#108 – Two and a Half Men

18 03 2010

This show is in no way funny. This comedy is a misnomer. This programme is the harbinger of Armageddon. This is the Show Bogans Like. Somewhere, in a dungeon in California, a team of demonic showbiz suits sat down and plotted the destruction of television. Two and a Half Men emerged. The combination of Charlie Sheen – the man who married Denise Richards and entered rehab – with an annoying child and an equally annoying adult could focus the bogan’s self-love by having it assume that Charlie Sheen represents it, and the annoying characters non-bogans.

Offering a heady mix of gratuitous (implied – PG rating) sex, attractive women and fierce misogyny, the bogan’s trigger points are sufficiently charged. This entire show is built up around the cliché that women will reward you for treating them like dirt. Female bogans enjoy this show. The bogan male may try to replicate Charlie Sheen’s character’s success in real life, but lacking even Sheen’s hackneyed wit and  addled charm, it will only find positive results at the very, very damaged end of the spectrum.

That this show – riddled with women who are either annoying mothers, obese quasi-lesbians or smoking hot idiots simply begging to fall victim to the bogan’s (read: Charlie Sheen’s) wiles – is one of the most popular on TV goes to show just how many bogans there are. They could be your friend. They could be your neighbour, your teacher or your accountant. They’re out there, watching Two and a Half Men.

The presence of a neurotic and ugly, but vaguely intelligent character in Charlie’s brother provides the perfect impetus for the bogan to wallow in its own hallucinatory world of self-denial. It can now comfortably draw an informed conclusion that unless one is sexist, alcoholic, insensitive, and half-successful, they cannot conceivably pull chicks. Pull them deftly, like a Pamplona bull hooking a drunken tourist.

There is not even any need for comedy – the evil suits realised that the bogan, Pavlovian stereotype that it is, will laugh merely when it is suggested that it is supposed to. Instead of funny or witty dialogue, a deafening laugh track of hyperventilating Nitrous Oxide victims is thrust onto the eardrums of any who dare un-mute their television.

The show’s dialogue unrepentantly veers between sexual innuendos, hot chicks and a kid making sexual innuendos, to the rapturous applause of the bogan. The very existence of the ‘half man’ (a fine example of the half-baked comedy that plagues the show) joking about menstruation, promiscuity, swearing and other ‘adult’ issues, makes the bogan terribly excited. How hilarious, it thinks, that a child should not only be aware of such mind-bogglingly complex matters, but also have the ability to turn it into jokes. The show’s popularity is further aided by the fact that it is shown on Channel 9. Repeatedly. More times than Australian Extreme Police Customs Security Force Australia.

Now watch, if you dare, the excruciating, comedy free, laugh track-dominated turd that is Two and a Half Men.



337 responses

18 03 2010

Gold!!! Best post for quite a while.

13 04 2010

And how about the blatent promotion of alcohol in the show?..they must be copping millions from the American alcohol industry for product placement. Sure there was one episode where the kid gets drunk and learns that alcohol is not so cool after all but it’s feeble and gratuitous given that every other episode ever made has booze in almost every scene.
Tobacco gets a pretty good wrap in the show too, maybe only cigars but the message is clear, smoking and booze is cool.

18 03 2010

The same evil genius that shat this abortion of a TV program out is also responsible for The Big Bang Theory: think along the lines of Two And A Half Men, only with vilification of nerds rather than vilification of dorks. The ironic part is that nerdy bogans eat TBBT up with a spoon.

Both shows are dreadful.

18 03 2010

Chalk me up as a nerdy bogan then.

I watched the pilot of The Big Bang Theory a few years ago, cringed a bit, didn’t laugh, and then dismissed it.

At the urging of a non-bogan colleague I recently gave it another go and I’m enjoying it. It seems to have improved since then.

I don’t think it villifies nerds. Rather it feels to me rather affectionate. The only one that really cops it fairly savagely is the engineer, which I don’t mind (disclaimer – I’m an engineer myself), and I’ve met some engineers that have about as much maturity as that one.

Yep, they’re caricatures, but not in a bad way. They are portrayed as being successful and respected in their various intellectual pursuits. When Leonard claims the big bogan prize (ie the busty blonde) he gets there by being thoughtful, generous and friendly. When he tries to be devious it backfires.

Conversely, in this show the real bogans (such as the various characters bedded by the blonde) are presented as obvious dickheads.

Also the infighting at the university is rather dilbertesque, which I like.

Jim Parsons is also wonderful – one of the best comic actors I’ve seen in a long time.

18 03 2010

I second your comments. I watched the first couple of eps a few years ago, saw the executive producer was the same as TAAHM and dismissed it.

This is one of the few times that Channel 9’s bombardment approach has drawn me in. They showed it ad nauseum over the summer and now I’m a fan.

21 03 2010
Hulk Bogan

Eugh that show irritates me. If those guys were that nerdy, that girl wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them, let alone ( I gather) sleeping with one of them (?).

What a crappy, commercialised version of reality.

10 11 2018
franz chong

the show that killed Ed Phillips and Livinia Nixon Temptation game show is the right way to describe two and a half men. Nine gave us something intelligent fresh and new only to have it destroyed for good by Charlie Sheen shame on you.

18 03 2010

Tone – “nerdy bogans eat TBBT up with a spoon”; I’ve noticed more than that, actually; male tradies also find this show hilarious. They don’t understand many of the jokes, I imagine, but they seem to approve of the theme. I dislike it more than TaaHM.

18 03 2010
Nelson Esq

Maybe by saying they watch TBBT, they can claim that they are more ‘intellectual’ than their mates…

24 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

I have all the seasons of Two And A Half Men and the 1st season of the Big Bang Theory on DVD. I think they’re funny and I don’t care if they vilify nerds & dorks. It’s comedy. Lighten up. Oh, and by the way, I’m no bogan.

24 03 2010

You sir, are a bogan.

24 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

No, I’m fairly sure I’m not. But maybe you know better. I’ve never tasted beer, I’ve never smoked, I’ve never watched or played a game of cricket or football, I don’t drive a Holden…let’s see, what else? Well, I just looked down the entire list and there’s nothing else on it that I like or follow.

24 03 2010

Never tasted beer? Never played sport? Were you home schooled? Ever left the house? You’re not bogan. You’re boring.

25 03 2010

Mark, you drink beer not taste it. And please, for the love of God, stop watching 2 1/2 men, it only encourages them to keep doing it. There are many viable alternatives which are actually watchable.

25 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

I have 6 Two And A Half Men DVDs. And one season of The Big Bang Theory on DVD. Does this mean that I now have 7 drink coasters for my beer? Oh, hang on . . . . .

25 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

Sorry, I didn’t realise that beer consumption was compulsory. Same with sport. I’m a 7th generation Australian, so I’m obviously letting the side down.

25 03 2010

You poor bloke. You should try the comedy series Community – I saw an episode last night. Quite witty and intelligent and it’s even funny..

25 03 2010

Hence the home school question – kids play sport at school, you have no choice. I don’t like cricket but have certainly played it.
Unless you mean you’ve never played cricket or football by choice, as an adult?

As for drinking/tasting beer, you really need to get out more. Drinking beer doesn’t make you a bogan. Sorry to repeat myself but never trying anything in life is BORING.
Life < get one.

26 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

I went to a GPS school where you had to give 3 weeks’ written notice of death to get out of sport. When the other guys were playing football and/or cricket, I was driving a speedboat up & down the Parramatta River while the coach yelled at the guys who were rowing, or I ‘played’ tennis, which involved walking to Henson Park Newtown and sitting around doing SFA. Never played by choice is correct. Even now, I don’t follow sport at all. No sport whatever. I wouldn’t say I’ve never tried anything, I just choose not to drink alcohol, smoke or be married.

30 03 2010

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

18 03 2010

I call this “Alleged Comedy”.

18 03 2010
Simon J

It’s…so…un…funny! ARRGH! Unfunniness…draining…will to…live!

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Having never watched this show before, I dared view the sample you so kindly provided. I made it to 1:18.

“They could be your friend. They could be your neighbour, your teacher or your accountant”…. In my case, my mother in law.

18 03 2010

I got to “That really blows” before I stopped. How is a clear statement of fact funny, exactly?

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Because a fat kid said it. Der.

18 03 2010
Alicia - Sea Of Ghosts

Ahahahaha. Yes.

18 03 2010

I’ve been waiting for this post for a long, long time…

18 03 2010

Oh Charlie Sheen. Sleeps with whores then has breakfast with a fat kid….

18 03 2010

At least acknowledge the reference Troy

18 03 2010

I can’t remember where it’s from sorry. Otherwise I would.

I have been guilty of watching 2 and a half men on odd occasions. But you know sometimes I just don’t want to watch fat people or fat people cooking or fat people getting pulled up in customs etc

18 03 2010
18 03 2010
Nathan R

This show is so bad I do not believe even Bogans watch it. But then, its been on for so long that I guess somebody is watching… Old people maybe?

18 03 2010

I think its on when other networks are showing their reality tv crap, I’ve found myself coming across it because there was nothing else on..I think it speaks to the bogan who prefers sit-coms over reality tv

18 03 2010
Nick Buick

Get a PVR – it is the only way to derive any entertainment from rapidly deteriorating television. Skips the ads, gets all the good shows that are on in the middle of the night (like – Cops – god I love that show, so many methheads… so little time) or during the day (Judge Judy is a crimson-headed goddess), collects all the brilliant SBS documentaries that always seem to come on while you’re cooking dinner or out at the shops. Its funny – nothing I actually enjoy watching is broadcast in Prime Time.

18 03 2010

Judge Judy rocks !!!

‘On your BEST day, you are nowhere near as smart as me on my WORST’.


18 03 2010

She don’t know nothin’!
So she borroed me the money…

18 03 2010

She don’t know nothin’!
So she borrowed me the money…

18 03 2010

I hate to tell you Nathan, but I know PhD students who love this show. PhD students at ANU.

18 03 2010

James, bogans have invaded academe (who knows maybe they were always there, I just didn’t spot them as a student). Sadly my students (techies all) watch and discuss 2 1/2 AND The Biggest Loser.

18 03 2010

I love how many bitter teachers comment on this blog

18 03 2010

Not bitter, just sad that the future of so many of our students is so bleak. But then again, I am (apparently) really Fiona, Mezz and Loftie so what would I know?

18 03 2010

@Jo, God knows 2 1/2 is enough to make one more bitter than the morning sludge I consume that goes by the name of coffee.

18 03 2010

Excellent post.

You forgot to write each episode is an exact clone of the previous.

Charlie picks up hot chick.
The brother disapproves.
Kid makes smarmy remarks.
Housekeeper makes sarcastic remarks.

I watched a couple of episodes when it first came out and that was enough to discover the formulaic rubbish that is two and a half men. Flicking past channel 9 and catching a minute here and there these days, as it’s on 10 times a week, I can see nothing has changed.

Oh, I am mistaken, the kid is bigger.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

X-tremely formulaic episode structure is typical of a huge percentage of US sitcoms, e.g. Everybody Loves Raymond. The bogan naturally loves all such programs for the same reasons it likes McDonalds. It knows exactly what it’s going to get.

19 03 2010

There are two jokes too.
1. Things work out for Charlie but they don’t work out for Alan.
2. The kid is fat.

Although the second could just be an extension of the latter half of the first.

18 03 2010

2 and a half men is a bogan SitCom, but you have to give them some credit for breaking away from the old bogan formula of having a protagonist who is a working class middle aged family man.

See: Married with Children, Home Improvement, Everybody Loves Raymond etc

Now those shows really made me want to tear my eyes out.

18 03 2010

Funny thing is TAAHM has none of the traits of the shows you mentioned. The question is why is TAAHM such a bogan hit? my guess is either A) The sexist jokes or B) The fact that channel Nien advertises it so much that the bogan will take what ever the media tells it to do.

10 11 2018
franz chong

nine won’t admit to it but I know they are too cheap to invest in something half decent as a sitcom.these are the same people who for every big bang theory and young sheldon and mom and two broke girls old and new are also showing that kath and kim crap.

18 03 2010

The sexist ideals put forward in these American sit-coms always made me come to the conclusion that America must be really behind the 8-ball when it comes to gender roles and sexism.

18 03 2010

America invented feminism and the idea of women bieng able to work. Sexism is universal. The reason for sexism in these shows is because men are funnier cos they to goofy and dumb stuff more often where as women more often than not make the wise decisions in the household (i.e. the mum off Home Improvement)

18 03 2010

Good to see the stereotypical characters in these shows hasn’t influenced your view of men and women. People like you are why these shows should be taken off television, they’re creating an army of idiots.

18 03 2010

I thought the British had women returning to work before the Americans – during World War 2?

18 03 2010

What all the older shows have in common is a patriarchal view of the world, where the male protagonist blunders through the nuisance of wives, children, girlfriends and parents with humourous indifference.

The only difference is that traditionally these shows have focussed on the father of the family being a good all-round bloke. On the other hand TAAHM’s protagonist rejects the notion of family because of his poor relationship with his mother, and consequently suffers from commitment issues, narcissism and an underlying unhappiness.

This is why I think it deserves more credit than the older formula. While it’s still ridiculous, at least it offers a consistent criticism of the stereotypes it promotes.

18 03 2010
Cameron Collie

I’ve always hated this show and avoided it like the plague. Now I know why.

18 03 2010

I am going to say it, BEST YET. You guys really hate this show huh. And you would be justified. It is the biggest pile of turd on TV. And a couple of my friends think it is hilarious. I need new friends.

24 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

No, the biggest steaming piles on TV are the shows about fat bastards who have no willpower and so keep eating until they have their own postcode assigned to them; boring shows about alleged ‘celebrities’ demonstrating their inability to cook; deluded bogans who think that they can dance; stupid cooking shows that are judged by nobodies like The Fat Prat In The Cravat; Wipeout; any of The Footy Shows etc etc etc. I happen to like Two And A Half Men and The Big Bang Theory. So sue me.

18 03 2010

unrelated to this post however related to TBL


she is 38 and a grandmother.


18 03 2010

Living the bogan dream…

38 and grandmother… means that she could (and most likely will be) the youngest great great great grandmother… at 70 years old…

6 generations of bogan?? *shudder*

18 03 2010

I’m sorry but it really annoys me when people post stuff that isn’t specific to the daily post, but is generally bogan related. Could general non-specific bogan discussions be held on the “what is a Bogan today?” page instead perhaps?.

18 03 2010

Agreed (even though I commented on it)

18 03 2010

Isn’t that what the facebook and twitter pages are for?

18 03 2010

Actually I like a bit of randomness, spices things up.

18 03 2010

TBL posts aren’t spicy enough Simon??

Perhaps its because Fiona, James Hunter, or Shazza are yet to rock up…

Then – thats a spicy meatball!!!

18 03 2010

Actually James had a day off yesterday. I just like getting infomation on the world of Bogue and seeing where it takes us rather than being confined by the days topic. Having more than one comments section to look at would cause my head to smoke.

18 03 2010
James Hunter

My appologies for being absent,well more so then usual.
Maybe it’s the general crassness of the show that makes it so appealing? Must also be very confusiong to the average boag as to have to choose betwee so many ideal role models?
Made me think of another Bogan daily highlight. that also causes confushion. “The Lunch Truck” or the “salmonella Express” as I refer to them. so many poisonus cholesterol filled goodies to choose from ,hot and cold food mostly keep at exactly incubation temperature for mouls and bacteria.

I know its of this blogs topic but for some reason it just seems to remind me of it. .Maybe the same mindlessness

18 03 2010

“Roach Coach” that is JH 🙂

18 03 2010

I just don’t like having to scroll through unrelated stuff to get to comments out be the main issue

18 03 2010

*about the main issue (not sure what happened there??..)

18 03 2010

Here you go then – I actually joked about a Mc Wedding (Like the Mc Donalds birthday party) concept to a mate of mine a few yrs ago taking the piss and alas – Boganity at its purest!


18 03 2010

Oh Dear God. My eyes are bleeding.

18 03 2010

The scary thing is it doesn’t look staged. Especially the pic that has the staff all making a guard of honour with the spatulas. I wonder if Ronald was the celebrant?

18 03 2010
euro goth bogue


b careful when watchin the clip cinematic proposal.my brain tried 2 kill itself when watchin hit.it almost went into shut down

18 03 2010


18 03 2010

It’s funny that the most bogan radio station in Australia runs this gallery.

18 03 2010

Boohoo jo.. boohoo

18 03 2010

I am 36, and saw on facebook that a woman I went to school with is already a Grandmother – and thrilled about it! Wants more of her own……

18 03 2010

watch out for the TT / ACA story on this one… those big bad clubs with their poker machines made her do it!!

18 03 2010

Spot On TBL! The fact that it’s the highest rating programme on free to air tv in Australia is a testament to the sheer overwhelming proportion of bogans in our community. Scary!

18 03 2010
Shirley M

It is? Really? Oh my…. things are far worse than I could ever have imagined.

18 03 2010

Could it be anything to do with the fact that Channel 9 at 7pm has for as long as we can remember been Bogan Prime Time?

18 03 2010

don’t get me wrong I hate this show, but I’m glad a sit-com is rating higher than reality tv

23 01 2013
franz chong

Not Quite.7pm except for Summer Periods was Sale of the Century FROM 1980 till 2001.It all started to go crap from 2007 onwards when Nine decided to go cheap with Two and a Half Men and now the Big Bang Theory all done to death many a time over.Kerry Packer would be rolling in his grave to see what his Network has turned into.

10 11 2018
franz chong

mostly since sale of the century(1980-2001)and temptation(2005-2009)all finished up.we are not all parents with kids or the elderly who care for gutter journalism and as someone who remembers watching the 1992-1996 reborn versions of wonder world finds catriona rowntrees style of reporting more interesting even as a getaway presenter now way better than the aca presenters we have had in recent years.did they ever stop to think for a minute what the 18-50 year old market want.

18 03 2010

“highest rating programme on free to air tv” because there is nothing else on the commercial stations besides Home & Away and Ten’s latest reality show. If there was any decent competition whatsoever it would be taken out. I would hope.

18 03 2010

Any parent who watches this show deserves to have their kids whisked away by DoCS for the poor little buggers own protection.

18 03 2010

Watches this show??? By these standards, there are a lot of parents exposing their progeny to countless social atrocities on par or dare I say it worse than this crap. To fulfil such an agenda would require a much bigger Welfare Agency than Australia could provide especially seeing that the majority of Aust are boganised..

18 03 2010
Benny Hill

I’d rather watch this than The Office though.

I wonder if Charlie can blame the writers for him glassing his missus.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

I hope you mean the US Office. And even then, I hope you’re lying.

18 03 2010

US Office was pretty lame.

18 03 2010

Both the US and UK Office’s are more entertaining than TAAHM

18 03 2010

Throwing little balls of scrunched up paper at a moving ceiling fan is more entertaining than watching this show.

18 03 2010

No way! The US Office is far more entertaining than this caustic sludge!

What next Benny Hill? ‘I’d rather watch this than that stupid show about the hotel manager in Torquay…’

18 03 2010

This show is a simple bogan litmus test.

By putting it on so much, Channel 9 is making it the most accessible, and easily performed, bogan test we have.

18 03 2010

The worst part is Charlie Sheen is one of the highest paid men on tv he makes around $1million an episode. He needs to be shot and hanged. I had the unfortunate experience of living with bogans for a short period and they watched this every night and said it was “the only show that makes me laugh the whole time charlie sheen is sick as”. ugh its the only show ive seen that made me want to hit my head against a brick wall repetetively until I couldnt see or hear anymore.

18 03 2010

I must say I used to look forward to coming home from work. SBS World News followed by Sienfeld. Those were the days…

18 03 2010

All the main 4 characters on Seinfeld had a pretty strong and unique appeal so in turn weren’t co-stars so to speak.

18 03 2010


Absolutely Phil… you may recall Phil, that Sienfeld was removed from its traditional 7pm by Channel 10 to make way for a totally new and exciting television concept… Big Brother…

And a great darkness did descend…

19 03 2010

we couldn’t watch repeats forever. Here’s a concept; let’s commission or buy a NEW show! Nah, too expensive. Why bother? Australians are clearly happy to watch shit.

23 09 2015
franz chong

I agree.Nine had the rights to Mom when they switched to a one hour news formula from 2014 No what do they do just to save a few dollars not taking into account we are not all a nation of bogans or old farts or parents who have kids most likely between Yr 5 and 9 watching it for school purposes Put on A Current Affair.It saddens me to say this but they are cheaper than Jon Cryers Character on the now defunct 2.5 men.I say we petition them to bring back the sitcom even if it costs the ACA team and Tracey Grimshaw their jobs.Give me Alison Janney and Anna Faris over Gutter Journalism.

10 11 2018
franz chong

ten australia there after went reality tv 7pm for the most part.masterchef,big brother,biggest loser and the short lived taken out.it was like musical chairs.it was up to 11 to give them stability with mostly us sitcoms of all sorts amongst other things in recent years.i loved seinfeld but didn’t take much notice of it in the earlier years.

18 03 2010

Charlie Harper is the new paragon of Man.

A Man whose shackles were cast aside by The Female Eunuch and the second wave feminists that claimed women can earn their own money and don’t need a man.

Now Man does not need a wife because there is much sex filling the streets and bars and pubs of this nation.

Charlie Harper is the epitome of feminism. He is Man. Unwed. Free.

We are legion. Thankyou Germaine

18 03 2010
Bogan mother

My sister and my mother watch this tripe, I don’t get it. My sister is a Biochemist who is now in med school and my mother, well she’s lived long enough to watch whatever she wants but I still don’t get it.

18 03 2010

I don’t mind two and a half men, but that’s probably because I was forced to watch it on all those qantas flights, where it was the “entertainment”. Looking out the window worked well until even that got boring, so I succumbed to it’s mind numbingness.

10 11 2018
franz chong

I fly Virgin Australia to avoid watching such rubbish.you can bring your own tablet and watch whatever you tube shows and other things you like there.if one is lucky to get whats left of the jumbo flights domestically these days or an a330 they have audio video on demand currently.

18 03 2010
Going bogue

Confession: I do find Alan Harper’s character to be a riot.

18 03 2010

Jon Cryer’s (the brother’s) acceptance speech for his supporting role at the Emmy Awards last year was quite funny – saying he used to think awards were “shallow displays of popularity”, while now (that he’s won one) he sees that they recognize true achievement.

18 03 2010

Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer are otherwise good actors…but they’ve unfortunately ended up in this awful sit-com, it can happen to the best of them.

25 11 2010
Ash - Corporate Lawyer cum Lingerie Model

The cry of real actors stuck in commercial hell. I’m sure they can wipe their tears on one of their seven figure paychecks.

25 11 2010

charlie sheen is not a good actor. jon cryer maybe, charlie sheen definitely not.

25 11 2010

I want to forgive Jon Cryer no matter what he does – I mean clearly he was the hero of Pretty in Pink. But its getting harder.

Sheen, pffft. Everyone on this lame show is better than him.

18 03 2010

Great post.

Most hideous “comedy” in the turgid history of TV bar none.

No wonder the boges adore it. No wonder channel 9 was playing it up to 9 times a week.

I watched it once or twice and not oncd did I raise a smile. I get shivers when I hear the into to it, and get violent if once of the kids has it on at home and I hear that grating “MEEEN” harmony every time a bloody scene changes.

Encapsulates the fall and fall of channel 9.

Sheens is a wife beater and conspiricy theorists (loves the 9/11 whackjobs)

23 09 2015
franz chong

I agree this would have to be 9’s most disgusting attempts at anything decent since the very short lived Paradise Beach and Chances era of the nineties.

18 03 2010
Sir Danksalot

Please continue the bashing of other bogan tv staples such as Packed to the Rafters and Home and Away and/or Neighbours. Also – the Logies draws close methinks – this event covering many bogan passions such as the red carpet event. Who votes for this and how does the “winner” of any award on this nigh-of-nights actually think they are at all a success based on their logie. I am talking to you Rove – the man who egotistically placed his logies on display on his desk during numerous shows. The world is a better place for him departing our screens – I hope forever but i highly doubt it .

18 03 2010

Are you kidding “Logies draws close” – Logies is THE night of Bogan.

18 03 2010

With 1 hr Red Carpet special beforehand.. Once again, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!

18 03 2010

Night Of The Bogan… has an ominous ring to it…

10 11 2018
franz chong

home and away is even worse.how most males and all women can watch that rubbish is beyond comprehension.I would rather watch seinfeld reruns especially the one about the soup nazi or the cash for birthday episodes.

18 03 2010

Charlie Sheen, the world’s best known town bike.

This intolerable rubbish celebrates his reputation.

18 03 2010

The yanks make some of the best TV in the world, and also some of the worst, like this steaming pile of crap.

The worst thing about the show is Sheen’s horrible clothes. Ye gods.

18 03 2010

That bloody channel 9. Everytime I sit down to watch my favourite 2 and half men they delay the bloody start with some other crap. It’s supposed to start at 7 but sometimes it doesn’t start until 7.02 or even 7.04 and then they throw a bunch of ads at us. They show it out of sequence and and usually just repeats. ‘All new 2 and half men” my arse, that episode showed in the U.S three days ago!! Is it any wonder we’re all downloading it illegally. Screw you channel 9!

18 03 2010
Max from Australia

You are right on one thing

“This programme is the harbinger of Armageddon”

The fact that an MGTOW (google it) show is No1 in ratings here and in the USA should make the Niquaab retailers of Bankstown very happy.

18 03 2010

you could have easily typed in whatever MGTOW is suppose to be instead of expecting everyone else to waste time googling it.

18 03 2010

That irked me also. For many reasons.

18 03 2010

I call bogan.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

I bet Max of Australia also uses phrases such as ‘moving forward’ and ‘I’ll pencil that in’.

18 03 2010


18 03 2010

Lets put a pin in that…

18 03 2010

A great game of Bullshit Bingo can be had!

‘What we have achieved is a Critical Mass..’

‘Thought Leadership..’

I could go on all day…

18 03 2010
18 03 2010

Bread and Circus.
I thought it could never get worse than Everybody loves Raymond and then this fetid dingo’s kidney came along. Utterly staggered and baffled by the popularity of this thing. Surely humanity is doomed to drown in our own effluent if this is what passes for entertainment.

I lose a lot of sleep dreading the next massive sitcom. You know it can only get worse.

18 03 2010

I have enjoyed this blog up until now, but I guess I need to switch sides now. On Australian television, 2.5M is second only to Family Guy. (Of course, Australian television mostly sucks, so that isn’t saying much.)

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Despite assertions from my partner and others whose tastes I generally respect that Family Guy is hilarious, I just don’t get it. Besides the fact that it fails to make me laugh, I find the animation style really hard to look at.

18 03 2010

Family Guy is nothing but a knock-off of the Simpsons’ better earlier episodes. Many of them are almost shot-for-shot, line-for-line rip offs.

18 03 2010

This isn’t true, they have quite varying styles of humor and the jokes are delivered differently as well.

18 03 2010

South Park is better than Family Guy. Their episode about FG explains why. I do enjoy FG but SP does beat.

Dexter beats all though. Even beats Mad Men

18 03 2010

Tubesteak, you are nearly right, Deadwood is/was the best show on TV. God love Swearengen and his potty mouth. Just started Mad Men and looks really good so far.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

South Park stopped being funny many moons ago, but you’re still right.. it’s better than FG.

Straying off the topic with Dexter, though I must concur. Season 4 was brilliant.

18 03 2010

Shirley, wash your mouth out. I think South Park is improving as it bites deeper into American cultcha.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Yeah I’ve heard others make the same claim. 13 years of toilet humour have left me very, very cold as far as South Park is concerned. Besides, laughing at the Yanks is fun for a while, but eventually reality sinks in the laughter is replaced with tears for fears.

18 03 2010

South Park is good? I’ve tried to watch it on numerous occasions but couldn’t get past the poo jokes / level of humour.

23 09 2015
franz chong

It’s essentially a Very Bad Version of Peanuts that South Park.The late Charles Schulz would be spinning in his grave seeing how bad Cartoons have got since he died in 2001.

18 03 2010

I have to agree with the Tube Man on that one.

Dexter is an amazing piece of television. Fantastic.

19 03 2010

I knew family guy would get brought up here. Same lame humour as 2.5M. Shame everyone likes both of them.

Agreed on Dexter.

10 11 2018
franz chong

I prefer family guy especially the jokes about meg.if anyone here watches neighbours they took the now departed amber turner character but made it fun to watch.at least meg is hot

18 03 2010

I haven’t watched it for a while now but I seem to remember Family Guy having some pretty funny moments. Infinitely more sophisticated than this tripe. I’ll spare myself your video.

18 03 2010

I knew I shouldn’t have.


you think that’s funny???

18 03 2010

now this is funny…

the funniest thing ever.


18 03 2010


18 03 2010


18 03 2010
Will S

Okay guys explain this one to me. This show is on 20 times a week on Nein, yet people still buy the full season DVDs. WHY?

18 03 2010

who are these people???!

18 03 2010


18 03 2010
Nelson Esq

I bet the bogans never watch the TAAHM DVD’s because it’s on TV every night!!

18 03 2010

No they just sit on the bookshelf – the same way books do in non bogan households..

10 11 2018
franz chong

what should have been the thirtieth year of sale of the century/temptation almost a decade ago was cut short thanks to this taahm filth.i found the game show fun and intelligent.sure ed phillips and livinia nixon have moved onto other things by now but am sure if either have grown up kids would not allow them to watch the show even as box sets on dvd that wiped them of the tv at 9.

18 03 2010

My brain nearly trickled out of my ears when I read that – what a horrifying thought.

18 03 2010

It doesn’t make sense to you or I, but a bogan would buy a DVD of TV sitcom to HAVE it, for boasting or for display in its home. Bogan is estimably funnier (to other bogans) if bogan owns it.

18 03 2010
Right and proud

Two & a Half Men appeald to the male bogue because Charlie lives out his fantasy- hang around the house day after day doing SFA and still manages to bed an endless succession of hot women, and never have cash problems. In a nutshell.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

By that logic it should appeal to absolutely everyone.

18 03 2010

For all his faults we have to remember that he is technically speaking ‘acting’ and maybe is not a complete twat in real life. A lot of his recognition has to stem from bagging Denise Richards in her prime..

23 09 2015
franz chong

Idiots at 9.The day I heard Charlie Sheen was fired and they were close to replacing him with a News/Chat Show hosted by Karl and Leila from the today show in the evenings was music to my ears.I am disappointed it never went into production as this would have been the something fresh and new the network needed badly.

18 03 2010
Sibyl Ince

So, it’s 2010 and people (including some here, obviously) still watch American sitcoms?


18 03 2010

because in camparison to the reality tv and home make-over shows that take up most of the air-time sit-coms offer some mild entertainment. Its just a shame that no one can write good sit-coms anymore, gone are the days of Seinfeld ho hum

18 03 2010
Shirley M

They can. They can be viewed on ABC.

18 03 2010

yeah but only one day out of the week, like IT Crowd for example. It would be good if the ABC and SBS ran their good shows like that on a daily basis, in the way that commercial stations do.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Any sitcom of quality is generally only around 6 episodes per series, one series per year. Unless reruns are to be shown ad nauseum, it’s not really possible to play shows like the IT Crowd daily.

Kill your television, I say, and join the wonderful world of downloading.

I ❤ the internet.

18 03 2010

yes I have taken to downloading things I want to watch…until I get fired (I download at work)
I guess my point is no good AMERICAN sit coms are being written anymore, the few that are, such as 30 rock, are being put on very late at night…surely americans can come up with something half decent that has a PG rating…they’ve done it in the past

18 03 2010
Nelson Esq

30 Rock is just a Muppet Show rip off with humans…a bunch of crazy people trying to put on a show! It does have its moments, but I wouldn’t call it great.

18 03 2010

The Muppets were great!

18 03 2010
Shirley M

I’ll drink to that.

18 03 2010

Agreed. Such golden memories of those little characters!

Beaker! LOL

18 03 2010

When is the Librarians (ABC Comedy) coming back – Now there’s some reasonable non American comedy – It tends to derive a lot of it’s humour from the mochery of the very same people we spend the day blogging about. I discovered it last yr and it is worthy of a look for any of you that are convinced there is no alternative to what we’re fed from the US..

18 03 2010

The librarians reminds me of some of the people here when they get all anal about grammatical errors. great show though.

18 03 2010

OH! So THAT’s why I like the show – even though they never spell anything?

18 03 2010

I think it’s also time for another Chris Lilley series.

18 03 2010

There’s one in production as far as I’m aware.

18 03 2010
Simon of South Yarra

hey Jo, where did you go with that drink in your hand

love the typo “camparison” a bitter Japanese alcoholic beverage?

18 03 2010

yeah yeah the little red squiggly line already told me I spelled it wrong, by now you should all realise that I care not for very low offending typos.

18 03 2010

Hear Hear!

18 03 2010

Have you recently watched any Australian sitcoms or drama?

18 03 2010

Try Summer Heights High, We Can be Heroes and The Librarians – All ABC all Aussie. So much better than anything that’s come out of the US. The english on the other hand know how to do comedy – well at least they used to..

18 03 2010

Mezz, add Small Business. It’s deliciously dry-in a good way.

18 03 2010

Will have to check that one out.

18 03 2010

Oh yes! I just had to Google it but now I remember! Great show!
It’s been a while since it was on air?
You can watch episodes on this link. I think I just found another alternative to watching TV.

18 03 2010

Never though much of either The Librarians or Very Small Business. Chris Lilley’s stuff is amazing. I disagree with the comment that nothing good has come out of America though; I thought United States of Tara was wonderful.

I am guilty of watching TAAHM every now and again, but I realise every episode is pretty much the same. Big Bang Theory at least doesn’t insult everyone, and I enjoy that much more.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

I agree with your entire first paragraph

18 03 2010

United States of Tara AND Six Feet Under

18 03 2010

I prefer UK comedy (Fast Show, Goodness Gracious Me etc), but fell in love with It’s always Sunny in Philidelphia’. A great piss-take of US bogans.
They have just finished season 5 and doesn’t look as though it’ll make it onto our screens….thanks Pirate Bay…

23 09 2015
franz chong

I agree.Coming to think of it those shows excepted when was the last time we had a Home Grown Sitcom.I am not home during the day normally but garbage like Raymond,King of Queens,Becker and the rest of the old school stuff has been recycled like a million times over.A home grown take on say New Girl would be nice for a change.

10 11 2018
franz chong

most people now in 2018 still do.i am more of a food network on sbs viewer these days if nothing better is on.

18 03 2010
Dr. Lazlo Panaflex

Huzzah. Another great post. Be warned, QANTAS have been showing episodes of this show as part of their ‘in flight entertainment’. An oxymoron if ever I have seen one. Let me tell you, I now know what hell is like. Being trapped in a flying metal tube while the bogans surrounding you guffaw like braying donkeys at the ‘hilarity’ this show apparently brings was quite possible the worst moment in my life.

Add to this the fact that the cutlery QANTAS supplies is useless as a cutting implement. I couldn’t make my mind up between slicing my own wrists or gouging deep furrows in “Darryl’s” neck as he spat food over the headrest next to mine. I ended up spending a furtive 35 minutes in the toilet vigourously pleasuring myself in order to escape the pain.

A horrible trip. Next time I shall drive to NZ.

18 03 2010

What is most worrying about your post is that people were clearly laughing at the show, and I had always thought Qantas to be the least bogan of the airlines active in Australia. That is a real concern. That said, my last Qantas flight showed an episode of 30 Rock.

18 03 2010

Yes, no wonder Qantas is going broke…

How will Rain Man travel now?

23 09 2015
franz chong

These days if you are lucky to get on an A330 domestically you get Audio Video on Demand and are spared from most of the rubbish TV WITH Qantas.

18 03 2010

The oxymoron goes perfectly with “airline food”.

18 03 2010
James Hunter

what a comment from some called snag !!

19 03 2010

Touche’ my good man, touche’.

19 03 2010

Alt 0233 = é

18 03 2010

I’m waiting for Channel Nine to do the same thing with Top Gear as they have with Two and a Half Men and Gordon Ramsey.
Some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen on TV has been on Top Gear, but once all the bogans start watching it en masse on 9 because it’s moved from SBS, they’ll start showing it 7 times a week, plus the obligatory “Adults Only” Top Gear after 9:30.

Then CH 9 will get a staged “offensive” interview between Jeremy Clarkson and Tracey Grimshaw, the ratings will peak, and then completely crash as Ch 9 have saturated the airwaves with Top Gear, just as they did with Gordon Ramsey.

I don’t the TAAHM juggernaught will stop anytime soon though…

18 03 2010

Don’t worry about Top Gear proliferation.

The BBC has already done it over in the UK. It’s played a bazillion times a day on the digital-only “Dave” channel.

So it will be here. I think it is beginning to happen with “Go!”.

I think the producers of Top Gear know it won’t last forever (and that it doesn’t have that much time left), so it is being milked heavily now before it dies off.

18 03 2010

I couldn’t agree more! I bet they try and find a way of inserting a nine personality into the mix. Possibly the each episode will start with a 30 min intro piece from Eddy McGuire.

23 09 2015
franz chong

The show ended production in America a while back.I always ask was 9 too cheap to keep it’s commitment when they brought back Temptation in 2005 running as a long term game show keeping the sitcoms for the summer till the hosts got job offers elsewhere.

18 03 2010

Is it almost time for the Duchess of Toorak AKA Dwayne to make an appearance?

18 03 2010

you tell us, you and her are the same person after all, I assume that comment was suppose to act as some sort glorifying introduction for the entrance of your alter-ego

18 03 2010

You’ll just have to keep speculating on that one.

18 03 2010

And I didn’t tell anybody anything of the sort – I was merely humouring “conspiracy theories”

18 03 2010
James Hunter

Fi has been down at the lunch truck picking out garlic snails

18 03 2010

Love the entry! so good.

… and what is the deal with the pseudo gay relationship between the brothers?? It shows very traditional roles – i.e charlie is the bloke, the other one is the female (all motherly and caring and that) & they have a son. They bicker like a couple too!

18 03 2010

You seem to have analysed this programme in great detail???

18 03 2010

The jon cryer character is so camp! like really really really camp…its hard to accept that the character is suppose to be heterosexual

18 03 2010

A bit like the brothers in Frasier.

18 03 2010

yes that’s somewhat true

18 03 2010

I thought this kind of comment (taking 2 and a half men more seriously than it deserved) was reserved for writers in the Feral Scum like Robin Riley. There is much that was written there that was rather similar to one of her articles a while back actually…Hmmmm.
It’s a caricature guys! The show is hugely popular across a wide range of people which is why attaching solely it to domain of bogans doesn’t really stick.

18 03 2010

obviously a fan of the show

18 03 2010

Attach it to both bogans and people with absolutely no taste then.

10 11 2018
franz chong

garbage.sadly kerry packer died ages ago otherwise if his brother was the ceo at 9 in the years that followed he would have said get this filth off the air when ratings season 2009 start again.

18 03 2010

besides….. there is a general dearth of comedy in general anyhow. Unlike crime dramas…

18 03 2010

crime dramas… now that’s bogan domain.

18 03 2010

The fact that people have come here and defended 2 1/2 men sickens me to the pit of my stomach. It causes cancer and sucks your brain dry.

18 03 2010

I think I love you…

18 03 2010

glad to be of service simon.

18 03 2010

According to Crikey, 1 million people watched a repeat of this mess last night. That’s mind-numbing.

18 03 2010
Dr. Lazlo Panaflex

It is, consistantly, one of the highest rating shows week in, week out.

This is a terrifying revelation.

18 03 2010


18 03 2010

This is true

18 03 2010
common man

Untrue,with shows like spicks an specks/the hungry beast on abc an wilfred on sbs there is no excuse to watch such Cgrade shows

18 03 2010

Common man speaks the truth. Good god.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

A half-truth. Still… he’s improved by leaps and bounds.

Through all this speculating / bickering about what’s good on the old telly…. have any of you considered just turning the evil box off?

18 03 2010

Word G.

18 03 2010

The only problem being that none of the shows you metioned run 24 hours a day nor do they run at the same time as taahm.

18 03 2010

i know it is a thought likely too revolutionary for the bogan and likely to result in a glassing if one was to give them this advice, but you can always turn the tv off.

23 01 2013
franz chong

Agreed.But seriously this kind of stuff was only ever meant for the summer when the game shows were off the air Not to replace them.

18 03 2010
pinky has a brain

This show and all like it are the reason why I do not watch commercial teev at all. I stop watching it about 2 years ago, and it’s the BEST thing I have ever done. I am a chicken because I didn’t watch the clip. I was too afraid!!!

Great Post TBL

18 03 2010

Pinky, you should be afraid.

10 11 2018
franz chong

it’s rubbish.nine should have gone to production of the news and chat show as intended when charlie sheen got sacked from two and a half men,i remember the tv guides telling us sgoodbye charlie hello karl from the today show to fix their 7pm woes.sadly it never went ahead given they needed something fresh and new after losing the game shows in 2009 thanks to the success of 2.5 men.I found ed phillips and livinia nixon and an intelligent quiz show more entertaining than charlie harpers antics.

18 03 2010


Not a fan either, but criminy – this is drawing more anger than the ACA and TT entries combined.

That’s some hate!

18 03 2010

this is very PG is comparison to past posts

18 03 2010

Good golly yes!

18 03 2010

The anger quotient seems to be up though. More hate, less laughter…

18 03 2010

2 1/2 men has that effect on me anyway.

18 03 2010

BTW – Have you lost your zeal for glassings?

18 03 2010

Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen gets drunk
Star of a show, who’d of thunk
No laughs to be had here
Makes my stomach feel queer
Look out cause I’m going to glass the c**t

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Gosh Simon. Limericks are so yesterday….

18 03 2010

Yeah, and it was a bit of an ordinary effort really.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

to be sure, to be sure…

ahhh.. might be time for me to fuck off. What a lame joke.

18 03 2010

*clap clap clap*



18 03 2010

Sorry dude but did that deserve a glassing. I was simply being obliging. *Glass*

18 03 2010

And therefore the glassing I receive in turn is deserved.

You honour me with it, sir.

18 03 2010

Wear the scar as a badge of honour Ben, as I will.

18 03 2010

the glass thingy is gettin pretty lame Simon

19 03 2010

Brad, so sorry to offend your delicate sensabilities.

18 03 2010

Looks like TBL has hit the bigtime!


18 03 2010

the comments are excellent fodder!

e.g. “I found the comments about the Contiki Tours rather insulting and just because you have been on one or two doesn’t make you a bogan.”

No, of course not….

18 03 2010
The Boganator

Agree Alyssa, classics in those comments. From the very same one you quote:

“Some of us have been to a Place on A School Trip or a Family Holiday of some type as kids but go back later as 18 to 30 somethings”

Sorry for being the grammar nerd, but why use capitals for “Place on A School Trip”… that is a pretty bogan thing to do

18 03 2010
The Boganator

This one is even better…

emma of australia. Posted at 12:36 PM November 01, 2009
😮 just cause people live in australia dosnt mean there a bogan! and my middle name is chanel? and my mums not a bogan this is stupid.

Sorry to contradict you, Emma Chanel Bougein, but my dear girl your response has revealed that you are bogan to the core.

19 03 2010

she was definitely my other favourite. It doesn’t get any more finite than that! 🙂

23 01 2013
franz chong

Agreed Alyssa.I loved my Contiki Tours and have done three.No longer eligible as I turned 35 in December 2012 but loved them all and I live in a good part of Adelaide and drive a little Asian Buzz Box so obviously non bogan.

18 03 2010

Thanks for enlightening us all Mezz.
Slow coach.
The news.com.au article on the blog was in November 2009.
Pay closer attention to news when it breaks not when it becomes bogan.

Did you hear the news that job ads rose by 5.2% in November?

18 03 2010
common man

Jobs ads rose but position,s did not.The employment agencies are resume recruiting hence why you see that same job re,advertised after 150 people have applied.Did you not learn from mrs rudd,s mistakes?

18 03 2010
freud's beard

*smacks forehead*

18 03 2010

ALAS !!!

Last time I was back in the antipodes I had the pleasure of catching a few episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm (starring Larry David, one of the writers for Sienfeld).

I must say… most entertaining!! (no laugh track)

Is it still on?

18 03 2010
Shirley M

Curb Your Enthusiasm, praise be to the Gods, is still in production and still piss funny. It’s not widely played on television but thanks to DVD and illegal downloads, this is not a concern of mine.

18 03 2010

Two and a half men is a cheap laugh, as is The big bang theory and others like it. You can not expect people to believe you are so uptight that you can’t even raise a chuckle for said shows.

18 03 2010
Shirley M

I can’t even raise the momentum to turn on said shows.

18 03 2010

I think it’s about time TBL did one on The Footy Show….the ULTIMATE bogan’s TV show.

10 11 2018
franz chong

i cannot believe nine replaced cheers with that crap.granted something fresh and new was needed but a show about footy come on.and don’t get me started on the collingwood president.i stopped watching millionaire hot seat because of him.maybe older viewers don’t notice the eddie everywhere parts of 9 but those of us who are old enough to remember the era of sitcoms and cartoons before the 6pm news notice everything.

18 03 2010

i have watched part of this show only once. it was on for all of about four minutes before i begged my friends (who i was visiting for dinner) to turn it off. it was a mentally scarring experience.

18 03 2010

best one yet, great effort

18 03 2010

Just a few comments if i may dare:

1. yes! Sheen’s hawaiian shirts! cheers, i knew there was something else deeply wrong with this show but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

2. I am surprised at how unscathed Denise Richards has emerged from a discussion about TAAHM and Sheen. she is an awesome bogan speciman!

3. Big Bang Theory..the one about the nerds…it’s not bad. affectionate. harmless.

4. I was surprised to see the dismissals of 30 Rock on here. Sometimes the yanks get it right!

5. Agree that public tastes are largely driven by the programmers and that TAAHM could easily be replaced by something slightly better and get the same ratings. also would suggest that compared to reality tv, even quite bad sitcoms like TAAHM are sheer artistry. i mean, at least they have a script. also, the show seems to be recieved in different ways by different audiences. some may get that Sheen’s character may well be a description, not a prescription, of how to be a man, (haven’t really watched more than five minutes of it, so not sure how self-aware/satirical the writing is) but of course the bogans don’t get this.

6. off the subject…I don’t care much about who is behind all these profiles and words. Even if we have Concern Trolls on here (I understand this is the correct term, I’m new to blogs as TBL is the only one i’ve ever found myself coming back to), it’s all really entertaining and interesting

7. TBL, you don’t seem to do this, so I probably don’t have to tell you, but just in case, don’t listen to the haters. Don’t ever doubt yourselves – keep trying to combat Australia’s growing irony deficiency. (thanks to whoever used this term on here a while ago). This site has actually changed my life. I am much calmer after reading this site for a couple of months. I feel like TBL is fighting on the frontlines at the moment while i take a rest from wondering ‘if it’s just me.’

Finally, long before TBL, I remember the day I walked into a travisty/elwood/zanerobe-stocking men’s clothing store and the wogan behind the counter proudly told me about this new brand ed hardy and showed me some t-shirts. I didn’t really think i liked them that much so i just thanked him and kept browsing. little did i know the Age of Audigier had dawned upon us in that moment!

19 03 2010

‘Irony. It’s like goldy and silvery except it’s made from iron.’

18 03 2010

Coincidentally, just last night I ran a focus group where we were talking about TV shows, and they all got on the subject of 2.5 men, and how hilarious it was.

The presence of Charlie Sheen was enough for me to form an opinion without ever having seen it, but it’s only occurred to me after reading this post of the quality stock of bogans that I no doubt interviewed last night.

18 03 2010

Jeeeezus , US sitcoms are bad, but that seems to take it to a lower level.
And is it possible that fat kid could be the real life son ofthe fat kid on Hey Dad?
A fat kid multi generational talentless takeover…..

10 11 2018
franz chong

the british are even worse.so stuck up and snobby by comparison.i would rather watch older episodes of this,mom and two broke girls than any of that as time goes by or keeping up appearances rubbish.

19 03 2010
Dill Pickle

I enjoy 2.5 men because I like laughing at (American) bogans acting like bogans. I also like watching David Wenham play Johnny Spit in the courtroom scene of “Gettin’ Square”. They’re both funny in their own way. It’s the same as all of the wannabe pseudo-intellectuals getting on here reading the witty narrative for the latest addition to “Things Bogans Like”. You do it because you see the reference points, and you’ve seen people like that, or you know people who love whatever the latest post is slagging off, and you think it’s funny. Because it is. The show is repetitive. You could not watch it for 3 weeks and turn on the telly and you’d be watching the same episode, sometimes literally. It doesn’t represent the decline of civilisation as we know it though. You can still watch your ABC/SBS docos, debates and “cutting edge” comedy shows if you don’t like it. Maybe someone should start up a website like, “Things that Too-Cool-For-School, Pseudo-intellectual Wankers Like”, and you can put stuff like Safran; rubbish garage bands that are played on Triple J; Triple J; crap poets; vegetarian pizza; vegan food; slow food; the suburb of Paddington; the suburb of Leura; all of Melbourne; university lecturers; university students (the ones who stay there forever and never live in the real world, not the ones who get pissed and root their way through to a conceded pass and eventually get a job in the real world); live theatre; supporters of the Communist Party; Che Guevara shirts; berets; any Radiohead album after Ok Computer; anyone who believed the Strokes were the changing of the guard in rock; anyone who cried “commercial sellout” at the last Kings of Leon album; Kerouac, and the list goes on….. That could be funny too…..if you were a bogan.

Seriously now, Wilfred is the funniest show on television. If you don’t like it, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. You’re dead! It’s got drugs, smut, sex, filth, swearing, sodomy, bestiality (between beasts of different breeds), violence, political incorrectness. You’ll turn off the tv feeling violated. Get into it.

Extra rant points for using the term “real world” more than once. TBL

19 03 2010
Will S

The “rool world” would be a great topic for an entry. The world that people like teachers, doctors and researchers apparently don’t live in.

19 03 2010

“I enjoy 2.5 men because I like laughing at (American) bogans acting like bogans”

Wouldn’t that be king of the hill?

Methinks she doth protest too much.

good call on Wilfred though.

19 03 2010

On the list of things that make me ashamed to be from the USA, this show is near the top (below climate-change denial, but above McDonald’s). Sorry, y’all. Not all of us in this bogan-tastic country like that stuff.

19 03 2010
king ding dong

U people are fkd! Two and a half men is the best comedy on tv and the kid is the funniest child star EVER….you’re just jealous you are a bunch of fat, nerdy geeks who cant get laid.

Haha, if you say so. TBL

19 03 2010

ah, the ‘you’re just jealous’ argument. one step above ‘i know you are but what am i?’, one step below ‘i am rubber, you are glue, what bounces off me sticks to you’.

20 03 2010

Cant: n. A corner, inclination, angle, tilt, slope, etc.

Or, alternatively: An affected, whiny, or singsong mode of speaking. v. To speak in such an affected, whiny or singsong way.

There are other definitions, too. Go look ’em up in your Funk and Wagnall if you feel so inclined, but I assure you, none of them mean, “cannot”.

20 03 2010

Seriously, dude. PB is right.

This blog is brilliant, and I’ll take TBL’s word for it that TAAHM sucks big time.

19 03 2010

Misogyny is bogan (biggest bogan of them all Eminem is also the biggest misogynist of them all if you need proof). So is basing a womens worth entirely on her appearance. Two and a half men does that brilliantly.

20 03 2010

OMG, Eminem! Biggest bogan and misogynist cretin ever. Is he too passe with bogans now for TBL to do an article, I wonder? I doubt it…every bogue I know still worships him…

20 03 2010

maybe his mum just didnt care for him-misogyny stems from bad mothering and negative female role models in childhood

21 03 2010

I’d say misogyny stems from *perceived* negative female role models and mothers who don’t lavish the soul-draining amounts of time and affection as the young boguelet feels entitled to. I would hazard that most misogybogues are just bitter that they weren’t breastfed beyond the age of 6.

21 03 2010

bad parenting is bad parenting sweetheart,there is no perception involved-the outcome of this speaks for its self.I suppose it raises the question are bogans born or made?

21 03 2010

you seem to assume the bad parenting is solely the fault of the mother. i’d say negative attitudes to women are much more likely to come from the father.

21 03 2010

I think a return too more traditional family values and more clearly defined gender roles would see an improvement in this situation.

19 03 2010

And to think this show wins Emmy awards and The Wire, in my view the best television ever produced in America, couldn’t win one over five gripping seasons. Go figure

19 03 2010
20 03 2010

The Shield is better, i watched season 7 last weekend

20 03 2010

No AlyssaKT, I don’t watch the The Wire to get a ‘dose of reality’. How could I hope to comprehend the drug problem in Baltimore when I’ve never even been to the place?
My respect for The Wire comes from the quality and depth of the writing. A carefully crafted script that sees characters intersect at various points of their lives, and where a seemingly insignificant moment in series one suddenly has ramifications in season four.
Can I humbly suggest you watch it rather than just relying on a blog to explain it for you?

21 03 2010

May I humbly suggest that you reactivate your sense of humour? I’ve seen the show. Was sharing the article because I thought it was funny.

21 03 2010
James Hunter

Maybe Andrew could contemplate some wise words:”wit containeth an element of truth, wisecracking is simply calesthetics with words.”

22 03 2010

It’s unusual that he likes this site, which must be taken with good humour, but cannot tolerate the same in return…

23 03 2010

Not at all AlyssaKT. Self deprecation is one of our greatest traits and one I have in abundance.
Granted I snapped quickly; this was due to a couple of friends of mine rejecting my advice to watch the show purely on the advice of the blog you linked to.
Mea culpa.

23 03 2010

I understand, Andrew, as I would never base my opinion solely on the opinion of others.

19 03 2010

Having completely eschewed the ijit box years and years and years ago, I can’t say I’m overly familiar with this show, but going by this article, that’s surely a good thing. I’ll steer clear. Thanks, TBL!

Emmy for Biggest Bogan Show of All Time, in my book, goes to Friends. UGH UGH UGH. UGHUGHUGHUGHHHHH. Never have I ever come across a show that trumps it in the cringe-worthy, completely not-funny stakes. That show’s “humour” turned my tummy, I tell you.

24 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

I’m with you on that. Six unappealing losers doing tedious things. Sounds like a recipe for success to me. Seinfeld was the same, except with only 4 losers.

19 03 2010

You’ll all be praising TAAHM as excellent high-brow comedy… once Hey, Hey It’s Saturday makes its return.

Hell, even Family Guy could be considered cerebral once that drivel returns. May God have Mercy, and strike it off the air the instant it appears.

20 03 2010

Hey Hey’s coming back? If so, they’ll need to give Russel Bogue Of Yore Gilbert a big old make over…to render him Russel Nouveau Naughties Bogue Gilbert.

That said, though, I didn’t really mind kicking back of a Saturday evening to Daryl and co, as a kid/teen, truth be told. But I’m sure that was due to Plucka, Ozzy, and acerbic bugger, Red Simons, as opposed to the bogans in the audience and on Red Faces…

20 03 2010

I thought Jo Beth Taylor in particular to be an especially boganic kind of bogan. A little tooo ditzy for my likings.

21 03 2010

Im sure she would make a fine wife

22 03 2010
Mark of Pyrmont

I think I’m being insulted. I like this show.

23 03 2010

i love this show…. stupid idiot… and funny… these killing me…. hahaha…

1 04 2010

You have said exactly how I feel about this pathetic show that is labeled entertainment. How many times do we hear people say “I don’t have time to do talk play laugh cry create talk and play with the kids or spouses or siblings appreciate beauty in the heavens and on earthect ect ect”. Well that because your lives evolve around watching shows like this and calling it living. WHAT A JOKE !

1 04 2010

True, Tracey-Lee.
But saying “ect” is bogan… it’s etc.
(Not sure how you say it in your head but the word is etcetera.)

19 04 2010

this show is the most rubbish scum on tv. everybody i know exept for my mum, sisters, and geography teacher loves it. i dont understand how someone can actually survive watching this filth. watch something cool like scrubs, seinfeld or entourage

20 04 2010

I did not even smile when watching it

29 04 2010

I’m going against the grain and saying I love TAAHM. It’s got plenty of cheap one-liners that are easy laughs, and enough dirt to keep you wondering how it can be on in a 7:30 timeslot. You don’t watch it for intellectual stimulation – hell, if you want that, why would you watch ANY television? There’s a bit of an air of “I’m such an intellectual antithesis to a bogan, that I laugh in pity at anyone that watches TBBT or TAAHM – PAH at you!” in this comments thread. Seriously, if you are so superior, you wouldn’t be watching any TV! Even the news is just Hollywood gossip, bar ABC and SBS most of the time.

Laugh all you want at Charlie Sheen’s character flaws, both on- and off-screen, but meh, that makes me want to watch it more. In that sense it’s quite similar humour to TBL – a parody that exaggerates flaws in people’s character to make it funnier.

If you are so into an internet blog that parodies popular culture and trends in 500 words or less, by referring to anyone partaking as “other” people with strange tastes and habits that are totally unlike yourself, that you are reading this comment at the bottom of the page, I can’t see why you wouldn’t love this show if you just opened up your mind 🙂

29 04 2010

who cares?

29 04 2010

But Chub, you have to admit “…PAH at you…” is delightful.

PAH! *tee-hee* Try it – it’s fun.

Tom, can’t agree with the rest of your argument, but “PAH” is gold! Thank you.

26 07 2010

I always enjoyed this website. Many of the stereotypes are very fitting of recent times. The Bogans sure know how to jump on a band wagon – seems to be the common theme.

My family is the least ‘Bogan’ family I know of. Bar for a few relations overseas, perhaps.
However, I enjoy the comedic genius that is ‘Sheldon Cooper’ in the highly regarded television series, The Big Bang Theory. The show makes me laugh. It’s not mindless dribble.
The scientific references light up my face. In short, it makes me happy. Two and a Half Men has its moments.

But it is happy clappy Americanism at it’s best, after all. Contrived, and an attempt at glorifying the alpha male counterpart of an odd couple like analogy…definitely. But hey, I laugh occasionally when I sit in my one comfy chair, after a hard day, and my brain is numb and still reeling with all the contracts I read in a day. I also note the flawless comedic timing and hilarious one-liners the cast pull off better than most. It’s mainstream television, people. It is not an in-depth analysis of Nietzsche quotes.

My point, and I apologise it is a long one due to my justifications, is that you educated, broad minded, and perhaps even free thinking folk, shouldn’t be so quick to label people who indulge in such creature comforts, We all do it. Tv show or not.
I guarantee I could find something ‘bogan’ about many of you. Keep it light-hearted.

We really need to focus our efforts on vilifying the bogan who gets ahead in this world, with his/her bogan ways….

2 11 2010
franz chong

I do miss the days when Channel 9 at 7pm was game show night with Sale of the Century,The short lived Cross Fire and the Price is Right over the Summer Periods throughout the 80’s and 90’s and the revived Temptation when it came back in 2005 till the time that show ended at the start of 2009.

I would do anything for them to bring back Temptation or Price is Right complete with new hosts and everything and to see this bogan fest of 2.5 men go to the chopping board.

9 11 2010
Curved Slightly

here’s a new look on life, stop trying to push your views onto everyone else

everyone is different and everyone likes different things, if everyone liked the same thing life would be boring

in short your views and your imaginary god can go fuck youselves

But if the bogan is such a great advocate of diversity, what’s all the sabre-rattling about immigrants, gay people, mosques, and equal opportunity legislation? TBL

9 11 2010

I love it when folks like you drop by.

Don’t worry. There’ll be at least 2 hours of Two and a Half on tonight. Sit down, relax, and forget all about us.

9 11 2010

At least they got the imaginary god part right!

9 11 2010
James Hunter

Amen (sic)

9 11 2010

fully sik (sic)!

9 11 2010

fully sik! (sic)

8 01 2011
James Ogilvie

Two and a half men may not be the most memorable tv show that has its moments but not something I watch frequently. But Charlie Sheen has done some good films and was a good actor too. He was in a really good Scottish thriller film back in 1998 called Postmortem (Obit the name of the film that was used in the UK) which I highly recommend to the staff of this website if you havent seen it and also he was good in Hot Shots, Platoon, The Rookie and few others. I personally think he lost touch with reality at the moment and needs help.

8 01 2011
Ash - Maxxtreme To The Maxx

80s and 90s Charlie Sheen = awesome.

Spin City/Two and a Half Men Charlie Sheen = shite.

25 02 2011
30 01 2015
franz chong

I still remember the days when 9 came this close to replacing Charlie with Karl and Leila from the Today Show with a News and Chat Show.Sadly it never made it into production

12 04 2011
franz chong

the only reason and this was before 10 created the 7pm project for why 2.5 men survived this long was the lack of decent alternatives elsewhere.The alternative Home and Away is just a grown up’s alternative for those of us too old for Degrassi/Saved by the Bell type shows anyone remember those.

12 04 2011

Home and Away is for grown ups???

12 04 2011
Gold Coaster

Do bogans even have that distinction?

10 11 2018
franz chong

i meant the generation who were deprived of the american/canadian teen dramas or born way too late for that.anyone from 1991 onwards fits that category.how the women i work with can stand that show and one of the guys going on about how good it is makes me sick.I would rather watch a rerun of everybody loves raymond in the absence of something fresh new and different elsewhere.

8 03 2013
franz chong

If you thought Two and a Half Men was bad You haven’t seen one of the worst Australian Shows ever made My Two Wives.That was like the biggest joke ever.The Title is even funnier as it sums us Jon Cryer’s Character Alan Harper on TAAHM best of all.

20 05 2014
franz chong

It’s almost is at it’s end in America and about time too.How it lasted 12 years remains a Mystery.God help Nine if it keeps being shown but on one of their multi channels as filler.

25 01 2015

I have to disagree on the part that this is a show for bogans only. I myself watch the show when there is nothing of quality on and I do find the show funny at times and the the constant stereotype that complete douchebags can always gets the hot chick as well, because it is so not how the world works.

30 01 2015
franz chong

The later ones were the best.I can relate to Alan Harper with how cheap in real life most doctors are even though he is a Chiropractor.Off the topic a little If the best 9 can do at 7pm weeknights in the absence of Comedies is that rubbish A Current Affair They should be very ashamed of themselves.I can understand If you have kids having to watch it for school purposes but for the rest of us Bring back a Sitcom from any era to put on after the 6om News.

10 11 2018
franz chong

it’s a great show.I loved how they could take the old my two wives concept from the nineties in australia and make it into a new age sitcom for the world.how alan gets the cute young girls is positive,if he can do it so can many of us.

22 01 2016
franz chong

The fact 9 replaced this and The Big Bang Theory with A Current Affair since 2014 as early evening offerings is disgusting.They had new stuff in the form of Mom and Two Broke Girls.It would have in the absence of the Proposed News and Chat Show hosted by Karl and Leila from weekend today given us something that’s fresh new and tasteful plus cater for the non news and home and away viewers around 7pm on a weeknight.

3 03 2016
Mark Simo

There’s plenty of bullshit on TV intent on reducing men to “pancake batter brains” so twice daily at 8pm this is my man zone. And anything that’s 1) funny, and 2) takes the piss out of splitasses is absolutely fine IMO! Tune into talk radio or podcasts etc if you’re looking for regular sophisticated, intellectual humour. In the meantime fucking leave TAHM alone. You all need piano’s dropping on your heads!

15 10 2017
franz chong

Nine Australia should consider making these as Doubles as a news lead in.Anything’s better than that hour of torture known as Millionaire Hot Seat.The Only real bad thing I have to say about TAHM is it killed off Temptation which first saw light of day in 1980 as Sale of the Century from hitting it’s 30th year had the game show lasted and TAHM only been used as summer filler.

10 11 2018
franz chong

they started showing this again on sunday nights channel 93 i think it is.but the original versions.nine australia still show the ones with alan,jake and the guy who replaced charlie sheen weekly late night.alan cracks me up sometimes,things like how proud he is to pick up women younger than him make my day.


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