with sensible debating, & governing the country with some common sense & forethought!
There doesn’t seem to be any basic research done, or sense of self-preservation either. (ie: the pink bats debacle) You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to realise that you need to look at possible problems that could arise BEFORE giving Carte Blanche to anyone who cares to register themselves as an ‘expert’ installer….
Oh, der, Cate Blanchett gives most people a rise.
or in your case putting the carte before the horse
Oh, James Hunter, it’s approximately 11:36 and after surfacing at 14:00 your day’s just starting. A couple more Bundy’n’Cokes, by which I mean a coupla dozen, and you’ll be primed to kick-on with that Chateau cardboard you’re chillin’ in the ridgy-didge.
adversarial politics is what it should be.
but it seems to be slightly off the rails just lately.
repetition. works.
keep it simple… repeat it.
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and
social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and
social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and
social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion
risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion risk our whole economy and social cohesion
Well doneMoar! I hope that works!
I don’t know if you & Simon have seen this?
I do not know about Simon but Foney Rabbitt has seen it.
He keeps it simple so he can understand it himself and repeats it because he can not remember more then one message at a time.
there should be moar of this.
see simon. this is the correct thing to do with a hill and a bicycle.
21 switchbacks? after which one do you ask “whose stupid fucking idea was this?”
They are pharkin mad V2!
i think if the Greens and their Labor lackeys were obliterated then this countries economy might just function properly,no more waste of tax payers hard earned,no more pandering to minority groups,no more pie in the sky social reforms just common sense governance that rewards hard working people who have this countrys interests at heart
As if the neocons, neolibs and The Silent Majority™ have a monopoly on Common Sense™…it the aforementioned parties that have to engage in expensive and disruptive reforms to wipe the widely-spattered faecal mess left behind those incontinent types of both the wilfully complacent lazy status quo and the razor gangs who expect everyone to take a cut bar they and their pals.
And please, if you’re going to embark upon a regular troll patrol, take a page out of PT’s book and learn to use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar (for all the sins of that particular troll, at least he has the decency to observe those conventions).
Otherwise, good day to you sir or madam. I said GOOD DAY.
(Trademarks are registered property of News Limited™)
Bag O
Jolly well said ,Sir.. Jolly well said.
hear hear
How do you do the little trademark thingy? The TM thing. That’s quite impressive.
I mean, yes, your points are valid. But I find them paling against the TM thingy.
Second that.
The pissiness of an asterisk, footnote, just won’t do™*
*Farken, worked it out Mick: (Snicker all you like, cumpooter-litrette types…) Microsoft Word, Insert, Symbol, ™, Cut, Paste. Rad.
Could’ve sworn that move didn’t work, but must’ve been thinking of the Baillieu-subsidised mirth constabulary over at the AFL Dream Team Coaches Box regulatory commission.
Just killed the asterisk. Eat your cold, black hearts out, you sanctimonious, money-shuffling NAB mutherf#ckers! And don’t think I don’t know about you clowns borrowing several billion dollars of emergency funds from the clusterf#cked basket case that is the US Fed Reserve.
All sortsa symbols there too in MS Word. Like, check this shit out:
Chuck Norris is maxtreme to the ∞.
Excellent. Just one question.
What is Microsoft Word?
Life was far easier as a bogan.
You don’t know how pleased I am at doing that. I would like to thank Turnips for his inspiration and KKK for his help…I’m so emotional right now…like to thank the acadamy…cannot forget my mum and dad…and the guy who used to sell me Phantom comics…
I’m overwhelmed.
KKK Come on
it should read Chuck Norris is Maxtreme to infinity. Not to The infinity. Surely ?
Any ways I all fucked up because I dont know what MSWord id eithr and cant figgure out how to make the infinity symbol
is my favourit’ symbol.
can anyone tell me what the name of it is?
like this: ~ is called a tilde
what’s this: ∞ called?
i just search on google and copypasta
Ä ä Ë ë Ï ï Ö ö Ü ü Ÿ ÿ
(not to be confused with diaresis)
does anyone else here remember Awesome Rickee?
With the hot missus? Yup.
those were the days eh?
this cat is clearly an awesome rickee job
“Labor is on the nose”
“If you are happy to be sold spin”
I bet no one sells you Spin!
I bet you’re much smarter than that.
can’t believe i missed the ‘one of the majority who actually think’ line. if you truly believe the majority of people think about anything important – and particularly something scientific – then you’re pretty deluded.
the majority of people apparently think McDonalds and Auto Tune are fricken awesoooome
and that news about kim kardashian’s arse is more important than famine in africa.
name me the reputed scientists who know what they are talking about that have declared global warming bunkum. and then take a look at the temperature graphs, look at the graphs for expected temperature variation due only to natural shifts, due only to volcanoes, due only to solar variations, and then look at one that also includes human actions. you’ll see that the graphs which include human actions have the predicted and observed temperature shifts incredibly well aligned.
and before you accuse me of not understanding the science, i’m a science phd student. i’m not studying climate change, but my field is closely related to it.
yes spot on, the real reason is the sun is just getting hotter, we only have another 3.5 billion years before it runs outto fuel and explodes. get all our shit sorted people!
F*ck, where is my foil hat!!!!
Make the foil hat in the shape of a pyramid for double the safty, Also when you go inside you can use it to sharpen razor blades
I knew you would be one of the people who responded. You know perfectly well that anyone who speaks against climate change is almost a heretic these days. You also know that there have been several highly regarded scientists who spoken out against this hysteria, but where there is money to be made and a culture of absolute falsehood, you cannot swim against the tide. I am not going to do your research for you. Every other day in the media there is a scientist disputing this “science”. Once upon a time, science had to be proven and absolute. An atom is an atom. Now the scientists don’t even agree, but you still have politicians barging ahead.
Do you propose to wait until all the scientists agree and there is concensus with in the general population ?
The sun will burn out before that.
You may not be but you come across as a profesional sceptic. Possibly avoid flurodated water ,iodised salt,vacinations and animal protein.
Suggest you try stone age living. live in a cave, no lighting no heating and bugger no crops and only meat to eat.
Maybe you just feel that Foney Rabbit or Bronyn Hiccup will scour the world of social democrats and let big business get on with running things more efficiently?(into the ground and aided by graft)
Oh, James Hunter, you’re chattering like you’re swaggering down Main Street, Dogpatch full of the civic pride that comes from living in the “New York of Lower Hunter.” Later on, by which I mean when one of Dogpatch’s numerous pubs opens, you’ll target a benefactor for the sole purpose of bouncing your preposterous notions off and, of course, to set the world right over a several schooies of Fruity Lexia – their shout of course.
Pete Dweeb,
What is this Fruity Lexia that you seem overly familiar with ? Do you use it as a subsitute for Cinzano in your M&M martinus ?
Oh, James Hunter, so very typical of you not to know any wine or grape variety. I mean, that shit’s for drinking, idn’t? Just neck it and wait for Nirvana, hay? Sorry to hear about it, gramps.
i don’t know what your experience or training is, but i do have some involvement in climate science, so i get my information from academia, rather than the media. when you get your information from the media do you check the credentials of the person being quoted? there is overwhelming agreement among climate and related scientists – there has been for decades, actually. that’s why there’s what you describe as ‘hysteria’ – the research into climate change and human impacts on climate has been going for over a century. svante arrhenius first proposed the link between changing carbon dioxide levels and temperatures. this work built on joseph fourier’s work in the 1820s, so this science has a long and rigorous history. i’m guessing bob carter is one of the scientists you’re referring to? well, here’s a detailed dissection of his book by david karoly, who really is an incredibly highly respected climate scientist: it quite clearly pulls apart his arguments.
and on the money thing, believe me – if i wanted to be rich, i wouldn’t be doing science. i’d be an investment banker.
Being able to sleep at night… It’s the simple things in life that are often the best.
Incidentally, property can only go up! Invest now!
ur a sciantist?
I bet if I argue with you I will look much more cleverer.
Hey PB
did you know that pb is the chemical cymbal for Lead?
yeah. the latin name is plumBum.
har har your name says Bum.
No it isn’t!
Greedy Fuc|
etc. etc.
you must get a lot of that.
it’s funny when the ‘greedy scientist conspiracy’ line is trotted out by people i know. when i remind them that i’m in the sciences they try so very hard to back peddle from saying something about me personally. it’s hilarious to watch them try and simultaneously question the ethics of anyone even vaguely associated with climate science yet assure me they believe i’m good and decent and not at all a naughty naughty conspirator.
hysterical innit?
take a look at that flashy Tim Flannery.
a man obviously consumed by greed.
Andrew Bolt has never engaged in a rational debate in his life
Wow that gave a great deal to the discussion. Typical of the type of people who dislike Andrew Bolt!
are you typical of those who like him ?
Sorry Daff, but anyone who thinks that Bolta can carry on a rational debate should be strapped into a chair, Clockwork Orange style, and forced to watch his antics on “Insiders”. Not to mention his obnoxious, porcine buddy.
is this a troll?
Now Listen “Mate”, usually I do all the Mental Illness Acting Out in here… Me, ChubbyBloodfart. no room for two loonies.
I’m getting miffed.
What about that one about those potty-mouthed taxpayer-funded cultural-elite Koori lesbian queue-jumping latte-sipping finger-painting Hollywood communist abortionist vegan tree-hugging single mothers?
It was an impartial, even-handed discussion between such diverse minds as Bolt, Tony Abbott, Steve Price, Barnaby Joyce, and the bullheaded carcass of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
I’m part of that Silent Majority* that appreciates his unique brand of Commonsense Journalism*. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to check out the luscious jugs on that Page Three Girl*… Ah, f#ck. It’s Miranda Devine*.
*phrase copyrighted by News Corporation
He has, many in fact.
He has generally been among the less rational participants in any given discussion, however. His stocks in trade are condescension and pandering. He just doesn’t behave well in the context of an adversarial, but mannered debate. This, I think, explains why he is a pundit in the popular arena, where the audience is less able to silently call bullshit on him, rather than in legitimate academic forums.
He is a populist pedagogue.
Agreed Daff,
Bolt annoys me at times with his showmanship, but does have some valid points…. regardless of where he gets his information, there is definitely multiple sides to this debate.
you are killing me.
I’m so sorry.
I truly and earnestly believe that to Understand a thing, one should be able to argue for and agin’ it. Purely from the perspective of the Armchair Consumer, I have considered everything I can get my hands on and comprehend, and you Have been Sold a Pup.
even if I concede that there may be more to discuss, I would still insist that it is prudent to take action now.
Away from News Ltd and the Liarberal Party the Emissions Trading Carbon Price Price Establishment Mechanism as announced by Herself the other weekend has been well recieved… With Joy by some economists.
If you’re a canny cappo you could cash in. and the clever ones are. Shills like Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones, Christopher Monckton and Tony Abbott have been roped in for a desperate rearguard action by the Established Vested Interests.
Emissions Trading is still a Market. And Markets Make money. Our friends can bleat about “newspoll” figures, but the reality is that this is happening. Great Minds make these decisions. we can put down our cynicism for a sec and acknowledge that the people who are moving on these things probably all actually graduated high school and have done considerably more with their than the likes of our Media Denizens.
They are not idiots.
Agreed Moar,
I would by far rather take action now! If history proves us wrong (which I doubt), we have lost nothing in cleaning up our act.
The alternative doesn’t really bear thinking about….
You know, almost everything you wrote is absolute crap. I’ll ignore the obvious troll BS about how “Andrew (sic) is not afraid of rational debate” and how “enough scientists…are debunking…” etc. No. Let’s just go for simple ones.
“Australia is one of the most highly taxed countries in the world”. Bollocks. Amongst the 34 OECD countries we are 30th. Amongst all countries, in the world we are in the lower 50%. Have a look here.
“a Greens politician that has the highest use of a Comcar” Again absolute garbage. The Greens are no heavier users of cars than anyone else. Have a look here.
I suspect your other ‘facts’ as regard climate change and ‘Andrew’ are about as accurate.
In your willingness to accept at face value whatever garbage ‘Andrew’ dishes up you’ve demonstrated yourself to be the most repulsive of bogans; a bogan who accuses others of boganism without realising the extent of his or her own boganism. You bogan.
I hope global warming is real. It’s frickin cold in Adelaide, we did not get a summer and I’ve had a gutsfull. Bring it on.
Climate Change Simon, Climate Change.
It’s going to get hotter, colder, wetter & dryer.
Do not argue, the science is settled.
What do I know? I live in Adelaide, which may or may not be real.
Let’s just ban winter.
Amen to that. 8 days in a row here under 14C. Bring on summer.
Adelaide is the problem due to it
being exactly half way between the
sun & Antarctica. You need to move
slightly to one side so that you can
avoid copping from both directions.
thank you. that’s much better!
Come on, you live there, Adelaide is real.!
+1. 13 degrees here in Sydney, very depressing, very demoralising, I think I’m gonna become a summer guy from now on and praise the stinking heat.
You do realise that “Climate Change” was a term introduced by the denialists because it sounded less threatening than “Global Warming”. You do understand that, don’t you? You wouldn’t be demonstrating your boganic ignorance, would you?
I thought it was changed to Climate Change by the warmists because it wasn’t. Warming that is.
no, that changed.
No. You are completely wrong. About the term. And about warming that is.
Angora Simon!
And did I tell you Giant want to sponsor me?
Are Shoguns better than Giants?
I looked at the pictures of stuff they want to give me, and I don’t even know what some of it is.
sounds suss.
speaking of suss – I bought this K-Mart Mountain Bike at cashies for fifty bucks. disc brakes, full suss. I tore off all the decals and put the seat, cranks and derailleurs on it from the shogun. I also had an old quick release Sun CR-18 disc rim with an eight cog cluster on it what I found on Hard Rubbish, but I had to put the K-Mart tyre on it. I want to buy tires with cool writing on them one day.
I figure if I can keep riding it consistently I might buy a real one.
Maybe Giant will give me one? I hope it has a gel seat.
Ah Giants, the Toyota of the bike world. I’ve ridden one of their mountain bikes, the ones with suspension. A strange experience after the maxxtreme stiffness of the Daccordi, kind of like trying to have a root in a waterbed. Hard to get purchase, know what I mean Moar?
I hear that.
I kinda like it. a bit floaty like.
and once you sort of get into a good solid pumping rhythm it will sort of work with you, flexing and pushing back at you almost. grinding.
I like to really get my hips into it and it just seems better with that sort of back and forth thrusting action you get with something which has a bit of give, know what I mean Si?
Yeah. Why did waterbeds go out of fashion?
Prbly coz ya sure caint sleep in em. How about if we filled them with carbon? And Angora sheets.
oh sorry, I was talking about the suspension on the bike.
can you still buy water beds?
I heard someone suggest one could remove the sheets from one’s water bed, apply a liberal dose of a quality vegetable oil to the rubber bladder, remove ones vestements and phone a phriend to pick up a nice red on the way ’round.
never tried it but.
Water bed with Satin sheets is the pits have trouble staying in it let alone rooting in it. !
Give me terry towling sheets and a good old fashion mattress.
Oh, God, James Hunter, spare one and all the sordid details of your sex life.
Let’s be reasonable for a moment here. Now we all might make fun of bogans and the Things they Like, but as a whole bogans aren’t really that bad. We all know some in real life, they might be our family or friends. They might buy or do stupid Things sometimes, but they’re not THAT bad.
The reason I’m saying this is that I don’t think the average bogan deserves to be labelled something as vile as an Andrew Bolt reader.
You make a good point Will S. Perhaps we can put it in terms that Andrew himself might use.
Not all bogans are Andrew Bolt readers, but it sure as hell seems like most Andrew Bolt readers are bogans.
fair enough Wil.
but surely we can at least agree that all Bolt readers are fückwits first and foremost and may or may not be bogan after that fact?
Yet again my favourite politician, Mr Keating, has given some verbal glassings.
I don’t know how he does it, but even him calling someone a donkey makes me laugh. Plus, I learnt a new word. Obscurantism.
One can rely on good ol’ Paul Keating to “maintain the rage”…no flies on him!
Recollections of a Bleeding Heart indeed.
Being flogged with a wet lettuce is one thing, but throw that 700-page micro-font brick across the room and it’s gonna hurt like one of Paul’s pinpoint verbal glassings.
Still, it’s not it the bookshop cutout bins yet. Which is more than I can say for mountains upon mountains of copies of Lazarus Rising and The Costello Memoirs. Five bucks apiece. And ten for thirty. Hardback. They’ll get yer fire started a treat during these chilly months.
On the other hand, excess copies of The Latham Diaries and Beazley’s Blatherings are being used to insulate the walls of Julie Bishop’s Antarctic vagina.
And just to cover my could-be-interpreted-as-sexist bases, I will gladly insult the withered, desolate, but surprisingly potent genitals of Philip Ruddock.
I hope everyone’s enjoying their dinner.
a genuine lol for julies polar pudenda
i dont lol much anymore
Polar Pudenda !
would that be the
Bear Truth
Oh, James Hunter, you’ve obviously just surfaced therefore it’s equally obvious that yesterday was Centrelink payday. A whole box of Fruity Lexia induces some sleep, eh? Also, James Hunter, less and fewer attempts at wordplay if you don’t mind.
paul is my fav’rit after gough.
here is the video for the less litteritt amongst us.
Sorry to be a wanker but tefflon has carbon in it making it organic.
Matt, Sorry but the presence of carbon alone does not make a substance organic.
For a good discussion on the Carbon Tax issues go to You Tube
and : Paul Keating on Economic Reform, Pricing Carbon and Tony Abbott’s so called “Direct Action” policy.
says as much about Foney Rabbit as it does Carbon Tax.. The Carbon tax make a lot more sense.
i put it up.
the political judo chop
that’s what you do with obscurantism
Why is Urban stuck out in Western Nuff Nuff on a Friday? It’s a conspiracy I tell ya.
Urban is standing guard at the Nuff Nuff Rabbit proof fence to keep Foneys out.
Lot of Rabbits at Nuff NUff .
Well said James!
Fear not, Simon! To prove just how much I love youse guys, I am pleased to present to you, live from St George, the latest episode of …
Which you can read here:
Now I’m off to go and have a beer with Barnaby Joyce.
At the Australian Hotel no doubt. With the big murray cod over the bar.
Spent many a night in there.
Only pub I’ve seen so far is the Cobb & Co. Looked a bit rough but nothing on Kingaroy. At the Chinese restaurant ATM. Surprisingly good for small town Chinese.
I’ll say hi to the stuffed cod for you.
There’s dedication to one’s fans! Thanks Bush.
That doe not have the same ring as Urban. Anyway, coconut curries moving in next door to B&B?
You can thank the fact that my motel in St George had free wi-fi, Simon. Stuffed if I was gonna type 1200 words on my iThingie.
Now in Warwick, a town which I find strangely find comfortable and which I occasionally fantasise about moving to.
Blue collar? Yes. Unsophisticated? Definitely. Dining? I found a whole two restaurants open which weren’t fast food (a noodle bar and a cafe cake shop seafood thingy).
Bogan? No worse than most places. Better than the outer suburbs.
When I was a little tacker, Warwick had the most awesomest second hand book shop evah! The comic section in the middle of the shop was a kid’s dream.
I went back as an adult and was surprised at how small it was, but the comic section was still the same. I hope it’s still there.
Nothing bogan about that tale. I just felt like saying something positive for a change.
I passed a 2nd hand bookshop this morning Mick, it was shut though being Sunday morning. It was on a side street just east of Palmerin St, I think opposite the cinemas. Is that the shop you’re referring to?
Now in Toowoomba, which doesn’t hold a great a claim to my heart as Warwick. I saw a small shopping centre, the most prominent shop therein being a happy clapper bookshop. That’s enough to turn me off any place.
Still, the place has the best fish & chips on the planet. So it’s not all doom and gloom in the Garden City. No bogans spotted yet. Though a pub I ducked into to go to the loo was dodgy as.
Now on my way home. I planned to go home tomorrow but I struck a kangaroo last night. Need to get home and get my left headlight fixed.
Yeah urban, that sounds like the one.
I can still remember the smell of the shop and the feel of the Phantom comics that I used to grab every friday afternoon.
I loved that place.
give my love to Goodooga.
“australia’s most boring town”
or was that Dirranbandi?
Ugh.I think I’m going to be sick at this writers smug sense of self satisfaction. Who’s a clever boy then?
Self satisfaction should be hyphenated.
New maxxtremely stupid craze as seen on the news – Owling. Basically just popping a squat on stuff. Those crazy interweb kidz.
As for conspiracy theories … blah.
Richard Nixon couldn’t even organise a hotel room break-in without it become a “long national nightmare”.
Bill Clinton couldn’t even get a BJ off Monica Lewinsky without the whole sordid affair being revealed in a congressional investigation.
And people seriously think that the ruling class has the intelligence to pull of these huge conspiracies, like Chinese submarines abducting Harold Holt or 9/11 being perpetrated by the CIA?
Blah. Our leaders are pretty dumb. They couldn’t organise a wet mop and a bucket. You only have to see Sydney’s public transport system for proof of this.
And the ruling class is supposed to be so all-powerful and all-knowing that they can create fake moon landings involving thousands of people, and subject 6 billion people to mind-control experiments?
no, that’s the fake ruling class – they’re just a front for the real rulers, who are illuminati alien cyber-frog-men.
damn it – i’ve just exposed the global conspiracy, haven’t i? i hate it when i do that.
It’s okay, the super-intelligent-space-monkeys have a way of cleaning up little spills like this.
The New World Order will not be damaged.
“They” will have you in a saucer and off before we know it.
“And people seriously think that the ruling class has the intelligence to pull of these huge conspiracies…”
More likely, does anyone really believe that public servants have the competence to pull off an elaborate conspiracies?
I work in Gubbmunt. We have to have meetings to plan for meetings. Our dark masters seem to think that we reach the dizzyiing heights of achievement when we publish a glossy colour brochure with an Action Plan or a Strategy.
I spent three years reading the peer-reviewed scientific papers about water fluoridation and made an independent decision to avoid it. Is it still bogan if you make an informed decision based on the published science? The fact that many dental authorities choose to not to be troubled by dental fluorosis caused by excessive fluoride intake and the concerning link between artificially fluoridated water and osteosarcoma in the published Bassin study are just a couple of reasons that my own conclusion is somewhat different to the dental dogma of ‘fluoride is good m’kay’. My own knowledge of human biochemistry compels me to follow the cautionary principle and avoid systemic ingestion of fluoridated water. If this makes me a bogan I’ll wear your label with pride, if you feel the need to pigeon-hole me because of me personal decision to avoid fluoridated water to make yourselves feel superior go right ahead, I hope it gives you the ego boost you so obviously need. Putting those who oppose compulsory water fluoridation with toxic industrial byproducts in the same basket as climate change deniers is just plain lazy. Keep drinking your tap water folks.
Do you oppose Iodised salt?
Chloramination for water supply,vacination for childhood diseases?
Just wondering as usually this set of deviant behaviousr occour together.
If Flouride is the only naturally occuring water born chemical that you object to then just be careful which part of the world you llive in.
You with your psudo scientific knowledge would be unaware that there is no such thing as “Pure water” inother then in a laboroty. All life forms have evolved with the capability to obtain esential minerals from their water. In many areas of the world that includes Flourine.
Oh, James Hunter, ease up on the books-learning pronouncements, pops. This isn’t the public bar of the Dogpatch Arms and neither is 06:03 a time to be necking schooies of Fruity Lexia.
I have to do at least twice as much book learning as most to attempt to balance those ,like you, who have none.
Yeah, ya neet ya fluorite otherwise youl getoles in ya teeth, ats what em experts say,think ya know betta then the experts eh jac???
It would be interesting to compare the health of our teeth as a nation compared to the pre-fluoride days. My mother used to give my brothers and I fluoride tablets every day to protect our teeth. We all have fantastic teeth! I drink tap water. I really cannot see the point in buying bottled water, but some people like yourself are against fluoride and that is your right. Just be aware that a couple of the bottled water companies have been caught out using tap water in their products!
Like “Spring water” companies that are owned and bottled and distributed bu Coke a Cola ? , Cottees. The water is not even sterilised with U.V. or ultra filtered or U.H.T. treated. Nothing , out of the tap.
Like wankers that consume worlds resources bring glass bottles from France full of french tap water. what a waste and what an indicment and what a demondtration of stupidity.
Oh, James Hunter, and ‘like’ the definition of a bore, you, when asked how you, go so far as to tell your inquisitor how you are. Wrong, pops. Wrong.
Oh, James Hunter, whatever strain of viral or emotional infection you currently have is obviously so highly contagious that it channels itself through interweb portals. Correction on the most significant portion of my above post (of course, James Hunter, this isn’t to say that all the above post, indeed all my posts, are not equally significant. They are, James Hunter, they are: “and ‘like’ the definition of a bore, you, when asked how you are, go so far as to tell your inquisitor just how you are”. Wrong, pops. Wrong.
Paging James Hunter! Breathlessly awaiting your response to Jac’s post.
Peter as usual you are behind.Just what sort of behind I will leave to others to decide.
You want conspiracy theories?
Then strap yourselves in for the grand daddy of Conspiracy theories
On the 29 August 1958 the child star known as Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana.
Young Michael was a popular black entertainer until an unfortunate accident during the shooting of a Pepsi advertisement on the 27th January 1984.
What isn’t widely know was that the person you refer to as Michael Jackson was indeed Elvis Presley!
It all begins with Elvis Aaron Presley, Jr.
He is the son of the late Elvis Presley born out-of-wedlock to Elvis on December 24, 1961 in Gary, Indiana the result of a liaison between Elvis Presley and Angelique Delores Pettyjohn, a young actress who was an extra in the film “Blue Hawaii”.
Forced by Colonel Tom Parker to keep the presence of Jnr’s birth secret (who incidentally WAS NOT a commissioned officer, but an honorary ‘Kentucky Colonel, much like Colonel Harland Sanders… the prick!) Elvis chose to perform in Gary Indiana on a regular basis surreptitiously in order to see his only known son.
Whilst performing at Gary in 1965 Elvis encountered the Jackson Five performing at a nightclub. Impressed with the musical styling’s of the band and the showmanship of young Michael, Elvis choose to support the band and mentor Michael. However, Colonel Parker was unimpressed and discouraged the agreement fearing the negative impact of Elvis being seen to supporting Black Culture in racial charged 1960’s America.
In defiance, Elvis secretly bankrolled and mentored the Jackson Five
Fast Forward to 1977, Elvis, horribly disillusioned with his lot, staged his own death (the details of which we are all familiar with) and sought sanctuary in a south pacific island attended by two personal physicians, a dermatologist , a former US green Beret personal trainer, a Tibetan monk named Kensing Nubat and dance instructor.
Alas, all was not well in Paradise, as Elvis regained his health, he begun to miss the lights and buzz of entertaining. Furthermore, he missed his daughter, Lisa Marie
Needless to say, there Elvis stayed until 1985 when fate presented itself with an opportunity… The aforementioned death of Michael Jackson.
Post the death of Michael, Joe Jackson was contacted by intermediaries of the Presley Estate calling in an old debt. In doing so they proposed a rather bizarre idea, an idea that Joe, concerned about the loss of revenue the untimely death of Michael was open to.
In Michaels place, the trim, taught and terrific Presley would assume the identity of Jackson and continue to entertain the masses (and for 15% of revenue, It was a labour of love and Elvis wasn’t short of a buck either!) All that was required was an unconvincing skin darkening operation and a nose job. Hence the 27 year old black Michael Jackson was replaced by the 50 year old Elvis Presley.
Knowing that the world would notice the switch, Team Jackson-Presley choose to make Elvis a recluse and offset their secret with increasingly bizarre behavior. Needless to say there’s only so much plastic surgery can do resulting in Elvis’s nose falling off twice.
Back performing under the guise of the ‘King of Pop’ the former ‘King of Rock and Roll’ still longed to be close to his estranged daughter. The ideal way to spend time without attracting suspicion was to marry Lisa Marie in 1994.
Sadly the last years of Elvis’s life were marred by increasingly bizarre behavior as the limits of Elvis’s physical endurance began to fade. Elvis Aaron Presley finally died on the 25ht June 2009 aged 74.
For the second time in his life, Elvis was laid to rest as musical royalty.
Fuckin’ ‘ell BB, where did you find this out. You know too much now……You must divulge your sources immediately
This doesn’t explain why Joe Jackson looks like an older, prettier version of KD Lang though….
or why Penny Wong looks like Kevin Rudd…
Well. now you put it like that it all makes sense.
Was Jack Kennedy really Colonel Parker? And River Phoenix could have been Bubbles the chimp. Why does Jim Morrison get no mention?
Colour me impressed.
Get this man Oliver Stone.
…based on a true story originally posted by Blueballs…
Colonel Sanders was an officer and an Amercan hero. He defeated the Kantuck tribe and made them finger licking good.
He realy carved them up Hmmm ?
Davo, what about the “Colonel’s” wartime atrocities: thousands of cremetoria burning the bodies of millions of chickens. Sweet baby Jaysus; I might be the first person in the history of the internets to call Godwins on myself.
He killed 5 million ethnic minority chickens single handed.
We have a local shrine here in the Lower Hunter.
The Steggles Factory
They have all these machines making Chickens
Kensing Nubat!
I knew it.
As discovered on a top secret Junction Point log book in East Timor in 2001
O Rly?
I might have been somewhere near East Timor then-ish.
quelle coincidence.
correction, 2000
American christians have the best conspiracy theories. It appears my ancestry dates BEFORE the creation of man, which fucks up my famly tree.
Maybe you should embrase the Jo Hos They seem to think the earth is only about 6000 years old so science asside it may at least give your family tree a chance . Maybe you can now trace yourself back to Adam ?
White Adam or Black Adam?
Davo there is probably a yellow Adam as well so the choice will be even more diffi cult.
Davo….don’t know what it would do for your ego either! 😀
the best thing about those ones is the shifts over the years. particularly in regards to who is the antichrist. it used to be saddam hussein, now it’s barack obama, barney the dinosaur has apparently been suggested, the pope’s long been a favourite, although which one in particular is the antichrist i don’t know. maybe they’ll all meld together into one genetically modified superpope antichrist?
The Antichrist is alive and well and living in Australia.
Barney the dinosaw? Is that the one we know as Barbaby Joyce ?He is nort the antichrict though that is his boss, Foney Rabbit.Foney cant even communicate with God , you know he joined a Seminary and prayed to God for new ears and look what he got. !!
I love that ‘max’ is now a measurement….. it’s value is surely more than infinity….
That’s true. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity, twice.
I believe Chuck is actually counting to infinity an infinite number of times.
To the max?!
Is that like infinity to the power of Max ?
It is when Chuck is involved JH.
Chuck Norris doesn’t need Twitter, he’s already following you.
Chuck Norris bit the Apple logo.
There used to be a street named after Chuck Norris, but it was changed because nobody crosses Chuck Norris and lives.
Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that’s why there are no signs of life.
Yoda used to be 6 feet tall till he tried that Force crap on Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer
Some magicians can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land.
Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi truck’s gas tank as a joke… that truck is now known as Optimus Prime.
Chuck Norris doesn’t flush the toilet, he scares the sh*t out of it
Everybody tries to be perfect… Perfection tries to be Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.
Chuck Norris and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.
Chuck Norris can single handedly surround his victims.
Chuck Norris once shot a plane down with his fingergun, simply by yelling bang.
He also got a woman pregnant the same way.
Let us not mention the abortion.
Oh Dog! Not the giraffe? 😮
When Chuck Norris looks at himself at a mirror, there is no reflection. There can only be one Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris was supposed to star in the tv show ‘Man vs Wild’, but the network did not want kids thinking ‘lava is safe to eat’.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
Chuck Norris was in all 6 Star Wars movies… As The Force.
Chuck Norris is the only man to punch a cyclops between the eyes
Chuck Norris beat the sun in a staring contest
Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are known today as Giraffes.
Only Chuck Norris can dislike on Facebook
The sheep on Chuck Norris’ farm are the ones that give us steel wool.
Chuck Norris can light a fire by rubbing two ice-cubes together.
When Chuck Norris throws a boomerang it doesn’t dare come back
Chuck Norris does not fart, nothing escapes Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can unscramble eggs.
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird
Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table because the only element Chuck Norris recognizes is the element of surprise
Unstoppable force meeting an immovable object? Chuck Norris clapping.
Some kids pee their name in snow. Chuck Norris pees his name in concrete.
*Puff Puff*That’s it….I’m knackered….
There is no such thing as extinct animals, only a list of those Chuck allowed to live.
Wonder if Chuck Norris is the head conspirator? :O
Funny you should say that V2. Chuck is a conspiracy theorist himself, as well as a bit of a religous nutbag.
Oh crap!
Just as I thought the man was God….
Conspiracies I can overlook, but religion??
Has he NO shame?
Mel Gibson is another one. He has a conspiracy to explain every theory.
chuck norris wasn’t born, he shed a woman.
that’s the only one I know.
haven’t heard that one before, caek.
I like the revolving door one because one of my little week jokes is that I used to be able to spar 3 rounds without getting out of breath(true) Now I can not even go three rounds with a revolving door. ( Untested but probably true) !
Don’t worry, you get plenty of verbal sparring these days….& we all get to appreciate it! 😀
Yes this site and some others that I haunt realy are good for the soul and I am sure prevent too much of the edge being lost from ones dwindwling sullpy of intellect. !
It is a pity of course that we occassionally get a true pedant who are as boreing as bat shit and no disrespect to our equine friends who are battling the scourges of bat stit!.Being a life time dyslexic I am used to pedants taking shots at me. My view is if they can understand it enough to critisize it then they realy have no problem (with me)
Iadmit to playing a little bit of straman from time to time ,as I notice so many on this site do and I have no quibble with that as it is sometimes the only way to get some real opinions flowing
Then of course we have our pet Troll that is as deadly as bat shit if not as widespread.Hard to tell sometimes wheather it is a bore, a boar or just a misplaced boer. Still I suppose even an asshoile has its uses.
So true, if only to provide a route for the shit as it flows…..
I love the way we can bounce of each other….let’s face it, if we loose the humour, we loose all! 😀
The world would be a dreary place indeed!
Erm, giraffes are a member of the antelope family, rather than the equine family.
Are you going to be the one to tell Chuck?
Yes Edward, I know….the quote wasn’t mine, but the mental picture was worthwhile anyway 😀
well they are now that chuck’s finished with them.
Many, many moons ago, I was bunkered down in a backpackers somewhere in Canadia. Vancouver, I think. Doesn’t matter. It was the middle of the week so thought I would go watch the movie. Not sure, but I think it was Enter The Dragon.
Whatever it was, the last fight Bruce Lee fought was with Chuck. Everything all good until Chuck took his shirt off. He’s a rather hairy dude. Well, this caused some giggling amongst the more immature, young types.
Well, a Chuck fan was most upset at the lack of respect. Threatened us all with a roundhouse kick. I punched him in the head.
The lesson from this? Chuck fans are not as fearsome as Chuck.
That is all.
When the world’s esteemed scientists and statisticians officially utilise the measurement unit of “maxx” in their august journals, then we’ll surely know that the barbarians…oops, bogans, have won.
MAX. It’s spelt MAX.
It was Bag O’Turnips that splet Max, Maxx not Max.
Clear on that ?
Don’t care if it’s one X or two.
MAX is maxXxtreme to the MAX and as a unit of measurement needs capital letters.
BOT Where is the World Standard Max kept ?
Do you have temperature and pressure coefficients for Max ?
the legend of Loftie.
that reminds me.
Hands up who thinks Peter Thornton is Fiona of Toorak?
that is a very scary thought.
All that real estate suddenly devalued by 50%
a top ten.
top three maybe.
(imho) I so envy the way youse articulate my bile. coalesce my contempt
this is a bogan hallmark. a sub clause of #97.
It’s about being smart.
The bogan has the inside line, it understands things you just can’t. The bogan is smart.
smarter than scientists. smarter than some *&%# in an office. smarter than fncken politicians. Real Life smart. I used to want to correct them all the time, but now I don’t bother. It’s so much more self affirming to just watch them wallow in their bullshit. I’m watching bike races the other week at a conspiratoribogans place (Mr Curmedgeon) and I say “Lots of work going on at Eastern Creek Mr Curmudgeon.”
“Eastern Creek? This isn’t Eastern Creek! Eastern Creek shut down years ago.”Just as we watch a handfull of superbikes go tonking past the Big Eastern Creek sign….
Mr Curmudgeon tells me things like “Of course Aliens visit earth, but if you look at the records, it’s always when there’s something significant going on. Like the atomic bomb and stuff. It’s space tourism.”
He’s quite serious.
He has a million.
look for the word smart or smarter or clever in the next ad break.
Just watch reruns of Bottom.
That’ll make you feel better.
whos running bottom ?
Punctuate to your own taste.
I loved Bottom.
I couldn’t help thinking it was Rick and Viv all grown up.
they were Arts students weren’t they?
it makes sense if you look at it that way.
So true. My life is bliss without the bogan mongs I used to hang out with who used to think they were smarter than me because they were dumber.
The thing is I haven’t worked out how to make them think I think they’re smarter and better than me when I have to take my car to the mechanics or get my tyres changed. The tyre guys can’t rip me off but last time they made me wait longer than what I had to which I’m not sure if it was intentional or out of stupidity. How do you fake respect? Or at least the level of respect the bogan demands whilst they disrespect you? Then again I know of a mechanic that charged this old lady $900 for a basic service, then when she didn’t go back there, he rang her up and asked why.
I’d love to import lots and lots and lots of Asian tradies.
Yeah, and Bottom rules.
try one of those tattoo sleeve stocking things, say fukken and call things carnt, employ reflective listening techniques to make the bogan think you understand what it is saying. try and find out from the interwebs what it is you need before you get there. the bogan will think that you know how to do it yourself but would rather employ his mad skillzz and you haven’t got a counterscrew rassefrangelator and I don’t want to waste my time on the caarnt. Fukken T1ts or wheels eh?
Mail him a big box of tiger prawns. (wait ’til christmas).
Bottom Rules.
hit him with a cricket bat.
one more from the frontlines martin,
I’ve just come from Mr Curmudgeon.
Apon witnessing police investigating a shooting in Sydney he informs me “they’re going crazy down there”
“on the Gold Coast.”
who is?
“the sniper.”
on the goldy?
“yep, there’s been about five over the last six months”
dead people?
“yep two more were killed on the weekend”
“oh yeah”
with a real gun. a high powered rifle?
“yep. just sniping random people from the rooftops. they reckon he’s at least 500m away. about four or five dead so far”
on the goldy?
“It’s been going on for six months mate.”
Not me and not Simon, we only have .243s not what you want at 500+mtrs. Has to be some idiot with a .270 or .308 , so put the word around.
Mind you if it is only little blue people wont matter much .
anyways you cn get rid of them with old style music and a loud speaker.
actually mr curmudgeon told me focused beam sonic weapons are all the rage amongst the “sailing thru pirate infested waters set”. that may be so (I saw them on futureweapons) but isn’t going to do much against sustained group fire from 7.62 fmj rimless NATO linked ball at 1000m now is it?
but I digress. The Parker Hale .308. when you can’t afford to waste the brass.
When visiting Earth aliens stay at and recommend The Dogpatch caravan park/meth lab. They usually prefer a site that’s not too close the the toilet block.
Maybe we should both go outside and look at the stars searching for aliens maybe wearing a pryamid shaped alfoil hat., protected by our respected Beagles and Bull Terriers.
I may start dying their dog food pale blueo they get used to the alien colour.
Oh, James Hunter, less cruelty to animals, pops. That the poor dumb chums share the same bit of floor with you is misfortune enough.
This is post #237 in TBL#237. Conspiracy Theories.
We all know what signal that sends out…
Damn you moar, you stole my thunder.
I get frenzied.
I was thinking we could start planning things for big signifcant comment numbers. Death Matches.
and things.
um, how about a song?
Ni-ice Oz rock classic, moar. But I’ll see your Sunnyboys and raise you a GOD. (Was considering *ahem* raising you a Hard-On, but that’s improper.) These gentlemen never got their due. That charlatan Sid Vicious needed someone to throw a bottle at him to bloody his mouth… All young Joel ever needed was his braces…
Hope that high-culture boffin Fiona of Toorak isn’t around to berate my musical philistinism. But hey, my low-to-nobrow allegiances ain’t no secret on account of the smokin’ hot Kelly Kapowski.
Tidy. colour me edified.
I like it.
I had never heard of GOD.
I’d love to counter with Hell Yes, but they never made it to youtube. and it just sounds like Radio Birdman anyway.
so I’ll settle for the obvious.
no I don’t like the Drones.
Dig X. And Birdman is still the bomb, despite Rob Younger’s skin looking more translucent with every passing year. Dunno much about the Drones. But I know they covered GOD’s My Pal so mucho respeto to them.
far out.
yeah I’m digging on GOD
the drones I had never heard of either, but they suddenly started popping up as just the hippest band evar recently.
I’m trying to find some obscure men at work or flash and the pan to lay on you, but I think I’ve spoiled it now.
I effing love that “early eighties aussie surf guitar melody break sort of thing” just now
think devo – gut feeling with the stranglers – smash it up played by australian crawl
just being a dag now.
I still play that album.
Triple dag points to Mick.
all right then…
admit it coolsies!!!
it took me waaaay too long to decide which song to play. it was always gonna be off “face to face”. it was never gonna be Am I Ever… i would expunge that song from the cosmos if I had Four wishes from a genie.
the minister for copping it in the neck back in his old job.
I could probably sit here and necro post pub rock all day eh?
my puppy just ate a diclofenac tablet.
should I worry?
might do some laundry.
have to split some firewood too.
not pub rock
I can’t find tall tales and true.
they had a song called trust.
aah this might be it….
yay it is!!!
ignore wendy morris at the start
my wife hates when I play this sh!t.
I’m an old fart.
Oh hoooo oh ho ho hooo ooo woah ho!
we just had no idea we weren’t cool.
not australian
at their best.
and then there was dolittle and daydream nation and everything changed.
so now you can understand why this is just effing awesome….
which leads us to this
and this
where was i?
ah that’s right…
the second franz ferdinand should have been this:
well it matters to me
Cool Moar,
Sitting here doing my tax return, got to pay for my trip with the refund, trawling through these tunes. Thanks Dudes.
aaah, Simon.
there you are. your fugazi remembered me of Dead Kennedys (I would post “too drunk to f*ck. just awesome.) but I was going to go on and say that I think I was in England back then…
one of frank blacks fav’rit bands simon:
paul weller when he was twelve:
Songs what changed our life’s
I love all of the above because of this:
we love you john.
another english band
Why do Chicken Coops only have two doors Mick?
So he could get to the other side.
because if they had four doors they would be sedans!
Hmm…didn’t major conspirator Mel Gibson play a chicken who escaped the chicken coupe in the name of Baby Jebus? Everything comes together again.
Nice Oz music fellas. But, do you wanna know a bigger conspiracy? How did these guys not get a start in the JJJ top 100 albums?
Don’t get me started on those Triple J clowns… Don’t do it, mate… Anyhow, here I start: They’re all getting younger, dammit… but they obviously don’t get Rob Younger. Might be getting a tad long it the tooth but don’cha hate it when their announcers go “You’re listening, to TRIP-le J,” with an amazingly obnoxious, high-pitched emphasis on the TRIP? Fark, that shits me awff.
Am I right, folks?
*tumbleweed tumbles*
*crickets chirrup*
*wolf howls*
The end for me was when Merrick and Rosso started doing prank calls. I walked away. Sometimes I go back but always come away feeling oddly empty.
apparently Triple J announcers are told to address themselves to a girl in her car in Adelaide.
no shit.
I cant bear it. It’s almost as bad as some Morning Crew bunch.
and the music is just f#cked.
and I’m not just being an old fart. I reckon I have some crazy eeeeeeeclectic taste, old and new, but triple J is just a musical desert.
triple j have raced downhill in the last few years with moron presenters – i think their breakfast presenters are dumber than most commercial presenters – and very narrow playlists. but apparently richard kingsmill is leaving so maybe things could recover a little bit once he’s gone.
The guy from Frenzhal Rhomb complained about the narrow playlists so then JJJ banned Frenzhal Rhomb.
Libtards are some of the best Nazis.
I’d rather listen to 2GB and be astounded and all the f#ckwit braindead boganity out there.
Radio sucks arse. Or at least Australian radio does. Anyone got one of these digital radios and had any success with them? Apparently you can hook them up to your wifi and have access to 10 bazillion stations over the internet.
Oops. Frenzal Rhomb, not Frenzhal Rhomb.
ya WTF?
I just give up on JJJ.
The Living End???
no died pretty?
not to mention
Ah, the mighty Painters and Psychos. Aussie vieux bogue punk par excellence.
A bit of humour, that’s what the Triple J could use about now.
Die Yuppie Die = an incisive commentary on the status-seeking consumerism of the 1980s. Whip Me = a spot-on representation of the seldom publicised male sexual liberation movement of the mid-90s…
Or so my night course, Drunken Oz Rock & Society, tells me. Tutor Richard Kingsmill presiding. I think y’all are being a bit hard on ol’ Richard. He’s had some cracking conversations with Kim Deal over the years…
“Rick… Rick, man… You don’t know what you’re talking about, dude… That’s not what the song’s about at all, man… but I like you, Rick… Man… You’re alright, dude…”
I think Kingsmill might have a tiny crush on Our Kim.
simon loves Kim. I wanted to find Psycho’s “come on cxnt!” (TBL comments featuring the most profligate use of the c word outside of “combat sports” circles) but it wasn’t on youtubes???
crikey. that’s odd.
thanks to all for the triple j tidbits. I’m enjoying 3D radio Adelaide come what may at the moment. I only change station if it’s country, that fruity jazz or speed metal.
I thork I might learn something.
I like the other kim too.
whoever is actually responsible, triplej is the Definitive hipster.
Thanks for the Kim’s Chubbs. Ya know it is now 20+ years since the last time music changed. You know Grunge/ Alterna, before that Punk and back through the years to Elvis and on. What do the kids have to hang their hat on now? No wonder JJJ is a mess, there is nothing to grab on to, know what I mean? Thank god we were cool! I’m just going to find you some…..
Fugazi! Damn need to pull out my cassette player kidz. Only have In On
the Killtaker on tape. Must iplop it.
I think JJJ is facing the wrong way. They are playing what the kids want to listen to, rather than what the kids should be wanting to listen to. The difference is where they are looking. They are making sure they are in touch with the demand end of the business, the radio audience. They ought to be in touch with the supply end, the music industry.
It’s a natural part of the lifecycle of a radio station. Once you have stopped being trailblazers, playing for a new market base, which was waiting for their formative influences, you end up going over the same ground, and a beaten path is worn. Later, ruts develop.
The kidz want to listen to this? M’kay. We need a new batch of kids, with taste and spirit, I’ve had a gutful of this lame 80’s revival sh*t. Someone kick out the jams.
What you need for chickens is a
back !
We haven’t had a Haiku slam for a while.
Bogan knows he knows
All there is he needs to know
Can’t tell me shit carnt.
Theories abound
Socialism rules the day
Bogue glasses Bob Brown
want to know the truth?
reptilians rule the world
tin foil hat is on
Mel Gibson is mad
Green men rule a flat earth dude
Baby Jesus cries
elvis isn’t dead
he was kidnapped ‘cos he knew
earth is flat and square
Peebee and Simon,
Don’t forget to make foil hat in shape of pyramid to work properly.
JH cares not for rules
Government watches him now
Beware black choppers
lady gaga agrees
Oh, James Hunter, how typical of you to go ga-ga over Gaga. Ta, James Hunter, ta.
that’s not haiku…
Aliens are here
of this there can be no doubt
Kardashian clan
I never knew it
Aliens wear bikinis
Panda with the truth
the jersey shore cast
are really a sleeper cell
alien vanguard
Snookie is the head
Of the vast conspiracy
Farkin orange gnome
the situation –
not a name, that’s a code word
for their evil plan
Coated with spray tan
we will be stuck to the spot
waiting for harvest
only one weapon
can stop them in their tracks
five syllable words
is a five syllable word.
the world’s worst haiku
Four days is enough
to look for one silly word.
Get a life chubby
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
fresh out of bed and
the panda hunting psycho
has a shot at me!
brewing coffee still!
why does ev’ry one hate me?
was it the music?
ugh. puppy vomit.
everywhere. fenac pills!
bugger, bugger, damn.
No way I can talk.
Paradoxically I
found a bigger one.
I have gone green now
I power my MAX plasma
With my own bullshit.
MC, do not waste your own bullshit. PT has pleanty to go round for everyone and it is free and probably green
I know I’m late
But still the guvmint
Tells me to glass carnts.
Didn’t Gympie get a mention earlier? I don’t know where to start with this one. It has it all.
Gympie used to be the headquaters of the Aussie gun lobby and a strong Pauline centre.
Oh, James Hunter, don’t go getting all nostalgic about your home town.
Word is Dolly Parton is gonna alter the lyrics to one of her classics during the dreaded Gympie leg (puntasm!) of her upcoming Aussie tour…
“Pauline, Pauline, Pauline, Paulee-ee-ee-een
I’m begging of you please don’t take my man
Pauline, Pauline, Pauline, Paulee-ee-ee-een
Please don’t take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Pauline”
… And so forth. This is true. It’ll drive the lads crazy! Hope no jealous lady in the crowd flicks fuel additive at my Dolly in an effort to “sort her out” though.
Props to
I knew I kept this for a reason:
it goes perfectly. right. there.
Does this mean bogan’s like David Icke?
I cant find the posting but who ever has the dog that ate Diclofenac should ring a vet it can be fatal for puppies.
six month old staffy mastiff pup (dogs bogans like)
it’s been hours now, so she’s ok.
cheers James.
Thats good. Nice cross Staffy Mastiff.
Dogs (in case you didnt know) aslo can come to harm with chocholate,esp dark kind and also onions.
Cats have a pecularity too some tranquilisers send them into a frenzy and then they drop dead !
Main thin dogs good.
Oh, James Hunter with your misuse of the English language you give credit to the Huxley quote that suggests this world is another planet’s hell.
At last an explanation for the existance of Pete Babe !!
Thank you
All on this site will rejoice.
Oh, James Hunter, in my world it’s existence. In yours it’s (a hellish) existance. Sorry to hear about it, pops!
she started vomiting at 1:23am
seems ok now….
it is a great cross. she’s just a beautiful dog. dark brindle. massive head. gonna be a big one! wait ’til my mates up north see her. Her dad was the biggest staffy I’ve ever seen.
Is the puppy still OK ?
By your description of her you will have to take her swimming with sharks !
Oh, James Hunter, too bad your weren’t taken swimming with the fishes!
Nice, except that Teflon is a fluorinated organic compound, not an inorganic fluoride.
There was a scathing article about Lord Monckton in yesterday’s Good Weekend. Here’s a passage from the article that seems appropriate for this thread:
“Monckton has two explanations for the “global-warming scam”. The first is a vast left-wing conspiracy to bring down the West. It involves the United Nations, US President Barack Obama, environmentalists and a network of communist organisations like the ABC”.
“Monckton’s second explanation is a plot by scientists to milk research money from tax payers. The greedy boffins theory is all too familiar to David Griggs, director of the Monash Sustainability Institute in Melbourne and one of Australia’s leading climate scientists. “The idea that anyone would try to prove climate change to bolster their research funding is ludicrous,” he says. “Any scientist who could disprove climate change would win the Nobel Prize tomorrow and be one the richest most famous scientists the world has ever known.”
Neither Lord Monkfish nor Andrew Bolt ever let science or the truth get in the way of a good story and for them a good story is anything that draws attention, money and the power that comes from swaying the opinions of the masses.Unfortunately it is not just the masses who are easily herded.Many educated and even many learned people ( mark the destinction) fall for the baseless though I suspect not poorly construed,argument that these two espouse.Others who have sway over public opinion like our Members of Parliament and our “Captains of Industry” ( though that is not to saythat either of these tow groups should be regarded as either educated or learned) come on board the crazy train that these two captain.For completness I would add The absolutely crazy “I’ll adopt any notion that anyone suggests that will get me either a news bite of the potential for one more vote” the one only Foney Rabbit whos ideas on cliamet change are as variable as the weather.
Remember as Hanrahan said “We’ll all be rooned”
Australia has the dumbest people on the planet, thus why we are the empori market for a “breathing tax”. The truth/conspiracy movement has been around for many decades and is completely designed to fail, from the onset. Hence the dialectical nature of the alternative news movement (e.g. AJ vs. Icke) and the fact it’s 99% controlled by media concerns.
Not much resistance to the di(e)lectic nature of the news?
Re the conspiracy theory; I would’nt be paranoid if they’d stop picking on me.
Remember the freedom of the press is a fallacy promoted by media owners . The manipulation of the masses by the owners of the media has been since there were media and people have written about this for the same period. e.g. Dororthea Mackellar “The Freedom Of The Press”
To be honest I read a few of these topics and had a good laugh but I have to draw the line here on this one. To call someone who refuses to believe the wtc7 came down due to fire on the first floor a bogan is ignorant beyond belief. “we made the decision to pull it and we watched the building collapse” -l.s building owner. For the most part this blog is on the money but you have this particular one so wrong.
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Yes the Bogan knows that Schapelle Corby was the victim of a conspiracy between corrupt Indonesian officials, AFP, Qantas baggage handlers, Customs, Immigration, Qantas check in staff, taxi drivers, aircraft refuellers, Air Traffic Controllers, Duty free shop staff, Coffee shop proprietors, etc etc. Yup the bogan can really spot a conspiracy.