What Woman Problem?
Here at this illustrious font of intense philosophical and boganic thought, we have delved deeply into the male bogan’s thoughts on gender. While words like ‘neolithic’ and ‘Neanderthal’ emerge regularly during such discourses, we respect the man-bogue’s right to consider women to be the inferior vessel that impedes its abilities to be maxtreme at the pub with its mates.
If, however, we were running for elected office, and we were in opposition to a government who apparently commands approximately 6000% of the femme-bogue vote, we would perhaps be a little bit circumspect when it came to drawing attention to the fact that, in all likelihood, 51% of bogans are female. We would attempt to dissuade the male of the species from holding such views, that women were objects of scorn and objectification, that mockery was an effective means of proving our ability to govern better than the Powerfox. It would seem sensible that, in a country with compulsory voting and a reasonably enlightened view of female emancipation, you would not fuck with the woman vote.
Not to the Liberals it’s not. Unable to afford to even set up an effective campaign headquarters within four days of the election being called, and with an obsession with budget surpluses that the bogan finds appealing for no greater reason than its own inability to balance the credit card, they find themselves in the unusual position of not being able to afford any bogan bribes.
What to do?
Why, insult women, of course! The party that coasted to government for over a decade on the bogan back has decided that the bogan vote is comprised almost entirely of blokes called ‘Dunno’ whose level of respect for women veers somewhere between ‘scathing disrespect’ and ‘Warney’ on the scale of immense hatecrimes against women. Former treasurer, gutless wonder Peter Costello, barred from appealing directly to the male bogan after proving he didn’t have the stones to challenge, decided to impersonate AFFPM at a function full of old white men. On TV. With all the grace and tact of the upstart private school arsewad he appears to be, he adopted a nasal whine and busted out the bogan slogan ‘Moving Forward’. To great mirth. Except, the male bogan is already likely to vote liberal, after deciding that it enjoys REAL ACTION (the Hungarian-produced erotic video series, volumes 1 through 25). Thus, the femme-bogue is all-important to the Coalition. The femme-bogue remains unimpressed.
Then, Joe Hockey, the bloke who had the stones to run for party leader, but was so unimpressive that Tony Abbott won the ballot, decided to compare Wayne Swan’s relationship to budget surpluses (again) to Paris Hilton’s apparent sluttiness. Not only could this potentially alienate vital slutty voters, it will also offend pretty much every bogan. The she-bogan to this day holds Ms Hilton in the highest regard for her unerring ability to be famous at all times and do what she wants. The male bogan likes Paris Hilton because he believes there is a genuine chance that, like Millsy, he might get to nail her one day.
But all this innuendo and tomfoolery is distracting from one vitally important thing: the cut of Tony Abbott’s budgies. So obscured have they become in the argy-bargy of political horseplay, gender-baiting and bogan-whispering, that soon the bogan will forget how epic Tony’s rig is. The less the bogan sees of Abbott’s maxtreme capacity to hand boat people the biggest asswhooping available outside an active warzone, the less the bogan likes about Tony Abbott. Expect him to wheel out the big guns before too long. Perhaps on Hey Hey.
Liberal Score: 1 pantsless celebrity out of 10
Let me get this right. The big election issues so far have been Paris Hilton, Hey Hey and Masterchef?
That’s it’s. I’m off to the nearest Aeroflot office and booking a flight to Russia.
Pretty much Mick. It’s a sad state of affairs.
It is Pinky,
It’s against the grain, but I hope the whole incompetent, useless bunch of wastrels will be decimated.
To perform so dismally against the worst government we had in living memory is inexcusable.
One thing I am not clear about, I dislike T Abbott for entirely different reasons you might have (if you do that is) but I can’t fathom why he is considered to be hated by women, if he really is?
@ Mark
Dude, I HATE the T-Bott Wing-nut. I can see why any self respecting woman would look at him a just gasp “WTF?”
I am again, in a state of “Do I laugh or cry?”
Workchoices honestly scares the absolute sh!t out me. You can’t trust a word Wing-nut.
The first reason I hate him is because the dude is an idiot
Secondly, he’s a religitard
Third, he’s right wing.
Fony Rabbit has a history of speaking out against abortion , morning after pill and has esentially a “keep em barefoot and pregnant” attitude. He is a Catholic, which is bad enough but to be in politics in this country and spout the right wing religiously motivated propaganda is to me outrageous.
Fair enough Hunter, not of a religious persuasion myself, I decline to comment on any, but I do have some reservation about abortion myself, specially late ones but put that aside.
Do you have a dislike (hatred maybe) for the other, much larger religions which have the same view about abortions, gays even?
Don’t have to answer, I’m just teasing, I realised this is not a forum to discuss serious social issues.
Mea culpa. mea maxima culpa.
this is pretty much a forum for anything, in as much as one thing seems to lead to another and those interested have a go and those that dont catch up on the swings.At least that is the way that I see it.
As for abortion I believe the decision is for the woman to make and that others ,men especially should offer counsel if it is sought but otherwise should but out.
As for religion , well that is a whole different kettle of fish. I do not believe in religions , I do not like religions and I absolutely believe that most of the evil in this world may be laid at the feet of religions.Within the Christian group, the Roman Catholic Church have the most to answere for. asside from the “minor” transgressions of the priesthood against the young that they are supposed to be protecting and the history of torture during the inquisitions ,the catholic church has caused and is causing untold misery to the poor in countries round the world. Procreact,procreat then pray , pray then starve . The concept of encouraging people to breed knowing that starvation faces most is a crime against humanity and if i had my way the perpetrators would be in the court in Den Hague.
Asside from them the predatory actions of a lot of “modern day” churches on the wealth and savings of their followers with the moneys going to the personal lifestyle and overseas bank accounts of their founders is plain criminal activity.
Then the behaviour of some sections of the Muslim churches who wish terror on everyone who is not of thier faith. Absurd.
I am esentially an atheist, although am comfortable with those who choose believing in some “god”. However I can only see room for one and believe that people of disparate religions should believe in the one supreme being.
Mind you I cant see this god feller being all that compasonate or smart ,looking round at the shit the world is in.
I have only mentioned two particular “brands ” of religion above. there many and they mostly each have many strands. Generally they are harmless and a lot do a lot of good. However when the try to run countries, when they steel from their followers, when they condone the abuse of children in their care , when they promote violence agains others and when they prevent family planning and world population control then they are EVIL.
@ Mark
The folk here at TBL will talk about anything an everything.
I know your questions are directed at JH but I will butt in and answer too.
Personally I hate all religions equally. All of them think they are above the law. They all spread a message of hate and are fear mongers. Religion spends so much time pointing the finger and not a lot of time doing anything much to change situations. They use ‘God’ as a weapon and it is far more dangerous than bombs. Brainwashing is an amazing ‘tool’.
There shouldn’t even be a ‘gay issue’ in this day and age. What a joke the human condition is!
As for abortion I believe that , again, it is about choice. I should have the right to make decisions for my body, my life, and my psychological well-being. Late term abortions are usually only performed in very special circumstances and for me I feel for the ‘parents’. I have had a few miscarriages and that was bad enough. When are we going to stop being so f@cking judgemental?? What about acknowledging that most women would rather not have to think about abortion and the decision isn’t made lightly and offering them support.
Hear hear, fetch the beer
Do I look like your b!tch? HAHAHA 😉
Shouldn’t you be emailing someone? 😉
Your ancestry wouldnt be Scotch-Irish now would it James, mmmm?
All my grand parents were scotts although we used to tease my mother that there must have been a bit of the spaniel in her side like from the amada most likeley as she had a more olive complection and those slightly sloe eyes.
Still My grand dad used to say the scotts and the irish had a lot in common. They both made good wisky and dislike the poms.
Wasn’t aware it showed that much .?
ha ha im betting your grand dad had an orange sash somewhere in his garage,thats how it shows James.Still its not your fault that old prejudices where instilled into you when you were a little JH, i had similer bias pushed onto me as a youngster-all non cathos were more sinful than us and alot were even godless which was even worse,the poms and prods were the worst though and this was re-inforced by the presence of quite a lot of Northern Irish immigrants at my primary school.(it was the 70s).Catho wogs/asians were considered “alright for a wog, i spose” .All very confusing for a idealistic,space-cadet sprog.Hopefully i will never repeat the mistakes of my fathers and i make a conscious effort not too confuse my little-uns with silly old prejiduce and religous concepts. Ha ha my mother haas some Continental bloodlines too-adopted grand-mother(Belgium),but we didnt get nice olive skin, just a gallic nose.
Personally, I’m for the one that puts Dental on Medicare.
Well she did start off with an anti big australia thing but a couple of days ago she said she wasn’t going to reduce immigration. That didn’t last long.
Hang on martin, does this mean the government is going to stop with the financial incentives for breeding?
That’ll get my vote.
Don’t think so. Haven’t heard anything about the baby bonus. Free plasmas for breeders. 🙂
Has to be. No surge in population but no decrease in immigration.
She’s gonna do what we all wanted. Stop the bogan from breeding. It’s gold, Pure gold.
Do you think she reads TBL?
I’ve got no big complaint with the baby bonus. Kids are a pain in the arse. I’d want a free plasma.
Plus the free plasma might reduce future breeding …
Ah Ha, back to Eugenics !!
Baby bonus has been superceded by a family raising handout, which kicks in on January 1st. Apparently you’re better off by about $2k with this new deal. If you’re about to give birth before Jan 1st, you get a choice of either old baby bonus or new deal, not both.
Deal or No Deal, noice.
But seriously she’s just proven, for those like me who were willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, that she is just Rudd 2. Zero credibility. At least Rudd lasted a few months before it was obvious he was a prick.
Marty, It’s amazing really. Did we not notice her there hidden behind Kev’s wall of smug or has she been magically tranformed by the power into a complete tool?
Dunno. I’d say Jack Marx said it best. She’s a puppet.
Good job Marty, although this may leave me with some images I would rather not carry through the day.
Politicians could teach us all about sluttiness. I have no time for la Hilton, but I thought that was a scummy act.
“So obscured have they become in the argy-bargy of political horseplay, gender-baiting and bogan-whispering, that soon the bogan will forget how epic Tony’s rig is.”
Pinky, s’long as you notice the “cut of his jib”
@ JH
I try not to look at Wing-Nut at all. the man scares me.
If Foney Rabbit were to become prim monster then we should all be afraid… very afraid.
If ever there were a case for eugenics he is it.!
I’m outta here if T-Bott becomes PM. I can’t live with the shame.
Let’s not forget chief conservative bogue Abbott’s previous comments about boys being allowed to sow their wild oats, even when they are in training to be a priest, but girls must cherish and protect their virginity… Bogue females would not like anyone telling them they cannot screw who they like, a la their post-feminist, post-sexual revolution heroine Paris Hilton. And exactly who would the male bogan get it off with if the female of the species became virtuous?
@ Lexi
Typical of a Bogan religitard. I’m sure that T-bott actually believes that.
He never said anything about men being allowed to sleep around and he himself tried to stay a virgin until he married, but don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story. He was asked how he would advise his own daughters and it was assumed that he would advise any sons differently. Claiming that men are free to sleep around without any criticism shows all of the lack of thought that marks bogan feminism.
Sounds suspiciously like you are defending Foney Rabbit. Dangerous waters my man. dark slimey waters. !
Hello Liam,
Firstly, he “tried” to stay a virgin? Tried? BAHAHAHAHAHA Typical of christian’s to choose one rule for them and the rest be damned. I can hear the chorus now “How good of the The T-Bott Wing-Nut to try and stay a virgin. Oh and he was going to be a priest oh isn’t he just marvellous” Bahh He probably shagged a hooker the first day out of seminary.
Spare me.
Lexi claimed that Tony commented about “boys being allowed to sow their wild oats” and that women should stay virgins. He said neither. The fact that he attempted to stay a virgin goes a long way towards proving that he doesn’t believe that men can sleep around. Even Tony has a right not to be misquoted.
the ‘tried to stay a virgin’ line doesn’t hold up when you remember he thought he had an illegitimate son a few years back.
tbl, how do you think the femmebogue tries to reconcile its slut-as-empowerment attitude with being offended by the paris hilton comment from joe hockey? they vehemently defend their right to pole dancing classes (and kits for their kids) and to have their tits out on all occasions, but are likely to get very angry if anyone suggests they’re just a run-of-the-mill tart.
Good point. Gillard might threaten the femmebogue’s sensibilities about what feminism is. Gillard represents a somewhat respectable idea of feminism in that she’s done real work. It might bring out the tall poppy and anti-intellectual in the femmebogue. Paris represents having lots of money for nothing and f$cking a lot which appeals to the femmebogue regardless of what other people think. Respect ain’t worth a lot in today’s world. Show me the money!
I’d say this is a +1 to the Liberals for Hockey’s comment to the greater bogan population both male and female.
I don’t think Femmebogue feels any desire to reconcile anything PB. I think It just goes with whatever the current 5 minute trend. Unlike you, there is no thought process behind their belief systems.
Getting your “ladies” out is what they consider emancipation/feminism. Personally I’ve never understood why you would want to lift your shirt in the middle of winter to some drunken swine bogan.
It’s “empowerful” – retrograde horseshit sold to make people believe they have control of something.
@ Bec
Indeed, the ultimate head f@ck carried out via the media as to keep the Femmbogue spending money on sh!t she can’t afford in order to reach the Bogan nirvana of Being heaps Klassy ‘n’ that.
I agree Pinky. The bogue in general doesn’t think much beyond 5 minutes of it’s current point in time, either historically or into the future. Much like a goldfish swimming round and round in a bowl it simply blinks rapidly once or twice and moves on, comfortable with the familiarity.
Hence the ability to hold Opinion A (courtesy of the telerough), and then polar-opposite Opinion B 8 hours later courtesy of ACA or Tinea Tonight.
So getting the puppies out on Saturday night and going to Hillsong on Sunday produces not a whit of cognitive dissonance.
Equally, the reason that simple slogans from the political parties become really important is because of the need to encapsulate some dog-whistle idea that bogues can then fill in the blanks with their own not-racist-but ideas.
The real trouble is that, in effect, all the goldfish-bogues in the marginal seats will decide the policies we’re all about to vote for.
Chairman, is it to early to open the Shiraz, that is depressing dude. And oh so accurate.
Yeah, you’d worry about the country if it weren’t for the big miners looking out for us all…
@ Chairman
**sobs heartily**
@ Si
I don’t think it’s too early Si, I have a really nice 2005 Cab Sav if you like?
I’m in. Should I bring the cheese and cured meats?
Why not and some preferred tunes?
Yes. Tom Waits is good Cab Sav music. Perhaps Mule Variations?
@ Si
**Pretends to know who/what ‘Mule Variations is**
Sounds most awesome!
P!nky, FYI
Waits intersperses the tough and the tender, mixing exercises in creative noisemaking with tunes that fall on just the right side of maudlin. As with Bone Machine’s “The Ocean Doesn’t Want Me,” “What’s He Building?” is an experiment in word jazz that owes a debt to its creator, Ken Nordine. Waits has again assembled a crew of attuned sidemen (including Primus and steadfast backers Ralph Carney, Larry Taylor, and Joe Gore). And, as always, Waits and his wife-cosongwriter-coproducer Kathleen Brennan exhibit an uncanny ear for the arcane. In the end, Mule Variations is the aural equivalent of a salvage shop that, while largely familiar, still has a few secluded chambers and trap doors. –Steven Stolder
@ Simon
Cool. I know very little about music etc; bit of a bogan in that way, I know what I like and why I like it, but as for the details, my brain farts.
I am always a willing student. I have some most excellent new tunes in my library.
Will investigate your suggestion. Maybe we need two bottles of Red. I also have a really really heavy 2007 Cab Sav Coonawarra. **drools**
What would be your preferred red drinking music?
@ Si
Ohh. Good question. I like to start of with some Tracey Chapman, mixed up with some old Icehouse ‘Man of Colours’ and New Orleans Jazz (?) with Harry Connick Jr; Then move into some Tegan and Sara, I have my own mix that I like on my Pod. Then go into some lower end trance, maybe go old school and rip out Gatecrasher Wet.
Who knows what the second bottle would bring out. May dust off some old vinyl and prentend that I can mix!
My taste in music is a bit daggy! 😉
**braces self for the laughter from fellow commentors**
Mad skilzz on the turntable, I would never have guessed. Our musical tastes may be a bit divergent but thats part of the fun I reckon. You have a wider range than me Pinky. I am a bit fussy really. I have a great vintage port to finish off with, you make the coffee.
Glass of red, need some Diamanda Galas (Malediction and Prayer album – not too screechy) or Mazzy Star for mellower less wrist slashing times.
Unaware of them Viv but Mazzy Star is good. Bit of PJ Harveys Stories from the City to lighten the mood later on perhaps?
You need the bottle of Red to appreciate Diamanda – she was an ex-prostitute/ performance artist in the 80’s who used her opera training to perform hardcore imprompture, blood soaked protest perfromances in churches and on the New York streets. Her shows have been about the churches hypocritical response to the AIDS epidemic, another was called Wild Women with Steaknives and more recently she has done shows about the greek/armenian genocides. Heavy duty going and often deliberately painful to hear. Her voice was used to make the sound of the locust Plague in the Exorcist 2. and she can make the most evil satanic noises you ever did hear, in about 12 languages. The Album i mentioned is all old death row blues songs from the deep south. She sounds like an old black man, when in fact she is a pasty white, tall scary looking american / greek gal. I’ve seen her perform three times and am part scared and part overwhelmed every time 🙂 keep going back though..
Did a quick google and certainly a 2 bottle experience. Will try the tube later to see if I can find some to listen to.
@ Si
I make great coffee. I am obsessed with coffee. So it’s a deal.
No mad skillz, my ‘friends’ laugh and call me DJ Seamless…LOL @rseholes 😉 Mr Pinky on the other is a most brilliant DJ.
What would be on your playlist, Si?
@ Viv, Mazzy Starr is awesome.
What’s on your playlist?
Pinky, aside from the aforementioned, I think good red drinking music may involve Luscious Jacksons Fever In, Fever Out, Radioheads Kid A or Cheryl Crows The Globe Sessions for a daggy pleasure. I am also bound to slip some Neil Young in and then kick out the jams with my current favourite Sleater Kinney. This will mix in ok with your and Viv’s preferences. I know you are a coffee queen so allocated that job to you.
@ Si
Lets do it. I’m so depressed…
Had a great 2007 Bird in Hand Cab Sav last night in your honour. Hope you avoided the debate lest you do yourself harm!
you’re right of course p!nky, i was being naive in my suggestion bogues would see the need to reconcile differing thoughts.
@ PB
We all over estimate the bogan ability.
Just had a flash: you’re standing in the middle of bogan central boutique and Diamanda comes over the CD singing her version of Gloomy Sunday – the looks on trhe faces of the femmebogs would be almost priceless….
or the song where she sings “She’s not ironing for you c#nt” up and down the scales and in reverse at the top of her lungs for hours on end! That would make their heads explode.
Yep, the power of D’s 4 octave range and non-bogans in raincoats and at a safe distance – it’d be like Aliens, only better …
or that bad 80’s horror film Scanners. This election someone needs to unleash the Big D!!
Just like this, sorry can’t work out how to get the video on the screen.
Exactly! I didn’t know that Cronenberg made that film until recently. Made sense when i found out though. I must watch it again. soon.
Or this :
The early work – Saint of the Pit
Checked a bit out Viv. The is pretty unique. Not quite sure what I think yet but the girl sure has a set of pipes on her.
That clip is certainly not to everyone’s taste! Her blues stuff is a lot more user friendly compared to the avant garde work.
It’s also about knowing the background to her work – that clip was from a show she did during the the first wave of the aids epidemic, her husband and brother had both died and the church at that point wasn’t burying aids victims in hallowed ground. They were marking the coffins with plague symbols! She was pissed because her entire social circle was dying and politicians (Reagan and co) wouldn’t recognise it as a problem and the church wouldn’t care for the victims or provide support to their families. Her shows at this time were a pure guttural response to the situation. Thats why it sounds insane!
The post-feminist attitude, I’m sure, would have Germaine Greer, Simone De Beauvoir and all the other second-wave feminists screaming murder through their blood (or spinning in their grave, in the latter instance), at how the current generation of young women think that in order to bring about equality of the sexes, they can act like those despised men in being boorish.
That was not what feminism, in my mind, was supposed to be: I believe it was there not just to free women from obsolescent, restrictive mores, but to also liberate men from having to act like misogynistic thugs and have them cultivate more empathy, understanding and appreciation about the other sex. That is my view that I live by, thus I could probably be described as a feminist, certainly that of the type influenced by the second wave.
But as so many other things that I am, I suppose it’s no longer fashionable or even something to aspire to today. At least there’s one good thing about being not of these times: I don’t suffer from de rigueurmortis.
Off TBL for awhile, just catching up – I am sojourning in the homeland for awhile to come and am ensconced in an ancestral manse to rival Fi of Too’s.
BoT The Onion said it best
@ baggy
Isabelle Allende give an excellent talk on this for TEDS.com
@ P!nky
Ta for that 🙂 Always have time for thoughtful contributions to important topics, not to mention her marvellously droll self-depracation to leaven the gravitas in her talk.
I was at Perth Poetry Club earlier today—just discovered a milieu of most intriguing souls that I can find simpatico with, as well as have a social outlet for my profound adoration of words, language and literature. I have found that a door burst wide off the hinges, insomuch as my hitherto-untapped capacity for prose swiftly gushing above the surface, copious. This has been a breakthrough in my recovery in my mental health; rather than purely be absorbed in the mechanics of therapy and lose track through trying to keep busy without a core purpose, this has reawakened a sense of joie de vivre and self identity, that was wholly missing in action, thus muddling through life below the mediocrity that I so rail against. Ironically, this came to fruition as a result of being amongst a coterie of highly intelligent and artistic types I’ve met whilst ensconced in hospital recovering some weeks before. Beautiful souls, to whom I am eternally thankful to.
BOT…no, not me (an apostrophe applies!), I mean back on topic: at PPC, we were treated to the fine prose of Kate Wilson, a poet from Bunbury (200 km south of Perth) and she gave a spirited recital of one of her works, “Sisterhood”, which was very warmly received by the audience, including me, being prescient given that I was expounding a similar perspective.
I too am glad that someone else is sufficiently disturbed by the whole scene of those particular Gen Y women who are quite fine appropriating the whole Playboy gimmick, not really appreciating the finer points of what it represents: it isn’t emancipation, but purely about selling impressionable types the whole (alleged) glamour trip and as I’ve pointed out before, the misplaced belief that by being as bad as the boys is fair game.
Is this one of the unintended consequences of neo-conservatism? Well, it sure isn’t liberation!
Here’s a fine performance of the above by Kate:
@ Baggy
Thank you so much for this!! I feel this every day!! I have a daughter, she is very smart, but “dumb’s herself down” so the other kids wont think she weird. I’m trying to teach her to embrace her inner nerd. That it will be because she IS a nerd that she will succeed (this week she wants be a vet). I try to also teach all my children that is action not words that prove what we are made of. We don’t watch commercial teev nor do we have trash media magazines. So that really cuts out a lot of the messages that are being given.
Isabel Allende is one of my hero’s. My only disagreement with her politics is that she believes in god. You should read some of her work, I think it will appeal to you.
I’m sorry to hear that your health hasn’t been doing so well. I too am having a harder time than normal of late and am still really pissed about not being able to go back uni this semester. Doc’s say it wouldn’t be good for me and for the first time ever I am listening! LOL
I don’t have any talent for writing, I am clumsy and wordy and too impatient to re-read. But I love to read. Currently reading Augustine Burroughs “Dry”. His behaviours remind me of me. LOL
Again thank you so much for posting this. I see, I am not alone. There are other femmebabes out there! WOOT
@ P!nky
I too have decided to defer for a year, not because I am having any trouble with the course as such, but more that in recent recovery I have come to the realisation that I would be better off actually cultivating a sense of purpose about who am, living from the inside out, rather than outside in. Undertaking the degree will otherwise take up too much time, competing with the perhaps more fundamental need for me to set my self-identity, of which I had slowly erode over about eight or so years hitherto now.
By cultivating a new social circle of kindred spirits—which was very difficult when one has developed a habit of isolation, as I had—I can rejuvenate my sense of who I am, my raison d’être, for which the foundations for the rest of the things that I do can be built upon, rather than trying to impose a structure upon loose sand, which tended to drift away with the gusts of misfortune. I attempted to do that with uni, but found that there was a hollow being in me, for I spent many a long year being co-dependent, having my sense of purpose contingent upon the whims of others. When those people left my life, I felt that I had little to look forward to, and what little I could do was tainted with vicious self-deprecation. I knew what I didn’t like (bogan attitudes and actions being amongst them), but what did I like? So now having an epiphanic awakening, allowing the creativity to flow and to be able to share has forged a compelling alloy, that far from being a mere distraction, is a strengthening force that allows me to get more done, as I have the core to set the concrete of my life around.
But alas, I’ll do it one column at a time and the columns of academe will have to wait in turn, while the lower floors of my existence are steadfastly erected.
As for the Question of God, well, I’m firmly of the belief that whether or not you believe is a personal matter; I have no umbrage either way and if it affords one a beneficent perspective, a latch to have a handle on in your philosophy of life, then well and good. It’s when people see it fit to proselytise to others in a dogmatic fashion, saying that my God (or not-Got, for that matter) is better than yours, then my hackles are raised.
As for myself, I keep an open mind: although initially areligious, I embraced Catholicism at nine when my Italian father remarried with a fellow compatriot (my mum is Anglo-Celtic), so thus to some extent, I am culturally Catholic, as Jewish people often do themselves, as distinct from their personal religious practice. Fortunately, unlike many others within the sphere of the church, my experiences were actually deeply satisfying, no guilt, nor sexual shenanigans and the school had a very inspiring priest and was surprisingly liberal (maybe the reformist zeal of Vatican II hadn’t evaporated there yet). But I too have a decidedly non-conformist view as to what God is: I do not see God as a solitary entity, and most certainly not some bearded old man in the ether; rather, mine is of what some would call the Universal Mind, the sum of all that is and the force of life itself. For all my problems, my religious and spiritual identity are perhaps the least tormented of all! I wish it
were that way for some…
That said, I am clearly not a creationist, for I believe that science is the unfolding of knowledge, a gift that is still barely unwrapped, thus reconciling spirituality with science. I see the Bible as a text that was written—by humans inspired divine—within what was known at the time, so needs to always be read very much in context, which is where I am in exasperation with the literalists…there may be many obsolete and barbaric passages that are irrelevant in these enlightened (bogans and the business communities (if dog-eat-dog types can be termed thus) notwithstanding) times, there are still much universal wisdom that is applicable, compatible with anyone of good heart. Just run it through the sh¡t filter and distill the pure essence is what I do.
As for the question of reform, bring on Vatican III and pick up where John XXIII left off—his changes, though to some degree promulgated by Paul VI, were subtly undermined by the disarming John Paul II (some think JP I was bumped off, believing that he was ready to apply the blowtorch to the benighted corners of Catholicism) and continue to do so more overtly by Benedict XVI. It’d be easy to abandon the ship, but change has to come from within the parishioners—I would love to see full gender equality in the ministry, right up to the level of Bishop of Rome (one of the Pope’s titles: would a woman in that position be a Mope, or a Mome?), non-gender specific references to God (I don’t really know if God per se exists, but I am very certain it ain’t a “He”!) and a full and unqualified apology regarding all of historic misadventures of the spirit, redressing their ill-gotten treasures and victims, all the while allowing clergy to be partnered (one thing for monastic types to be sequestered, but when you are dealing daily with the laity, you need to be more able to relate to their lives and participate in their psychosocial functions) and coming to full acceptance of sexual diversity, distilling the morals to teaching the value of any caring and loving relationships, regardless of their orientation.
If I had to nominate my heroes amongst the faith, it is the liberation theologists of Latin America, St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint to animals and the natural environment, of which name I adopted upon Confirmation) and Fr. Bob Maguire, who walks the talk with his community work and despite his irascible manner with John Safran, is perhaps the most youthful septuagenarian I’ve met and is grateful that some of us young ‘uns share his reformist zeal.
P¡nky, I sincerely hope you don’t hold my highly-hybridised belief system against me! I might be Catholic (taking in all that is good whilst discarding the bad), but not of the type that continue to further tarnish its poor image. As I said before, I accept fully anyone’s belief system—including your declared Atheism—if it renders them better people who live examined lives, of which it is apparent you do and that allying oneself with some religious does not necessarily make one a religitard (of which I’m anything but!), so perhaps just be a little more accommodating of those of us who are amongst this. We who go the trouble of seeking the kernels of truth by making the effort of shelling the husks are no better or worse than those who care not to do such and reject them outright, but either is better than just swallowing the nuts whole, whereby it becomes of little to nil nutritional value, hurts the insides while confusing it to be (moral) fibre and rather than helping their digestion and elimination, just leaves them anally retentive and full of crap.
Sorry if I seem a bit defensive about my position, but I hope you (and any other esteemed TBL regulars) can accept where I stand and that my estimation has not been diminished in your eyes. As DC Root (can rely on him for incisive perspective) sang, “Don’t be a Christian, be Jesus”. And that’s what many of those who follow Christ often forget to do and like I maintain, better to be an Atheist than a Sunday Christian.
@ Baggy
Thank you so much for sharing this. Very open and honest of you.
I wont hold your religious beliefs against you, I am an “Out Atheist” but I am also able to listen, I hope I have shown here on the cyber pages of TBL. Get me in the wrong mood and I’ll jump on the anti-religion band wagon louder and quicker than anyone. I hope you don’t think that I lack any kind of ‘spiritual’ side because I do, it just has nothing to do with a god or god. I find comfort in my Atheism, more so than I did as a Christian (defacto) or as an Agnostic. Knowing that it’s okay to not know the answer, works better for me. Christianity did nothing to help my mental illnessessessess but make feel like a ‘sinner’ and trust me when I tell you, I really didn’t like myself already.
T-Bott Wing-nut is a religitard, not you Baggy. We have a lot in common I suspect and just as it doesn’t really mean anything to me that my hero Isabel Allende is religious, I suspect that you and I could have a rousing discussion on the subject without it turning into any nasty.
I try to draw inspiration from people like Isabel Allende. I regret not meeting her when I had the chance. I had an anxiety attack instead. 😉 LOL (Joke…sort of)
Moving right along. 😛
I also read a lot of Dawkins (obvious) but also love Augustine Burroughs and love his honest accounts of living in the world and not quite fitting in. I also have a nerd crush on Sam Harris, Louis Theroux, John Safran and everyone at Working Dog. I have followed French and Saunders since the ’80 and am heavily influenced by some people I have been lucky enough to work with over the years, they aren’t famous but they love their work and they loved to answer my questions. And I always have questions.
Not going back to uni this semester has be bitter for me. I thought that I was ready to get back to it as I love the uni environment and I really love my subjects. But my health lah de dah! Story of my life. Everything takes me longer.
New post tomorrow!! YAY
I’m off to watch Gruen on iView.
Have a good night baggy see ya tomorrow? 😉
Shall do, indeed. I have nothing against your views, as you hold them from a considered perspective. It’s only when people promulgate them with wilful ignorance (as opposed to the mere passive variety) that is the hallmark of the rool bogan.
The idea of deferring uni was somewhat tormenting me, for I did not consider that option only a fortnight ago: I was stressing over how to finish the last of the semester’s assessments that were due when I became unwell. I was set on trying to complete them. But I had to focus on the therapy, and the thought of that hanging over my head was doing me no favours. I thought that I could have my stay at hospital to push the reset button, yet I already know the nature of my illness.
The clarity dawned on me that I really needed to do some more fundamental work and when I realised how empty I’d been, I accepted that perhaps I could lessen my load. But even that was still a source of angst! I know that I’ve been actually exceedingly strong in my grasp of the work and that I’d be a natural as an OT, but the purpose behind my assisting others had been hanging on them. I then found relieved acceptance that the job of reacquainting myself to my own identity will be a task too demanding as a therapy in itself to attempt to concurrently study, as much as I love what I do…I desire to be a far more solid person behind the future therapist, who’s self-assured and can be comfortable with themselves and not depend upon building up others in order to prop myself up: that is the reverse, aka co-dependency.
So I am ready to experience the world out there, doing exactly thus right now: I was earlier tonight invited to a poetry and performance art session at an artspace near Fremantle, performing a pair of haiku on the open mic, of which was the theme of tonight’s featured artists. A beautiful eclectic crowd of people I met too. There was also haiga, which combines haiku with a visual image that whilst not direct to the subject, adds a further layer to the work. Being a photographer too, this had instant appeal.
I am finding my niches at last and others who share similar talents and views. This is my therapy, folks. There is hope yet.
@ Baggy
I hope I get to work with you one day.
My plan is to finish my degree and move a way from 1:1 therapies into research. The nature of my disorders is that I find professional distance difficult, not in a creepy stalker kind of way but I obsess over finding solutions etc; I become so involved in my work that the rest of my life disappears. And as you may or may not know I have a young family and I need to get “better” (well as better as a lifer like me can be) and theres nothing that drives me more. Since SSRI’s have been around I have come along way but still the road is very long. Years of bad behaviours to undo. I often day dream what it will be like to go to say the supermarket and not have a panic attack. Good times ahead!!
I have a good sense of humour about my disorders, most of the sh!t I do is hilarious. My team doesn’t like this attitude, which in turn makes me argumentative. I may not be an outstanding scholar of mathematics or the Classics as our darling Fi is, but when it comes to psychology/psychiatry even my pdoc will hear me out in a considered manner.
I am mainly self taught, my back ground is in nursing (just a shit tradie according to Fi) mainly in palliative and Geriatrics. Love the oldies. Which is like running a duel psych marathon. 😉 But nursing doesn’t offer much in the way of what I really want to do and the hours and pay are too shit. Even though I love nursing, unless the pay and conditions improved no way will I re-register.
I ❤ TBL.
And let us not forget where Paris learnt all she knows, on TV, watching SATC and modelling herself on the slutty Grandmother.
Ms Hilton makes me feel sick every time I see that plastic vacant face on the front of the trash mag pages.
Is she attractive? Is this what men find attractive? Mr Pinky says no, but he has too. 😉
Pinkster, I say no as well. Her face is sort of wonky and she exhibits no external signs of intelligence.
Paris has a bung eye & an arse like a saggy octogenarian.
@ TheMon
*howls of derisive laughter*
I thought I was the only one who noticed the bung eye.
Maybe she sniff so much coke her tear ducts are shot ?
No external signs of intelligence, perhaps, but she has managed to get management who ensures she gets paid $100k every time she shows up at a party. For a girl who’s been disinherited and has to work for a living, she does well …
“Aye Captain there’s life but not life as we know it”
No she’s not very good. She’s like a stick figure. I kind of like how she doesn’t care what people think. I’ll give her that. And how the media just lap her up, she’s kind of a comedian and she knows it. She represents how utterly f$cked the media is. Nobody is forcing the media to put her in their content.
Nope, no fan here. She seems kind of anemic really with the sort of looks that take about five hours to put on every morning. She’s kind of like the Pacific Highway; well-traveled, full of potholes, long boring bits in the middle and the constant need for upgrades.
@ Si, Marty, & The Chairman
Thanks for that. What a laugh.
I honestly thought I was missing something.
…and she gets to party with Christopher Hitchens http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3405/3499375451_d9392d2438.jpg
@ Miss D
I think my heart just crashed to the ground. I would give anything to speak to him.
He looks a bit frightened though. Poor love.
Well, hopefully you might get a chance one day in the future, once he gets the all clear after his chemotherapy for esophageal cancer 😦
@ miss d
I hope so too. I would love just to talk to him. I think he is most awesome.
I am saddened to hear that my beloved Jennifer Saunders is also battling breast cancer. 😦
Anemic? Bulemic!
Actually, when she opts to go makeup and fake tan free, she’s quite a natural beauty. These are pics of her leaving prison after 23 days of no parties, drugs, or sycophantic hand-maidens.

Still a moron, though.
Yes, but don’t forget the fembogue isn’t one of *those* feminists – she doesn’t hate men! She’s cool, she can have a laugh! She loves porn and likes laughing along to whatever soul-destroying misogyny is hurled her way.
Such things as having genuine and educated conviction, a refusal to follow whatever shitty life-script you’re sheepishly meant to follow or dressing for your own damn comfort are just high-falutin’, ivory tower elitist notions. Feminism – the one that entails critical thinking and civic responsibility – isn’t maxxxtreme enough. Not for the fembogue. Appreciate, all, her feminism-lite stance: it’s the fad-diet, guarana-enhanced equivalent, best served in the good room with a Pink DVD and attention-seeking faux-lesbianism.
The rest of us weep as our ideology is warped like an Ed Hardy shirt in the wash.
Ed Hardy shirts are meant to be washed?
@ Bec
**Standing ovation**
Tony Abbott would prefer that women didn’t worry their pretty little heads about voting & the like. They should stay at home doing important stuff, like washing his budgies.
and now we might be getting 150 ‘ordinary australias’ deciding our climate change policy for us: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-election/climate/gillard-seeks-citizens-group-on-ets-policy-20100722-10mzp.html?comments=63#comments
I will use the carbon pollution reduction scheme as the basis for this citizens’ assembly and community consultation on the way forward.
Julia is still moving forward!
”If I am wrong, and that group of Australians is not persuaded of the case for change, then that should be a clear warning bell that our community has not been persuaded as deeply as required about the need for transformational change,” the speech says.
But this quote, WTF is transformational change and why do we need to be doubly persuaded? Actually I get it it’s like a double negative so the bogue will understand this. Powerfoxxs poli speak is coming along well.
It surely is a double negative so obviously it means nothing is hapening at all which sort of fits reality
“Transformational change”? Isn’t that a tautology? Then again, linguistic clarity is a liability in the world of politics. See George Orwell’s excellent essay written in 1946, “Politics and the English Language”. Still very relevant today. Orwell made the point that tautology, excessively long words, scientific-sounding vocabulary, etc. made political decisions more obscure and therefore made politicians less accountable than they would be if they used vernacular English.
That essay sits alongside The Economist Style Guide in my bookshelf. Indispensable.
Urban, also relavant, Dorathy L.Sayers “Freedom of the Press” also more recently almost anything from “Malcolm Muggeridge”
I heard that on the radio this morning and chortled.
I worked in a large corporate for many years and whenever you had to do something a bit HR-y or construct some feel-good bollocks that you never wanted to actually act upon, you’d organise a group of representative staff to hold meetings for the next 3 months and put forth a proposal for action. Passion was poured in, much to-ing and fro-ing took place. Report presented.
This then naturally sat on higher-ups desks for months before some variant of the plan (usually what management really wanted in the first place) was then rolled out. Result? We’re seen to be ‘doing something’, nothing really happens, vague form of whatever the required result gets a guernsey months down the track when everyone’s moved on.
20/20 anyone?
20/20 with libtards, *and* bogans. Maybe a few neo cons from talkback radio. John Singleton and Gerry Harvey. Inanity and pretentious posturing with a touch of the bogan flavour.
Aker has a bit of free time now, get him.
Kyle Sandilands. In fact I’d prefer him as PM to either Gillard or Abbott.
We could have an Australian Idol for refugees and let them in or out based on that.
Andrew Bolt this morning. The last line is pure gold.
JULIA Gillard is running the most dishonest election campaign we have seen in our lifetime.
She is promising with winks and nudges what she now admits she has no intention of delivering.
The Prime Minister’s key election promise so far is that she’ll cut net immigration, now running at an out-of-control 270,000 people a year.
Or so a straphanger on the peak-hour sardine service would take her to have meant.
Andrew Bolt makes me violent.
He’s funny if you don’t take it seriously Pinky. Should I lend you a glass?
I can’t laugh, I’ve tried. I love laughing at douchebags, but this dude just pushes my buttons. I think I need a support group!
Yes I’d love to glass the c#nt. 😉
No, glassing just not enough for this brown stain on the y-fronts of neocons. He deserves death by a thousand cuts from a glassed glass!
@ Andrew
Paper cuts and lemon juice.
you just hate that he speaks truth Andrew and not some libtard version of it.
@ Brad
How witty of you to call me a libtard. It’s hardly an insult. Thanks for trying. Good luck next time.
Pinky if i wanted too insult you(which i dont) im sure i could! Insults are for adolecents which is what the left-leaning personalities mindset is stuck in.Just regurgetating the same mindless fodder over and over again without offering any realistic alternative too the status quo,while demonising anyone who dares too disagree with them.
The thing is, that even if I were to offer you an alternative you wouldn’t hear me out anyway. So what’s the point?
I didn’t insult you by the way.
try me,peoples thoughts are my tonic and you have a lot too say ,in fact your cup runneth over ha ha.
like I said before, you wont listen anyway, so what’s the point?
Andrew Bolt speaks the truth?
He speaks his version of it depending on what the Liberal Party has released in the press that day.
brad, what we’re after is neutral journalism and comment. Not a flogging of dead horse.
Mick,So “liberals” are dead horses ? Cool !
Depends jH. Big L or small l liberals?
Well you see I always write it with a small l when refering to the conservative or reactionary side of Australian politics. I realy do not think that they are liberal in their attitudes and to have a religtard as a leader is just icing on the cake
Understood JH.
The reason I reneged on my bigL/small l question is because both lots are guilty of the same crime. They both preach to the converted.
For once I would like to see some intellectual debate that will make a light bulb go off in my head and go “ohhhhhh….”
No, I’ll take my last comment back. What I’m sick of is the lack of middle ground reporting in this country. It seems supporters of both ilk are waiting for the extreme views they want to hear.
i just want to hear the pros and cons.
Politicians ar like (diety of choice) when it comes to expecting meaninful statements about actual intended future actions.
You can sure do a heap of praying but i suspect you wait a ling time for a meaningful reply
What we can do is take part in the political process. Talking to mates at the pub,for instance, complaining about “Them” and questioning “why wont They do something” is all amusingly futile.
Join a political party, I realy dont care which and at the very least take part in the selection of the candidates. Then go forth and when you are up for it go door knocking and see how other people ,asside from family and mates, actually live. Find out what people realy feel about the party you are part ofand if they do not like it or some parts of it try to creat change.Go to reaginal meetings take up advocacy for some person or group on some issue that is important to them. Try to make a difference
These things are the nuts and bolts of politics and democracy as we know it or choose to call it.
Wheather or not you make a difference is partly up to you , partly up to the party and partly luck especially about what other issues may be consuming peoples attention at the time. At least you will be with people with an inside rail to the people in power and any chance is better then none which is what you have outside the system.
JH, joining a political party doesn’t work for me. I’d be changing every three years going by my track record.
Working with people, sporting clubs, charities? Done it all. I’ve met different people with different views every day. This isn’t my complaint.
My complaint is the journalistic apathy that is accepted here. I agree we should all say our bit but it’s difficult to get a point across when disengenuous ravings are passed off as informed comment and then accepted as gospel by the equally apathetic public.
You need to become one of the speakers if you are done with listening then speak,try and infor the multitude with your interpretation of reality.
To be sure we sorely need more people making sense.
My interpretation of reality? i don’t think anyone is ready or willing to hear that.
Although, that bloke down the beach who smokes too much pot always seems to listen…
a long journey starts with one step.
it was the accompanying illustration to the Bolt piece in the Herald Scum that made my blood boil today, it defies description so you will have to have a look yourself
I just saw it online so not with you there Dean.
imagine scary looking brown people with big heads taking up all the space on our big brown land
there was no credit on the illustration, if there was i would be sending the cretin responsible a piece of my mind
Well, here it is in its full glory:
That’s hilarious, and we are meant to take the Scum seriously?
“Except, the male bogan is already likely to vote liberal, after deciding that it enjoys REAL ACTION (the Hungarian-produced erotic video series, volumes 1 through 25).”
*Coke Zero geyser* Thanks TBL!
On a more serious note … has anyone else here switched off from this election? I’m usually a news junkie, and at every federal election since 1987 when I was still in primary school I have avariciously watched the TV news, read the daily papers and (since 1998) scoured the Internet for the latest juicy titbits about the election campaign.
But this election … I just don’t care. It’s all too depressing. The same politics of the lowest common denominator from both major parties. The same empty slogans that treat this voter like he’s a moron. The same oblique market-researched appeals to the basest prejudices of the bogan. The same very low probability of any sort of social progress from either Labor or Liberal. Much easier to engage in a competition to see who can create the most nasty and resentful Australia.
Any lazy two-bob demagogue can win an election by alluding to the bogan’s innate fear of anything that is different. That’s easy. But I’m looking forward to the day when one of the major parties tries to win an election by appealing to our sense of solidarity, our empathy for our fellow human beings, our love of justice, the better angels of our nature.
I’ve already decided who to vote for (Greens 1, Labor somewhere in the middle, the Liberals last). And unless Bob Brown is outed as a war criminal or Christine Milne is charged with being a serial axe murderer, that’s unlikely to change. So I’ve just switched off, for the sake of my sanity.
@ Urban
I’m following but not very closely. Mainly because if I keep too close of an eye on it, there’s a good chance that I’ll loose my mind and go postal. LOL
I try to laugh at most of it, but Andrew Bolt…
I’m thinking the same lines as you. But the desire to Vote 1 leaky cock is very strong.
Hi Pinky,
Glad to see that we’re on similar mental paths regarding not following the election very closely. Hail fellow met, we muster! 🙂
As for Andrew Bolt, I’m lucky enough to live in a state where his odious musings have next to zero impact, and we can breathe in peace. Thank $deity!
But I disagree with VOTE [1] COCK, Leaky. I’ve just come from “less happier lands” where the vote for who shall represent you is either pre-determined as is the case in a certain wealthy island nation in the vicinity of the Malayan Peninsula and where the local press never mention the opposition but to ridicule or discredit them; or a country where there is no vote at all, and no choice for cocks leaky or otherwise unleaky, as is the case for a certain small oil-rich kingdom that aspires to be an airline hub in the South East Asia region.
So, we should be grateful for living in a land were we have the opportunity to vote a certain party LAST, the leader of which posseses ears which look like a taxi with open doors going down Pitt Street and for which we have the freedom to call this wingnut what he is – a cretinous, ultramontane seminary drop-out with as much intellectual rigour as a Year 3 maths textbook.
I tend to agree with you there urbanreverie: as much as it may seem too easy to cast a donkey vote, I am of the mind that compulsory franchise is no bad thing. To have a vote is not merely a right, but a civic responsibility. And as much as I may cringe at what the bogans of various stripes may vote for, it could be like the United States, where the voluntary ballots allow certain well-organised fringe groups (often the famously disciplined rightwingnuts succeed) to disproportionally set the tone, capitalising on mainstream apathy.
OK, it may be often here a two-horse race between Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dumber, but hey, there’s a chance that a Greens MHR will get up in the electorate of Melbourne, now that Lindsay Tanner has picked up his bat and ball and called it a game. And not forgetting that this time they also may increase their representation in the Senate. And hope springs eternal that Stoopid Steve Fielding will most likely not be returned, for I doubt Labored will make the same preference mistakes twice with religitards of his ilk.
At least the fundies hold less sway now. Which is good news. Bad news is that instead of the them, the majors are now currying favour with the CUB voter bloc.
@ Baggy
Did you see the Honourable Steve Fielding on Q & A. Oh my I laughed and laughed.
@ P!nky
It’s akin to watching a car crash in slo-mo and that he’s the errant motorist, not pleasing to watch, so I look away. I gain little satisfaction, or comedy, from seeing types of his stripe make utter goons of themselves.
I’ll be pleased when Family Foist can’t muster the quota of preferences this election and disappears into deserved obscurity, along with his noisy and belligerent clique of clods, who’ve wielded far more say and influence than is acceptable.
BOT and Pinky,
Too many forget that democracy is majority rule. well they forget it as soon as they are in the minority faction. they then squeel about the rights of the minorities which truly are only what the majority deem. This is where they may be seen trying to establish rule of the noisy minority which is very undemocratic whilst saying they are doing so in the name of democracy.
realy screwed up logic.
A bit like Foney Rabbit , lost the last election because the majority did not want work choices and yet still cannot help himself . He wants to reintroduce it and will lie to do so. Again not realy the way democracy should work.
@ Urban
I’m thinking that I will vote Greens then do the numbers. In a vain effort of making some kind of stand.
My Grandfather told me that I should never donkey vote because that is an insult to the Suffragette’s who fought for my right, as super mega uber babe, to vote.
I’m interested in your thoughts of the separation between church and state in Australia.
All this talk of Greens and Bob Brown does make me fear for this Islands future(and my childrens)
@ brad
I only want to see equal rights for everyone. What is so wrong about that?
Isnt that what we have now?
Pinky, Urb, here’s one that might interest you – the Secular Party Of Australia.
While I wouldn’t say it’s the answer to all my policy prayers, but it comes closer to representing me than any of the mainstream. Not exactly a suite of rock-solid policies, but I quite like some of the the ideology.
Well it happened today, Abbott committed $94 million over 4 years, or whatever – to Border Security. Im sure this pleases the bogan as they probably do not see a difference between the television show and the Australian customs service.
Geez I didn’t know Grant Bowler cost that much, for that sort of money they could get Russell Crowe.
he he Pandabater, n then the bogues would want Rusty to get ‘involved’….
You know, tell them phuckin’ Chinks they can’t bring that shit, n snot ’em for good measure….
I can just see Captain Rusty, Taxion Man & Parrot Puck standing defiantly at the bow “turning around the boats”
Bogan bribes, now in the name of environmentalism:
$400 million to help bogans buy a new chevrodore… because a carbon tax is just too hard.
Bogans like Labor. That’s fact.
Don’t you twats get the irony that you are bagging the Libs when the ALP exists on behalf of bogans!
Check out the feral electorates and each one is a rusted-on ALP seat.
You’re talking bogan circa 1988. Aside from the fact that the two major parties have converged onto almost identical policy ground, falling levels of blue collar unionisation in Australia have not coincided with falling levels of boganity. The new bogan is a self-interested creature who will vote for whichever party is the most effective at creating a fear in the bogan, and then offering a solution that involves chest-beating and free stuff. TBL
While it is a fact that bogans like the ALP, it is also a fact that bogans like the Liberal Party. They also liked One Nation, and The Nationals, and I bet you could find one or two that even like The Greens.
Calling TBL “twats” in no way endears you to anyone on this site. Also, last time I checked, Toowoomba was in a very safe Liberal seat…
So is the government still going ahead with it’s counter productive and fundamentally flawed internet filter?