#89 – Their Children on Facebook

19 02 2010

The internet has achieved a number of momentous leaps forward: culturally, socially, technologically. However, none have enjoyed the benefits of the growing reach of the intertubes as the bogan. Through the power of the net, the bogan now has the capacity to broadcast every aspect of its life to everyone. This brings the bogan one step closer to achieving nirvana – celebrity status –appearances on reality television acting as an interim step notwithstanding.

For you see, the bogan believes – doesn’t think, but truly believes – that you care about them, their family and absolutely everything that occurs therein. While later installments will deal with the bogan’s love of posting every blurry, homogeneous photograph from Saturday night at X Bar, it is the use of photographs of boganinity’s next generation on their Facebook page that is perhaps THE defining bogan characteristic.

None of this takes into account that Facebook ‘friends’ are hardly friends in the sense that friends tend to actually have a role to play in a person’s life. A bogan’s Facebook friends, by contrast, often have only a peripheral connection to the owner of an account. The bogan, in their effort to do everything to the x-treme, managed to rack up a ‘friend’ count approaching 1,400 within two weeks of signing up, having assiduously requested a connection with every single person their lives have tangentially brushed up against. At this point, the bogan considers it an ideal opportunity to ensure that all images of all things about their life are available to the broadest audience they have access to.

Hence, their offspring. Their offspring dancing, playing, vomiting, laughing, crying, crawling, walking, shitting, eating and looking cute. All. Over. Facebook. Even better is when these children hit the age of about seven or eight, and are then photographed in semi-alluring poses, with makeup, and posted on Facebook.

But it gets better. There is a small, but growing, niche of bogans who, in prototypical bogan fashion, take this trend to its most extreme conclusion. They use the photo of their child as their own profile picture on Facebook. Because, clearly, they ARE their children. Because the importance of their children, the sheer glowing awesomeness of their spawn, is so great that it eclipses the existence of the bogan. Because you might not click on their latest album, “Breeyanahs’ first poo!”, to view their progeny’s tentative expulsive efforts. Because you care.



218 responses

19 02 2010

awesome! i love this! the clincher is the parents who then join stupid facebook groups like “i’m sure you’re not a BWM, so why is your profile picture a car???”. yeah, and i’m sure you’re not a three month old either…

19 02 2010

lol – my facebook photo is four longhaired dachshund’s with sunglasses on and one in a wheelchairat at Yoyogi Parkin Toyko last April . So i dont really know what the bogan can do with that as a dumb group but good luck.

Is the homage to the bogan devil spawn on Facebook an addendum to the giant pram with the tractor wheels the average bogan seems to covet (and actually own)?

This gross and distasteful overblown exhibitionism of ones offspring brings to mind the old saying – “You child might be gifted, but you’re still an idiot.”

however in saying that, a parent living vircariously throught their child is not an exclusive bogan persuit, although I can fully understand why it is one. Easier to bask in the glow of someone elses achievement than actually do something yourself.

1 12 2010
Lord Boofhead

Yes I think that TBL need to do a Post on Giant Prams.

I’d be willing to write it for them…

I believe you’ll find one in the TBL book! TBL

27 11 2010

Don’t forget the hogans who set up a facebook page and profile for their child, despite said child being 2years old, and then go and invite all the parents friends to join, and actively run a false profile in the Childs name

19 02 2010
Fiona of Toorak

LOL. Children in and of themselves are for bogans.

19 02 2010

Then what hope is there?


19 02 2010

what about the bogans that make facebook pages for their pets?

19 02 2010

Just as long as Fiona is not re-producing … the world will be fine.

19 02 2010

So you come from bogan heritage then Fiona?

19 02 2010


19 02 2010


19 02 2010

Breeding is definitely something that bogans like, and not just one or two, but I’m talking 5 or 6………from multiple fathers.

19 02 2010

If they didn’t then they would not be able to use the five baby names that their X-treme premium SMS service sends them each week for just $5 per SMS.

19 02 2010

Whoa, back the truck up on the inference that breeding is for Bogans. I have enough of this crap.
I have 4 children, one on the way, and raise them all to be respecting of others.
I wash there mouths out with soap if they swear, would never allow them to grow a rats tail, dress them decently, and none of them have ever picked up a control panel for a gaming system.
We spend time with our children, rather than shoving them in front of a 150cm plasma, and our children are fit and healthy.
My wife is a stay at home mother and proud of it, We homeschool our kids, thus avoiding the sheep producing system that is so prevalent in the southern suburbs of Perth.
Sure, I make a few mistakes, but I am commited to working on them.
It is possible to breed, and make a positive impact on the planet.

19 02 2010

P.S. I All my Children’s names are spelled correctly.

19 02 2010
Simon of South Yarra

So how much Family Benefit A & B are you getting? Breeding is what is damaging the planet. Stop now.

22 02 2010

Simon, that comment deserves the “most moronic come back ever” award.

Idiots like you are the ones responsible for the planet being messy.I bet you would not dare suggest developing & poor nations dramatically reduce their child birth rates, right ?

19 02 2010

Toddo, I presume you are joking with the mouths washed out with soap comment. If you meant it literally you forgot to add the required line “It never did me any harm!”
Note: that this line can also be used for anywhere from light smacking up to extreme beatings of children and is generally accepted in psychology for those that side with their abusers. (“I deserved the beating because I did the wrong thing”)

19 02 2010

Rick, come ‘ere and I’ll give you a slappin! Discipline is healthy if interwoven with lots of love.

Simon of South Yarra, yeah, I clean up on family benefits, But I pay taxes, and don’t send my beloved offspring to the socialist left production line (school) so I don’t use up precious $$ there.
I’ll take it if its there (ie; plasma bonus), but not spend it at Harvey norman, instead actually put it to good use. I wouldn’t care less if it wasn’t there, as I am not tied to repayments on cars, home entertainment, furniture etc, and purchased a house that I could repay on one average income.

19 02 2010

I almost agree with yo, RE: “production line” when it comes to school. Skip the socialist rhetoric per se. If you have socialists out West they must be few and far between.

I’m curious as why you believe that you or your wife make better teachers than people trained for the role or do you outsource the difficult subjects, like English in your case. What happens when you guys hit Physics or Chemistry?

19 02 2010

DP, my children are only young at present, so I’ll deal with that as it comes.
I’m aware that most teachers are more qualified than my wife & myself, but I only need to go to my local shopping centre on a thursday night or catch a train to rest assured myself that todays school system produces hordes of illiterate young people who have no other ambition in life than to create further topics for TBL

19 02 2010


You raise a good point, if you want your kids to learn to say like ALL the time and text profusely then school is the place for them.

19 02 2010

Anyway, enough of my yakkin, sharing too much oersonal information on blogs is for Bogans

19 02 2010

Hey, we also homeschool and we love it. My children are completely literate and very clever. Their wit and satire knows no bounds and I am incredibly proud of them.

Urg, kids on FB. Creepy.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

your children though, are they well socialized ??

19 02 2010

James. Socialized?????!!
Never ask a homeschool parent that!
is socialized supposed to mean they know how to operate the video camera on their mobile whilst filming their mate getting stabbed in a fight?
Does socialized mean they are supposed to pull their undies up to their nipples, and their shorts down to their knees, and only expend energy when scratching their tag onto a bus window or chucking a rock off a bridge?
A tad dramatised perhaps, but there are a lot of things worth shielding a child from.
I don’t live under a rock, my kids kick footies and make gings like any other, but for them socializing is going over to the old lady next door to hear her stories, not huddling in little baseball capped groups.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

Toddo, The child does not learn to interact with it’s peers by chatting with the old ldy next door.
How it will suffer when it finally has to fit in at colledge/nui of work and its only interactive reference points are parents and old ladies.
or do you think having similarly deprived littlies over for cups of tea will suffice. comon. news flash the rest of the world wont change and isolation works as badly for children as it does for countries.

20 02 2010

home based learners enjoy significantly more freedom to socialise that do school based learners. They’re also relieved of the odd, age-streamed society of the school, so they’re spared the indignity of being unable to relate with anyone not of their own age groups.

19 02 2010

With all due respect, I find the idea of homeschooling kids more creepy than sticking kids on FB. The only kids that get homeschooled either have serious learning issues or are being raised by hardcore religious nutbags. Which category do your kids fall into?

(I’m guessing Toddo is a Jesus Freak who is only just getting started with his breeding cycle … only 4 kids, you’re letting the side down, son!)

19 02 2010

Some humourous comments.

Tone, I am a religious nutbag, but harmless.
Yes 4 kids is letting the side down, but they are all named from the old testament.

James, the great homeschool debate uses the same reasons to support homeschooling.
Schooling pigeon-holes kids into their age-group for 12 years, where they only interact with themselves.
Being a religious nutbag, I have observed after church ‘cuppa time’ at many churches. Anyone under 35 always congregates in their own little age-based sphere of comfort.
The average rooster looking 17 yr old doesn’t know what to do when dropped into a work situation surrounded by other agegroups, and can hence be found hiding in a corner texting his friends.

19 02 2010

Home school kids – I get a few every year in my year 12 class I teach – and they tend not to be able to socialise very well with anyone else (all ages). Nice kids though. But a bit weird.
The xtreme bogans are usually much more social – as long as it’s in class time when we need to get work done. Then they have to leave. Or get kicked out.
The religous kids are a pain in the arse. They never quite realise while God knows all the answers in my class I don’t care for fairy stories, and He doesn’t mark the exams.
Usually the normal schooled, non xtreme, athiests go best – and are a whole lot more likable to boot!

20 02 2010

Can I just point out that the kids I have the worst behaviour management problems with are boys with OT names? Never had problems with a DeShawn or Keanu (and I have taught them both), but woe betide the teacher with a class full of Levis, Jonahs, isaiahs and Ezekiels… Don’t even get me started on Lukes and Aarons.

20 02 2010

now now, you’re displaying your ignorance

13 09 2010

I have never met a homeschooled child, or adult for that matter, who didn’t have some type of social issue.

31 07 2011

I think like you

19 02 2010

breeding is for bogans. period.

19 02 2010

Ending a sentence with ‘period’ ??? Come on! enough already!

25 11 2010

So true, i think that should be added to the list, having babies, and having them young, by multiple fathers….
bogans are actually producing the majority of kids in Australia, while the hard working university women cannot afford kids until much later, because they need to pay off student debt, and so often have fewer babies at an older age….

25 11 2010
Ash - Corporate Lawyer cum Lingerie Model

It’s the Idiocracy principle. The stupid have more babies.

This is why Australia needs abortion on demand. Unlike the American rednecks, most boguettes don’t believe in Jesus enough to object – shit, give them the Baby Bonus anyway, just don’t make them have any fucking kids.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

dear LOL
you don’t have children? you missed your duty to the county !
pity ’cause your children would have been smart unlike so many up at too rak

19 02 2010
Fiona of Toorak

LOL. We don’t have counties here, wino.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

fi i love you too

19 02 2010
Fiona of Toorak

LOL. *shudder* I just felt a cold chill run right through me…

19 02 2010

At least it wasn’t warm bogan!

19 02 2010
James Hunter

simon, you realy should be thanked for saving me the need to respond. Thank you!

19 02 2010

Alas James.. one say she will realise you are the man for her.. Keep trying!

19 02 2010
James Hunter

Thank you so much; worse then rejection is the fear of rejection ,so with Simon having precluded my concluding the best way to warm LOL I was contemplating depression as a last resort.
But now i feel free !!

21 02 2010

oh god, you’re a sick lot of little puppies!

21 02 2010
James Hunter

when sentencing though please concider that;
we do allow our puppies to meet and mix with other puppies of a similar age without the constraints of old aged tea drinking dogies being present

19 02 2010

Actually, Fiona we do. Toorak for example, lies in Hampden County. Before you slag of other people with pedantic remarks, or laugh at typos, you should make sure you are correct. Because right now you look like a right twit.

19 02 2010
Fiona of Toorak

LOL. I am not talking in terms of archaic land practice.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

why not? you do live in too rack ?

19 02 2010

Geez Louise! Steve-o from Sunshine has two solid pwnages delivered today. The facade is definitely crumbling…. He’ll have to stick with the News (very) Limited sites for a bit methinks. :O

22 02 2010

I called Fiona’s bluff first!

She is full of it and anyone who cant see this is a muppet.

I find this sort of dedicated trickery sad and disturbing.

25 11 2010
Ash - Corporate Lawyer cum Lingerie Model

We all see it, we go along with it anyway.

25 11 2010
James Hunter

Puppy see puppy do

25 11 2010

JH! Glad to see you back. Hope all’s well with Mrs H.

20 05 2010

Yes Fiona & bogans always breed very young. The younger, the dumber.

19 02 2010


19 02 2010

YES! This and also pets. I think the pet ones are worse actually.

19 02 2010

Oh sorry – I thought this post was about allowing their children to have facebook accounts of their own.

19 02 2010

There is petbook as an app or something, where people put up a pic of their dog or cat or budgie and wait for another dog or cat or budgie to befriend it. WTF?

20 02 2010

My wife and I made a Dogbook page for our puppy. It’s an okay way of sharing the photos with people who care and the user generated info on parks can be useful.
I think it’s better than filling our personal page with photos of our pet.
Paint me bogan if you will.

25 02 2010

Facebook for pets is the saddest indictment of a world where otherwise intelligent people actually believe an animal is the same as a human child. You can only love a pet that much if you’ve never seen a real (non-bogan) child.

I understand that having an account for your pet is networking for pet lovers, but… no wait, I don’t!

19 02 2010

See also: http://www.lamebook.com, for a blog dedicated to mocking Facebook statuses.

My two all time favourite entries are one where someone posted a pic of their grandma in a casket (I’m not joking!) and another where some silly bitch posted how much she hated her boss in her status update, only for him to sack her in the comments

19 02 2010

did you see the one where the woman posted pics of her ‘underwater childbirth’, with the photos of the pool water getting more red as the birthing process progressed? and the cherry on top — her other child, on a leash, tied to something closeby, to WITNESS the childbirth. why on earth a 5 year-old needs to watch her mother having a child is beyond me. then, of course, it’s photographed and shared with the world…

19 02 2010

Forget the 5 year old – it’s stuck with it’s mother. Why do all the other poor people she knows have to see it?

19 02 2010

the pics were submitted to lamebook before any friend comments were made. i reckon there would’ve been a heap of defriendings after that, i would have to say…

19 02 2010

Thanks Hindustan – I just vomited a little in my mouth.

On a similar note, how anyone thinks the actual process of childbirth is beautiful is beyond me. I watched my daughter being born, well, most of it anyway, and I vomited four or five times, as well as feinting at least twice. The icing on the cake was immediately after the birth, a nurse held out the umbilical cord and a pair of scissors for me to use to cut the cord, and immediately everything went dark and the next thing I knew I was lying on top of a broken $4500 hospital machine.

19 02 2010

Sorry but that story made me laugh.

19 02 2010

No apologies necessary – the nurses were laughing when I woke up too.

19 02 2010

it made me weep-surly you are taking the piss James

23 02 2010

Not at all Brad. That really happened.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

James that $4,000.00 broken hospital machine was realy only some junk from the janitors room. They TELL you its worth real money so you have to pay for something worthless thus supporting our crumbling medical system …….

19 02 2010

Bastards. Replacing that machine cost me more than the birth itself did too…

25 02 2010

Feeling really sorry for you right now, James. Plenty of fathers think it’s wonderful and magical and gross and wierd and awesome. You just didn’t get your hit of oxytocin. Maybe next time?

19 02 2010

Bogans don’t have home water births. They’re aspirational remember? They’re paying private health insurance in order to have the ‘best’ obstetricians to give them their elective c-sections so they can be just like their celebrity nouveau bogan idols- posh and becks
Home water births are for ‘hippies’

on the 5 year old witnessing birth comment- Why shouldn’t children witness childbirth anyway? Its a normal part of life that we’ve all become completely alienated from.

19 02 2010

What do you mean become? I still don’t know of a single culture in any time in history that had children attending births. Usually it was secret women’s business.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

“Secret womans business” ?
Don’t even go there.
headquaters are on Hindmarsh Island

19 02 2010
Kondor Man

who was saying it’s ok to have your kid watch you give birth?! how seriously freaked up do you want your kid? “it’s natural, so like yeah, it’s good for them to see” – so by that wonderful bit of logic, why not let them watch you shag your partner?

19 02 2010

i guess when you mention it, watching your mother push something out of her would *perhaps* traumatise a child. if, of course, the child is briefed on the process and what happens, then i guess that could be okay. it was the ‘leashing’ of the child that looked odd. like something off picturesisnotrelated.com

25 02 2010

Of course a child should have the birthing process explained. Births are never ‘easy’, but by comparison with interventionist hospital births, most home births are gentle processes. Children at home births are allowed to nominate helpful tasks for themselves, should be free to come and go as they please, and in the end learn that birthing is not about your mother disappearing into a hospital, nor solely about fear and pain.

Imagine a world where every person, woman, man, girl, boy, understood how exceptional a woman their mother was, simply from the natural, instinctual act of birthing a child. Would we have more respect for women in our society if all fathers were present and participant? If all health-care professionals gently aided the mother in the best (meaning most natural, quickest and safest) birth possible, instead of insisting it’s all about taking all power away from what her body knows to do on its own?

Sorry, the midwife bill is before the senate and I’m hot raving mad about it. Too little is known by too many in our society about the act of giving birth. Education is never a bad thing. A child might learn that birthing is physically difficult, and painful, which is the truth of it, AND will have proper respect and sense of importance of the act.

You’re right about the leashing, Hindustan – shouldn’t tie the child in! That’s very, very wrong… she should be free to go if it’s too intense. Where’s the father I wonder?

25 02 2010

I’m curious, Annette: do you chant, light incense and read crystals as well. Home birthing is fine – if it all goes to plan. It’s what may happen afterwards that makes it problemmatical. Risk and uncertainty are parts of a natural process as well. Once upon a time before doctors and hospitals and drugs and universal health care, mothers and children had a much higher mortality rate. You may well be hot raving mad…

26 02 2010

Actually DP the idea that modern medicine saved women and children from the horrors of nature is a long time cleverly marketed mythology. Infant and matenral deaths actually increased when birth went from home to hospitals (due to filthy doctors not washing their hands and using unsafe practices). Long term however, improvments in maternal and infant mortality rates were due to the better living standards and nutrition of women in the western world and had nothing at all to do with doctors or medicine.

26 02 2010

Ok, I forgot to mention nutrition, but your reference to improved living standards is a bit cheeky. Living standards include advances in medicine, nutrition, incomes, housing, and various other technological improvements. (Your reference to doctors not washing their hands is a straw man argument. Do you think that’s true today. If you don’t, why mention it? If you do, you are deluded.)

I go by evidence – not mythology. The comparison I have seen used most often by those proposing greater use of home births involves the Netherlands and Australia. Netherlands is better than Australia, ergo home birthing is wonderful. Not the case if you include other countries, e.g. Sweden, that have identical hospital and home birth policies to Australia, the rate is much better than either Netherlands or Australia. You did mention marketing mythologies….

19 02 2010

Now that is child abuse. No kid should ever see their mum giving birth. What could they possibly get from that except traumatised.

23 02 2010
pinky has a brain

I feel ill hindustan, tell me your joking!! please…

19 02 2010

I do not know if it is an urban FB legend, but what about the girl in the States who apparently had a status along the lines of ” really wishing I had not had the abortion this morning”. Class…..

19 02 2010

my daily blog fixes are this blog and lamebook.com

in relation to a comment I made earlier…
here’s grandma in the casket (not work safe)
here’s the stupid girl who got sacked
and here’s the post hindustan was talking about, I think (not work safe)
and here’s all the entries relating to family, parents provide some great lamebook entries

20 02 2010

Apparently there’s a FB group based in the UK trying to get the government to supply birth certificates for stillborns that were less than 24 weeks into gestation. I don’t have much of an opinion on that, BUT, the group features photos of mothers with their stillborn fetus and one particular photo of five kids (with woeful names) smiling around a shrivelled dead baby called Pixi Tinkerbell.

19 02 2010

Ha! Guilty…hangs head in shame. Not my profile pic but a couple of albums for sure. Atleast my mum enjoys seeing them, it’s the only time she gets to see the grandkids.

19 02 2010

Ha! My partner and I set up a Facebook page for our offspring too. Of course, in a backhanded compliment, Facebook immediately began using a picture of our boy for an advertising campaign, so we closed his page.

20 02 2010

I don’t think it’s such a bad thing to have an album dedicated to your kid(s), but you should consider applying security and be selective if who can view your photos.
Also it is my belief that once you post a picture on FB, they own it.

19 02 2010

SOOOO TRUE! Best blog ever. People with anything bar themselves as their pic are clearly bogans to the max.

19 02 2010

you spelled max incorrectly, I believe it is ma-X……

19 02 2010

I did get a laugh from the sheer volume of bogans I saw at a Kiss concert a few years back, dressed normally, but with their 5 year old children dressed as members of the band…”Azif I’m gunna dress up in that faggy stuff!”. The children themselves wouldn’t have been born before Kiss’ first ‘Final Tour’.

19 02 2010

So true! I had, please note the use of HAD, a girl on my facebook who used her status updates to let us all know she now had “800 friends woot woot me cuz u luv me!” and so on and so forth. Now she is minus one. It amazes me the people with the largest numbers of friends are the ones willing to spill their emotional guts too. I mean, even if we cared, do we really need to know your new years resolution is to not sleep with a guy until you’re sure he isn’t going to treat you like dirt like the others did? Ouch. Oh and please do not get me started on the ones who put soft core porn pics of themselves and their bogan BF or GF practically shagging as a profile pic! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A PARTNER, WE DON’T NEED YOU TO SHOW US YOUR SEX LIFE! Vomit.

19 02 2010

People do that?

19 02 2010

alas James yes they do. The afore mentioned erstwhile FB friend was forever putting up profile pics of her and her bogan BF in mid make out session, or both curled up in bed obviously naked, usually with a status along the lines of. “Guess why we both look so happy in our profile pic *giggles* lol” ARG! Why do we let these people breed? Sterilisation should be mandatory at birth.

19 02 2010
James Hunter


19 02 2010

Oh God I need to vomit again.

19 02 2010

haha! i love those ones “I SeNt ThEsE 2 ZoO MaG Jus WaiTin 4 DeM 2 B put In EnJoY LaDz :)”…class.

19 02 2010

OMG the same girl I have been discussing in my posts today, she was apparently a “model” and had hundreds of glamour pics and they were awful. Just woefully bad! She would have looked more at ease if someone had shoved a frankfurter up her bottom. It was as cringe worthy as watching David Brent in The Office do his little dance. I don’t understand, if people look at your pics and visably cringe or giggle, how can you possibly think they are good? Don’t get me started on duckfacing……

23 02 2010
pinky has a brain


19 02 2010
Simon of South Yarra

These parents think their execrable offspring are epitome of cuteness. They are not! They are mewling, puking mini-bogues heading for the gutter, the children “favour” the features of their putative sire and dame, that is, fat and ugly. They should be put down at birth starting with the parents.

Thank you, for the moment, this is all I have to say on the matter.

19 02 2010

Whoa, I suppose this is an inopportune time to mention my infant daughter mewls but does not puke. I’m thinking children (or a long-term partner) are not in your future Simon of Sth Yup.

19 02 2010

a wise man once told me: ‘rats don’t breed mice’.

19 02 2010

Freakin hillarious… pity I can’t post this on facebook or all my friends will be offended!!

19 02 2010

There is a Facebook Group for TBL which automatically links to this page…
So don’t worry… if they want to find it they will…

19 02 2010
James Hunter

and THEY know where YOU live

19 02 2010

Ha – I’m with you, Em. Ever since realising what the article was about, and all through reading it and subsequent comments, I have been thinking of how I could possibly post this on my Facebook, without it seeming like a personal attack (which it is). I don’t think I can…! Gutless…

I did go in search of a “you’re not your baby so why is he/she your profile picture?” group a couple of days ago for a not-so-subtle hint but there was only a rather pathetic looking group on offer, with one member. Calling them out as bogans seems just a little too rough…

Okay, I’m doing it!

19 02 2010

maybe not… but here’s a group…

You don’t look like your baby. So change your profile picture!

19 02 2010

post the link…thats how I found TBL in the first place, someone posted a link to the glassing cunts entry and I clicked on it..and well the rest was history….

19 02 2010

oh yes, I post the links every day, along with the best quote (according to me) in the title. But insulting people about their babies seems rough! I have no issues with insulting their SMS speak, poker nights, taste in shoes, music, cricket, shirts, stickers or travel destinations. But children? I might have to draw the line…

19 02 2010


19 02 2010

I don’ think this phenomenon is limited to just bogans… except the bit about posting ‘glamour’ shots

19 02 2010
James Hunter

Mistress ,good call, imagine a Pixie Phot shoot at thr Too rak kindergarten ??

19 02 2010

The biggest reason I see against posting photographs of your children on Facebook or anywhere else on the internet for that matter is because of child predators and perverts. If you have friends who want to see your children, get them over for a cup of tea a slice of cake and to see them in person!
Kids don’t need to be paraded around social networking sites when they are young; they want to play, so just leave them to it.

19 02 2010

exactly. and if you can’t have them over for a cup of tea for whatever reason, need we remind you that if they have a facebook page, then they must also have an email address??

that’d be too much like thinking though

19 02 2010

There is also Jabbster – which is a private social networking site, where you can set up a page that only invitees can join. That is how I keep in touch with family members all over the world.

The thing is, posting that stuff on FB is not about sharing them with family and friends, it is about self-promotion, and is often done under the illusion that people actually care about the little details of their life.

It stems from a brain development dysfunction. Usually, between the ages of 6 and 8, children come to the realisation that others are not necessarily having the same thoughts as them. Clearly, many bogans skip this stage in development, which results in them believing that because they think their child’s first green shit is interesting, it must be interesting to anyone who might see it, thus necessitating a FB post.

19 02 2010

and a picture they can then tag all of their friends in to be sure they all see it! You wonder “How can they have tagged a pic of me I have not seen them for six months” and BAM, green turd

25 02 2010

Children gain the ability to understand other people can have different thoughts as them usually around the age of 2 1/2, sometimes before (in my experience, usually before 2). Clever little monkeys, aren’t they?

25 02 2010

‘To them’ to them to them, don’t jump on me for my poor habits.

19 02 2010

OMG this is hilarious! Great blog.

I have to confess though: That is a picture of my daughter!! Not my profile; it’s my mum’s.

Can’t wait to get home and tell kiddo she is ‘headed for the gutter’ (thanks Simon of South Yarra!)

BTW I feel honour bound to mention that mum only has 18 friends on FB, but will be stoked to see she is a bogan icon😉


19 02 2010

This blog reminds me…a bogan mother next to me in the supermarket last night had a son called Braxton (any number of spelling possibilities). I wonder if their surname was Hicks?

19 02 2010

i would like to lock in Brackstynn. maybe with an X between the K and S for added X-tremeness

19 02 2010

Bra-X-T/n Hi-X?

19 02 2010
Simon of South Yarra

Contraction of the contractions, Neat!

19 02 2010

Bogue, comment of the day! Braxton Hicks = brilliant. I now wish to find out if there is anyone in ANY COUNTRY with that name. If we found Cuntina we can find Braxton Hicks

19 02 2010

FOUND!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ladies and gentlemen, I present Braxton Hicks! One family includes a David Hicks too….


19 02 2010

I imagine that Haydon, Alabama has more than its fair share of Braxtons.

19 02 2010

Nice to see Alabama and South Australia have something in common then.

19 02 2010
James Hunter

Branxton is a Hicksville village in the Hunter Valley renouned for traffic jams on the new England Highway and other things ????

19 02 2010

yeah right and he also has a puppy called syndrome

19 02 2010

great post TBL, an absolutely cringe-worthy practice

19 02 2010

funny, funny, funny….bogans and their off-spring, and the cycle continues…..

19 02 2010

It’s not bad enough that many of these bogans take craploads of photos of their spawn on their mobile phones to upload to FB, many of them go so far as to scan every single photo from their fortnightly tranche of Pixi Fotos.

Surely Pixi Foto has to be a future TBL candidate? If TBL gets a bit bored and wants to save some time, they could just mash up this entry along with the Glamour Photography entry from a while back and come up with a perfectly serviceable entry about Pixi Foto.

19 02 2010

Hahaha, I actually de friended a sister of a friend of mine because of her incessant updates of her children. The final straw came when she announced one of them did their first ‘poo in the potty!’…

25 02 2010

Poo is really, really important. Ask your mother.

19 02 2010
john of (upper) campbell

facebook? Sorry chaps, you’ve lost me. Perhaps you speak of a folding mirror, grasshopper? Make me an enlightened one, please.

19 02 2010

I do have a number of FB friends like this

What I find really disturbing is the sheer number of posts from inane drivel to Farmville updates

Apparently, I was led to believe that mothering (it’s not the fathers that are the culprits) was a busy full-time occupation.

I now dispute any such claim

19 02 2010

What the fuck is facebook? Damn I live in the dark ages but what I gather is you put info about yourself up on the interweb and other people read it. Why? Who cares?

19 02 2010

Funny as it is I think TBL missed the target on this one. Facebook – in all its guises – is actually the ultimate Gen Y wet dream. Any thought, feeling, activity, relationship can be broadcast to the world with utter abandon. And they believe that all their ‘friends’ care.

‘Non Sequitur’ said it best, “So how many of your friends on Facebook can you ask for a loan?”

19 02 2010

I suspect that the photo used in today’s entry is some sort of fabrication. There is no way a bogan would be a fan of Fair Trade Certified, Carl Sagan or the National History Museum, London.

Please explain.

19 02 2010

See my comment above. The picture used for the article really is a picture of my daughter. It is my mum’s Facebook profile.

Mum lives interstate and misses kiddo pretty acutely. Yes she is also a fan of the Natural History Museum and Carl Sagan. And she only has 18 Facebook friends so she’s hardly foisting toddler images on the world at large! Perhaps not the best example….

19 02 2010

That, and your daughter looks too healthy and well behaved to be passed off as a bogan. Cute pic, BTW.

(yes, I have several pics of my spawn on my FB, but I am familiar with security settings, and have been able to restrict it to maybe a dozen pics all up … same story, the pics are there to appease long distance rellies etc).

19 02 2010

Well spotted Tone! I’ve repeated your observation in my own post (it’s MY frickin’ FB profile) but obviously the original writer was too much of a dullard to make the obvious inference.

19 02 2010

Part of the “give gingers a fair go” campaign.

19 02 2010

Yes, Simon – my beautiful grand-daughter does have flaming red hair, as does her father. Ain’t genetics ‘Mazing? She will more than likely also inherit her parents’ high intelligence, wonderful sense of humour, and stunning good looks. Life is unfair like that.

20 02 2010

Sue, I am pro ginger just for the record.

20 02 2010

Yes, sorry about that Simon. I just thought the conversation was turning to ‘ranga bashing’ so I wanted to nip it in the bud. (huh! fat chance!)

See you at next “Justice for Jingers” rally. xo

22 02 2010

Thanks Sue.

19 02 2010

If the original blogger had put even a modicum of thought into selecting a FB profile (i.e. MINE) to illustrate his/her article, he/she would have realised that bogans are not usually fans of Carl Sagan, The Natural History Museum, or Fair Trade Certified.

I am so *very* pleased to read that most people posting on this blog will never breed. The world thanks you for sparing it from replicants who may inherit your tiny, tiny, nasty minds.

We like you a lot, Sue. TBL

19 02 2010


Will you adopt me? I can bring another lovely non-bogan grandchild into the fold.

19 02 2010

Love ya Tone. x

19 02 2010

I’m so glad the the hordes of enlightenment in melbournes eastern suburbs and home schooling, polygamist cult-leader wannabes feel qualified to judge people based on the colour of their hair (admit it, you all think this kiddie is a bogan just because she’s a ginga!)

tsk tsk, so much prejudice…

PS. i know the child cited in the article and her parents don’t own a plasma tv. Their 186cm rear projection widescreen serves them just fine.

19 02 2010

“Their Children on” was redundant here. The very nature of FaceTwit makes it perfect for the bogan and encourages bogan behaviour. Your status is dictated by the X-treme number of “friends” you have and how many photographs of your tanked self you can put on display. In such photos, duckface is mandatory for females just as a middle-digit salute is mandatory for males.

If FB was an actual, legitimate blogging or keep-in-touch tool (like LJ, which I also tend to deride but for different reasons) then the emphasis would be directed somewhere more in the direction of actual content.

19 02 2010

Facebook = TBL

19 02 2010
Paul Bogan

I have promptly deleted every trace of my bogan spawn from the Internerd. Every trace. Thank you ‘things bogans like’. I am starting my 12 step cleansing program from this horrific affliction called ‘boganess’.

19 02 2010

Through marriage, a number of bogans have become ‘family’ members. When I log onto Facebook once every couple of weeks to send the odd message, I notice it is the same people time and time again who have their ‘status’ updated to what they are doing that very hour.

‘can’t wait till tonights (sic) idol!!’
‘can’t believe I could of (sic) seen akka dakka in Londers!!’
etc etc

* cringe *

19 02 2010
what ever

I can certainly assure you that this little girl is highly unlikely to grow up bogan! She’s completely adorable, as are her parents and I am in disbelief that you picked her as your poster child for an anti-bogan website. You’re obviously not too big on research. Or copyright laws. I guess luckily for you her parents are good sports and thoroughly amused by your choice of their child.

I am far less amused by your website. In my opinion you are outing yourself as a judgemental, childish person who is obviously insecure enough to require the public adoration afforded to you by having a blog. Particularly one such as this, devoted specifically to a subject that will recieve much kudos from all the pseudo intellectual morons who like to pretend they are better than others. Obviously you are unique, just like everyone else. Actually such idiocy most likely requires the efforts of more than one person so please amend everything I just said to the plural form.

Perhaps I could draw your attention to a quote from your “What is a Bogan Today?” section.

“And they set themselves apart by their efforts to stand out by conforming as furiously, and conspicuously, as possible.”

Congratulations, you fit your own criteria. Obviously you are different. Just like everyone else who is a fan of your blog.

Detailed vitriol. I would venture that we have differentiated ourselves by writing a popular blog rather than reading one, but we’re fond of the majority of our readers/commenters. You, on the other hand, seem to be an inconsolable whinger, so we won’t placate you. TBL

19 02 2010

Don’t worry – I’ve got my solicitor looking into the relevant copyright & libel laws, as I type! (Seriously.)

“Bogans” – the modern variety, as defined on this blog – would appear to be the repugnant, racist, flag-draped belligerent drunken morons, of the “Australia’s Full- Fuck Off” bumper-sticker variety.

As my Facebook profile has been used as an example of a ‘typical’ Bogan FB page’, I am very, very angry.

And I seriously doubt “what ever” gives two hoots whether TBL is “fond” of him/her. The mature response from TBL would be an apology to me, and my grand-daughter. But maturity seems in short supply among TBL writers – another thing you have in common with bogans.

All you had to say was ‘I would like you to take the photo off the site, please’ and it would be done. As such, consider it done. And if feel an apology is due to you, please accept our apologies. As for the vitriol, feel free, this is the internet after all… TBL

20 02 2010

SueJ – you only have yourself to blame. Just stand up and admit it.

Her picture was posted on an open internet forum frequented by all types. Why would you do this?

There are many sites dedicated to taking the piss out of people’s Facebook profiles and pictures. You have no chance with your legal claim. The photo now belongs to Facebook and you will not be able to get them to sue a satirical, Australian website for very mildly taking piss out of you for using your granddaughter’s photo as a profile pic. This is giving Facebook free advertising and they would not want to set a legal precedent to restrict that now would they? Internet censorship is not here…yet.

You will have more chance with ACA or Today Tonight! Go on, give them a call.

This is just a lesson for you, no real harm done.

A lot of posting hypocrites on here. Happy to rag out on anonymous, faceless bogans but turn to water when it gets a bit real. This is still the internet, granny is not able to beat you up through your screens. Have a look at yourselves.

19 02 2010

What Ever, thanks for the enlightenment. As a reader/contributor to this blog, I find your comments both confronting and offensive.

People were merely pointing out that posting your children on Facebook (as their own entity) is a bit creepy. And that she’s a ranga. Which alone is irrefutable proof that if there is a god, he hate’s us all.

But I’ll go you one further….two actually;

1. What the hell is with that combover?
2. Frangipani in the hair spells B-O-G-A-N.

What Ever (a bogue name if I’ve ever seen one), please take this solemnly given advice. To quote the illustrious Brisbane band ‘The OK Cowboys’;

“Eat a bag of dicks”


19 02 2010

Nice, Toony. Picking on the actual 1-year old. That’s some classy stuff (bet you were popular at kindergarten…)

1. It’s not a combover. Kids just have weird hair sometimes. I’m sure it will be a delightful strawberry blonde mane by the time she’s old enough to decline dates with sad spotty sociopaths such as yourself.
2. Not a frangipani. It’s an orchid. It was her birthday so I put a flower in her hair. Shoot me.

And seriously, anyone who ends a diatribe with an invitation to consume a sack of male genitalia… sounds a bit like, well, a bogan. Dear, your flanny is showing.

I was really trying to rise above this. Mostly I think it’s funny. But there’s always someone who has to act like a total idiot. Don’t attack my child.

19 02 2010

Well said.

20 02 2010

Nope. A dullard would adduce that I am “attacking a 1yo” as a sensationalised form of argument. It’s the kind of comment a bogan (and one whom is in denial) makes after subjecting themselves to countless years of watching ACA or Today Tonight. Like the threat of legal action that was screeched by someone else….all histrionics.

I am “attacking” (your word, not mine) the bogan parents who feel the need to….ah…pimp(?) their child. Don’t get me wrong, I have two teens, yet I don’t feel the compulsion to advertise their every move nor publish pics to the world.
Especially not of combovers and frangipani covered babies….yes,yes, you think its an orchid……

Oh, eat a bag of dicks too.

20 02 2010


The “offending” picture was used by the kid’s grandmother as her avatar in Facebook. She did not ‘publish her pics to the world’, and _I_ certainly didn’t. We most definitely did not ask for a critique of infant hair accessories from you.

I have never seen ACA or Today Tonight except on ads during the cricket (the only time I watch commercial television), so I’ll have to take your word for it on their sensationalised content.

And I’m not in denial re my boganity – I think there’s a little bogan in all of us if we’re honest with ourselves and have anything resembling a sense of humour😉 One day you might even admit to it old man, once you’ve stopped taking yourself so seriously and trying to impress us with your mid-life fauxhemian crisis.

I find the whole Baby-on-TBL thing rather amusing. Nasty (and may I stress again, UNINVITED) comments from complete strangers about my little girl’s appearance are less so. Act your age.

21 02 2010

Hear, hear. I’m the first to get my bitch on, as some of you will have noticed, but the point of the site is ridicule bogans- adults who have a choice. Picking on a little kid (over her appearance, no less) is just fucking low.

19 02 2010

Do you wear stove pipe jean, a hat and ride a fixie Toony? *gush* you are sooooo coool *swoon*

and oh my god, i have never heard of “the ok cowboys”. you are so obscure and interesting…

20 02 2010

What the hell are you on about? Leave the OK Cowboys alone! They trump your endless replaying of Celine Dion anyday!

20 02 2010

Oh dear, Toony. Is that your most original comeback? Would you like to try again? (go on, we’ll spot you one!) You really are out of your depth here.

20 02 2010

Why? What would be achieved? I’ll just wind you up, you’ll attempt to make some sort of grand comeback out of blind rage…and the outcome will be the same…..
I’ll continue to laugh at you😉 Sometimes this is just toooo easy.

20 02 2010

You leave Celine outta this Toony – this is between me, you and this half-full, hastily smashed Stella artois bottle. You better not get any blood on my new ed hardy t-shirt when i BJJ your arse in the ultimate cage fight style smackdown!

So long as it doesn’t interrupt my Texas Hold-em tournament that is…

Oh yeah, and only a dullard would go to such painfully dull lengths to make an such acerbically witty point about someone using their child as their Facebook avatar without reading what they have to say which CLEARLY states that the profile in question was NOT that of the mother.


20 02 2010

Wha??? Jesus wept man! You wanna BJJ my arse? Tool?
Sorry tiger, no blowjobs for my bottom, though I thank you for the *cough* offer….
coyotes bay in the distance….

19 02 2010

Being of the rusty persuasion myself i do find this ranga/fanta pants/ginger nuts type rhetoric quite amusing.Since the days of the primary school playground everyone knows the unwritten law of-“Don’t fuck with a redhead”.We know it and you melanin enriched types know it.Celtic blood runs hot

20 02 2010

Lol brad! Love it

20 02 2010

I am an undercover day walker.

The only way you can tell that I am tainted is when I grow my beard….Captain Red Beard.

I shave twice a day.

21 02 2010

Ranga represent! Seems to be quite a few of us here. Amen, brad. No-one is as feisty as a ginger.

Sam- “undercover day walker”. Heehee!

22 02 2010

better red than dead

19 02 2010

I’m a big fan of TBL but you’ve probably kicked a bit of an own goal with the choice of child. As rightly pointed out bogans aren’t usually fans of Carl Sagan and the natural history museum. Seems the offendee and her supporters are fairly erudite as well with well developed arguments which is unfortunate for the other posters.

I understand the intent of the post and agree wholeheartedly with it but the facebook example should have been of a little Jaxon or Madddeeson. You know the type, wearing a shirt that says ‘my mum should have swallowed’.

Still, you can’t win them all……and the kid is a ranga!

20 02 2010

I concur. Great idea in theory, but it doesn’t translate well into reality. Much like Communism.

19 02 2010

A guy said something hilarious at work the other day, ‘I hate this project like one would hate a ranga stepchild.’

I was on the floor laughing.

As for people putting their kids on facebook, I don’t mind the cute videos of their kids playing etc. In fact my best mate in Brisbane does this, and we get to see his child a bit more regularly than what we would normally.

What absolutely annoys me, are people whose EVERY update, EVERY status, revolves around their litter of children. Seriously, we had ‘friends’ of ours who linked photos of their caeserian, and the bloodied baby nestled on her butchered stomach. I removed them from my list a split second after I scraped the bile out of my teeth.

My other half and I sat there one night after reading our third (yes, third) status update from some random acquaintance that involved the messy bowel movements of their child.

Seriously, NO ONE CARES about your children’s daily ablutions. And no one cares that you have partaken in something that billions of people before you have done and passed a baby out of you va-jayjay. Have a bloody medal.

The next pic of your child better be of him/her conquering Mt Everest or returning to Earth in a space fighter after wiping out the bug planet in the Pegasus system, otherwise your shit is getting deleted.

19 02 2010

“About as loved as a redhead step child” is what your looking for,anyway i do find it humorous when people chest-pout about the fact they have off-spring and proceed too document every moment from birth till i’ll keep you posted about the ins and outs of my little ones.That stuffs gold and should’nt be cheapened by some shite digital display on fb

25 02 2010

People really post those things to Facebook? Who are these people? Why do you befriend them? I’m glad they’ve never “random”ed me.

19 02 2010

This is a most unpleasant site. Apparently it has become “acceptable’ for self-styled facebigots to sound off about any behaviour they don’t like and label it “bogan”, whatever that means. Other forms of abuse, derision and discrimination are illegal in this country, but these bigots seem to believe that calling someone a “bogan”, even someone’s precious child or grandchild whose photo they have ripped off anonymously in such a cowardly way.

What a piece of work is Man? Cowardly attacks on strangers who love their family and have not asked for such hurtful comments in any way., and indeed general abuse of people who have children.

What would the world do for another generation if everyone stopped having children? Perhaps that doesn’t matter to people who have nothing better to do than attack other people anonymously, be rude about their beautiful babies and wank on and on. It’s not loving parents who are wankers, but people like you.

Yes. TBL

20 02 2010
what ever

TBL – Certainly. You are different. Your scathing comment has forced me to acquiesce. No wait, I’m still typing so it mustn’t have worked. You think you have differentiated yourself by writing a popular blog? Are you kidding me? I think there are a couple around these days. Also, isn’t judging yourself by how popular your blog is a tiny bit like say, collecting friends on FB? Only cooler right? Look how many cool and different people read my blog. WIN at life!

Lastly, what on earth makes you feel you could placate me? Are you so very, very cool that a few well chosen words could make me feel even slightly less revolted? You have essentially stolen a photo of a very young child, held her family up to the ridicule of your readership and the world at large and provided an opportunity for nasty, small minded people to make comments about her looks and judgements on her future. Yes, you’re obviously right, I’m an inconsolable whinger.

toony – I’m glad you found it confronting and since the only thing I pointedly called fans of this blog was different, I find it amusing that you are offended. Perhaps the pseudo intellectual moron jibe hit a bit of a nerve, did it? Do you really think you are different and special, and do you really consider yourself an intellectual? Are you just a tiny bit smarter than everyone you meet? Are your ideas just too original and too damn interesting for anyone to understand you properly? Are you lonely toony? Is that why you use a blog community to feel like you have friends? Or are you surrounded by pseudo intellectual morons who feed your fantasy that you are in fact cool and different and interesting? Are you scared that you might in fact be just so very, very boring and average, with no intellect to speak of?

Please take this solemnly given advice. To quote no-one but myself.

Leave the kid the hell ALONE!


20 02 2010

The entire family are trolling now – funny.

Most of you baby boomers are just too serious, you will never get sites like this, they are not for you.

The year is 2010. Deal with it.

25 02 2010

Got really nasty, huh?

20 02 2010

as much as this backfired (the ‘offending parents/grandparents finding out), you are GUILTY of whatever TBL is accusing you of. they think it’s ‘bogan’ to do that, and do you really care? also, why do you care about what strangers say about your daughter/granddaughter? honestly, you don’t know these people, and they don’t know you. this has descended into a typical bogan-style fight at a christmas lunch gathering. that’s why you DON’T post delicate photos such as this. it’s cool to be proud and whatnot of your progeny, but there’s just too much crap that can go wrong by it. and i think, ultimately, this is what TBL has decreed as ‘bogan’; the inability to foresee any future surprises from less-than-astute decisions…

20 02 2010

Garrgh! For the last time I did not post this photo! And I thought it was funny!!

Though I admit, I have been taken aback by the level of nastiness expressed by some posters towards a picture of a little girl. It’s a bit hard not to react when people make such personal comments about my child, over something I never put out there in the first place. But the photo’s down now anyway, and I shan’t waste any more energy on the likes of Toony and his same old ‘bag of dicks’.

My mum’s profile, ironically, was selected because she had just become a fan of the TBL site. It’s also how she found out, so backfire was kind of inevitable…


20 02 2010

Excellent judgment in your choice of sample Facebook page TBL, bravo! Still, all publicity is good publicity eh? I look forward to the next post, i really do.

25 02 2010

PutativeDame, TBL was fortunate they did choose your Mother’s posting of your children. You both have been far too patient with people on this blog, where any other FB user might have exploded into rage and confirmed their worst prejudices about “child posters”. Thank you, on behalf of parents posting and sharing photos of their children to family far away. I hope you don’t have to repeat yourself to any more of these morons.

25 02 2010

Tough concept for you to grasp Annette? You don’t seem to be able to differentiate between the finer points of people’s posts. I will state the obvious and let’s see if you can spot the difference:

Open sharing of your childrens pictures and habits to all = Bogan and stupid and dangerous (ref. Bundaberg)

Private sharing with your family and friends that care = normal behaviour

20 02 2010

…and you left out the bit about how coming on this site and defending the indefensible leaves you wide open to someone having a laff at your expense. Look Faux-gan et al, this is the interwebs. Sometimes the interwebs makes you feel not-nice feelings and stuff and it hurts… that’s life as a bearded man was once wont to say.
The pics gone, so what’s your problem? Quit whining and sod off!

Thats what pisses me off about bogan parents – they think their offspring are the centre of the universe and rise up with umbrage if anyone says anything about them or their (lack of) parenting….
To quote Bill Hicks twice in as many days (Bill must have had an anti-bogan radar in that black, cancerous brain), “I know you think your children are special, but they are not”

20 02 2010

I don’t know what I enjoy more – the topics or the comments section. So many riled up people being offended on behalf of someone else. The nanny state at it’s finest. Maybe ‘unfettered self-righteousness using a year 10 education as linguistic ammo’ should be a topic. Or was that was covered in ‘Glassing Cunts’? Love ya work TBL. What’s really so wrong with taking the piss out of each other?

20 02 2010

nothing wrong with farmville on facebook, i love this stuff its awesome

20 02 2010
James Hunter

anyone who believes that home schooled children have more opertunity to socialize then regularly schooled children are deluded

also by witholding the challengers of regular school from you children you are making them less prepared for the inevitable challengers of the real world.

poor things , overprotect now and throw them in the deep end later.
how cruel

25 02 2010

When those challenges are incessant bullying, age-defined peer pressure and respect only for sporting ability, children could probably do without regular schooling – home schooling trumps. You avoid bogans as much as you can, so why would you set your innocent child free amongst them?

Home schooling parents are really careful to give their kids opportunities to experience as wide a social circle as possible. In my experience. Thoughtful people who want their kids to be anything but mediocre bogans.

25 02 2010

Are you implying that by children coming into contact with bogans at school, this ensures their bogan fate?
Wouldn’t that make us all bogans?
Fear not, one can rub shoulders with bogues all their life and not ‘cross over’… I believe a bogues fate was sealed by their parentage…

25 02 2010


21 02 2010

New and improved FB profile, I see. Complete with obligatory fandom of Mafia Wars and one of the 7,000 or so FarmVille related fan clubs. Looks like little Jaydynn and Jaxon are getting stuck into some low nutrition high additive cardboardy goodness whilst parked in front of a 50″ plasma, too.

Whilst it’s an improvement, methinks it is too little too late to save this entry from being one of TBL’s few failures.

21 02 2010
what ever

Just for interests sake for those who are so certain (Sam) Facebook pictures are not covered legally by copyright.

“Do I retain the copyright and other legal rights to material I upload to Facebook?

Yes, you retain the copyright to your content. When you upload your content, you grant us a license to use and display that content. ”

You grant FB a license, not everyone and anyone…just saying.

21 02 2010

If you don’t want people to see your photo, my photo, anyone’s photo, then don’t post it up in a, more or less, public domain.


22 02 2010

MMmmm… I’m pretty sure that any photos on Facebook can be used without permission – hence the media showing everyone’s Facebook profile photos these days as it’s the easiest and laziest option (e.g. instead of contacting the police or the family for a photo of a deceased road accident victim teen, they just take their Facebook photo for their use – despite how inappropriate said photo might be in relation to the occasion and a family’s tragic loss.)
However, using someone’s photo to slander them probably isn’t quite so easy to get away with…
Luckily, TBL never made any personal attacks on the little darling in the previous photo example. It was purely a sample of a baby photo used for someone’s Facebook profile – the subject in point.

Those who chose to make ridiculous insults aimed at the child herself afterward in these comments should be ignored.

Move on family… proud granny; perhaps a lovely photo of yourself would be nice, you love to see your family and they love to see you.

22 02 2010
Oh Lord

have you ever seen a muslim bogan? I have, and you don’t even WANT to know.

23 02 2010
pinky has a brain

no please, do tell…

25 11 2010
Ash - Corporate Lawyer cum Lingerie Model

Muslim bogans led to the Cronulla riots.

24 02 2010

say, did you see that site showing which houses were ripe for robbery because the owners advertised they were going on holiday on face book?

25 02 2010

Anyone who puts pictures of their kids up on any website is an idiot. When Shaz and Tans fall out over whose man gets the bettter RDOs or the best fuel discount coupons from Coles, there’s no telling what they’re likely to do with pictures of the other’s loinfruit.

22 03 2010

nice site… very interesting!!

23 11 2010

facebook is bogan

25 11 2010

You forgot to add teenage pregnancies to the list, or having kids young, before they have a career or have their own home!!
Bogans are notorious for popping out kids whenever they feel like it, often ending up single parents. They then complain that having kids is the hardest job ever and that their kids drain their finances, and they sit at home all day with their kid. No ambition. No career. Often they dig themselves into a rutt, all of their own making.

25 11 2010

Another reason why bogans have so many babies and so young is because they don’t bother with university, or even TAFE half the time. They hate learning so much that they drop out of school and get a job as a check out chick, or they do a trade. BUT they start earning money from a much younger age than other young women who choose university and then graduate with lots of student debt, so having a baby after all their hard work is out of the question, even if they want a baby it would be silly to waste all their hard work.
So please add to the list is ‘having babies, and having them young’ as that is a lot of what the bogan identity is to me.
In this country we have bogans producing the majority of kids, while the hard-working university girls cannot afford kids until they are much older and so end up having fewer or not having any at all.

8 03 2011

perhaps what motivates parents to start their children’s FB profile is to send Farmville / Mobwar gifts to themselves??? cause isn’t that all that bogan mum’s do all day, besides taking useless quizzes?

10 06 2011
Dragon king

It takes more than just looking at posts and activity say once in a month to figure out if things are OK. Tools like Minormonitor help create statistics out of past 180 days data which can be very helpful to diagnose the overall social health of your child. See here on some tips to track your childrens facebook activity easily

9 04 2012

Unfortunately many parents in Perth are thinking of home schooling. Not because they want to but unfortunately with all the inbreeding in private schools and the absolute dead beats of society putting kids into the public school system and dragging down the rest. No other options exist.

16 03 2016
franz chong

This comes belatedly but also not all of them especially in the private schools and this is in the better parts of ones home town can the kids cope with ridiculous class sizes and rife bullying in many cases.Short of the Private Ones in the middle socio economic zones or the bogan and feral areas what other choices other than home schooling does one have.I have been through public education from Yr 2 to Part of Yr 6 and it was horrible for the most part.It took an old friend of mine’s father and the headmaster of my brother’s school to see the cracks in such system to move on.


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